The Open Adoption Agency New Orleans Trusts

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we specialize in open adoptions involving infants. However, we know that no two adoptions are alike, as they each bring unique circumstances. Each one of our adoptions represents a new birth mother and a new family dynamic. Our team provides support to help birth mothers decide what will be best for their babies and themselves. Our team is here to facilitate the conversation, ensure the legal steps are followed correctly, and shepherd all the participants through the process as an open adoption agency serving New Orleans and beyond. 

However possible, St. Elizabeth is here to help birth mothers feel confident in their adoption process and connect with potential adopting families. From attending to legal paperwork and fielding calls to acting as confidants and advisors, we take our responsibility as a trusted advisor and support system with the utmost dedication and compassion. 

What Is Open Adoption?

Open adoption allows birth parents to have ongoing contact with the adoptive family. This can range from letters and phone calls to in-person visits. Typically, this looks like an annual or a bi-annual visit.

Benefits of Open Adoption

Choosing open adoption comes with several advantages:

  • Ongoing Connection: Maintain a relationship with your child and their adoptive family.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that your child is loved and well-cared for.
  • Flexibility: Customize the level of contact that works best for everyone involved.

Are There Open Adoptions in Louisiana? 

Rules for adoption differ from state to state. Even though Louisiana is a closed adoption state, we have the ability to set up an open adoption plan for you as an agency

Even if you choose to have an open adoption, there are still more decisions to be made. Every single adoption looks a little different, but all open adoptions with us fall into two main categories – semi-open or open. In both cases, these adoptions have guidelines that all parties must adhere to. 

Semi-Open Adoptions

In semi-open adoptions, our agency facilitates all communications. This means you can stay in touch through us without sharing personal information directly. Here’s how it works:

  • Communication through letters and emails.
  • Occasional updates and photos.

Open Adoptions 

Open adoptions offer more direct contact between birth parents and adoptive families. This can include:

  • Scheduled phone calls or video chats.
  • Annual visits.
  • Sharing milestones and meaningful moments.

Does St. Elizabeth Offer Closed Adoptions?

Closed adoptions mean no contact between the birth parents and adoptive family after placement. Of course, this is still an option because St. Elizabeth Foundation wants what is best for your unique situation. Sometimes, this is the best choice. 

Which Kind of Adoption Is Right for You?

As we said earlier, no two adoptions are the same. Every birth mother has her reasons for choosing adoption. Because our birth mothers are making such an incredibly loving choice, they determine the type of adoption they want for their baby. 

For most families, open adoptions are the most successful and rewarding. Many people find that open adoption results in more people loving their baby. Everyone wants the same thing: the best possible life for their baby. 

How To Get Started With Our Open Adoption Agency in New Orleans

  • Contact Us: Reach out through our website or call us at 225-769-8888. We’re here to answer your questions.
  • Meet with a Counselor: Discuss your options and create a personalized adoption plan.
  • Choose the Adoptive Family: Review profiles of prospective families and select the one that feels right for you.
  • Finalize the Plan: Work with us to finalize the adoption process legally and emotionally.

Support for Birth Mothers

We understand that this decision is incredibly personal and emotional. St. Elizabeth Foundation offers:

  • Counseling Services: Emotional support throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
  • Legal Assistance: Help with all legal paperwork to ensure everything is done correctly.
  • Financial Aid: Assistance with living, medical, and legal expenses.

Real Stories From Our Community

A Journey of Love — Michelle’s Story

“Upon entering the building, they were very understanding. There was no judgment. They were there to help… I just wanted to hang out there all day because there was a comfort about it that I knew these folks knew what they were doing, and like I said, there was never any judgment. So I felt safe.” Michelle, Birth Mother 

Building Families- Tiffany’s Experience

“Thank you, St. Elizabeth, for truly guiding us through this somewhat stressful process but making it the least stressful possible for us… You listened to us, waited for us, and fully supported us through the process.” Tiffany, Adoptive Mother  

Contact Your Open Adoption Agency in New Orleans Today

For over 30 years, St. Elizabeth Foundation has helped place more than 600 babies with loving families. Our open adoption agency in New Orleans also supported hundreds of pregnant women through their unique journeys. Whether you’re certain about adoption or just exploring, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more by calling 225-769-8888 or sending us a message online

What A Baby Adoption Agency Can Do for YOU

How Do Adoptions Work? 

Choosing to place your baby for adoption is a brave and selfless decision. Finding the right adoption agency near New Orleans can help take stress off your shoulders throughout the process. With comprehensive support and guidance, St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you navigate each decision and detail. Let’s dive deeper into adoption, our agency’s step-by-step process, and what birth mothers should know.

What Birth Mothers Need To Know

If you have an unexpected pregnancy, you might be considering adoption. Adoption is the legal process of placing a child with non-biological parents, providing the child with a loving and stable home. This can be performed by an adoption agency or an adoption attorney. However, choosing an adoption agency can give you the help and support you might not even know you need.

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our adoption agency serves New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the rest of the state. We connect birth mothers with couples ready to open their hearts and homes to a new baby. From counseling, and planning to financial aid, we make sure that birth mothers have the support they need during their pregnancies and beyond.

The Adoption Process

While every birth mother’s journey is unique, St. Elizabeth Foundation provides a seven-step adoption process to help make the process easier. However, when you partner with our adoption agency near New Orleans, you are the one in charge. From start to finish, we empower you to make the decisions that are best for you and your baby.

The Seven Steps of Our Adoption Process

1. You Contact St. Elizabeth Foundation

Even if you’re still unsure if you want to choose adoption, you can still contact us. There’s no pressure from our agency to make a decision. We’re here to help you determine what’s best for you and your baby.

2. You Meet With One of Our Counselors

We understand how challenging this decision is. Whether you are surrounded by friends and family or are searching for a listening ear, our team provides the compassion and support you deserve. 

3. You Explore Family Profiles and Choose an Adoptive Family

We have many caring families ready to parent your child. It’s our job to make sure each of these adoptive families can provide your baby with a safe and loving home. That’s why every family goes through a long and detailed screening process.  

4. You Get the Pregnancy Assistance You Need

Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring you receive the help you need during your adoption. St. Elizabeth Foundation can help provide financial assistance with living, medical, legal, and counseling costs.

5. You Deliver Your Baby

You will have power over every decision for your birth plan and at the hospital. We want you to feel confident and comfortable with the process. 

6. We Help Finalize Your Adoption Plan

You choose whether you want an open adoption, semi-open, or closed adoption. Whatever your decision, we help you and your chosen family finalize your adoption plan. 

7. You Meet for Post-Placement Counseling

We understand that a birth mother’s journey doesn’t stop after the baby is born. That’s why we’re here for continued counseling and emotional support.  

Searching for an Adoption Agency Near New Orleans? We’re Here to Help

As an adoption agency, our main priority is taking care of our birth mothers. Get in touch with us to see how we can help you. Remember, there is absolutely no pressure to make up your mind immediately. We’re just here to help you decide what’s best for you and your baby. Additionally, every conversation we have is completely confidential. Let us answer all of your questions, explain the adoption process, and encourage you. Overall, we want you to know that you’re in control, you have options, and you’re stronger than you think.

Call us at 225-769-8888 or message us with any questions. While we are based in Baton Rouge, our adoption agency helps women in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana with their adoption journey. When you’re ready, we are here for you.

Demystifying 4 Adoption Myths for Adopting Parents

As you begin researching adoption, there are several adoption myths you may find online. Don’t let these take away from your excitement or discourage you from certain aspects of parenting! At St Elizabeth Foundation, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the adoption process. Let us demystify some of these adoption myths for you.

Myth 1: Most Adoptions Are Closed

Contrary to popular belief, most adoptions are not closed. Due to media portrayals, many people think that closed adoptions are the norm. However, closed adoptions only account for 5% of modern adoptions. The majority are either open or semi-open.

In an open adoption, birth parents can have direct contact with the adoptive family through letters, phone calls, emails, or in-person visits. Semi-open adoptions involve mediated communication facilitated by agencies like St. Elizabeth Foundation.

If you prefer a closed adoption, that’s entirely your choice. We strongly encourage open adoptions when it is in the best interest of all members of the adoption triad. Our counselors can provide detailed insights into each option, helping you decide what’s best for you and your child.

Myth 2: Open Adoptions Are Too Vulnerable

Open adoption is one in which the birth mother or parents keep close communication with the adoptive family. This may include writing letters or emails to their child, sending texts, making phone calls, or having in-person visits. 

For the adopting family, this can appear on the surface to be an area of vulnerability. Remember that both the birth parents and adoptive parents can play essential roles in the child’s development. 

Both parties can work together to provide the child with the best, most nurturing upbringing possible. Our caring team at St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you understand and navigate open adoption after your placement finalization.

Myth 3: I Should Wait to Tell My Child They’re Adopted

Many adoptive parents worry about when and how to tell their child about their adoption, fearing it might cause confusion or tension. However, being open from the start can benefit the child’s development. Sharing this information early on often fosters a healthy relationship between the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents. 

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we specialize in open adoptions and can help build strong connections between birth mothers and adoptive families. Don’t worry about stepping through this process alone. We’re here to help!

Myth 4: Transracial Adoptions Are Too Complicated

Some parents are concerned about adopting outside of their race. However, transracial adoptions can be successful when the needs of the children are being met. It’s all about openly discussing and ensuring your child doesn’t feel isolated or uncared for. Avoiding race altogether can create several problems. 

Examples of this include health and care needs. Take hair, for example. The care that needs to go into your child’s hair may differ exponentially from your own if they are of a different race, as there are differences in texture, moisture retention, and even color since some hair colors have their own needs. However, these needs can be met with proper dedication, which means learning how to care for your child properly. 

Avoiding conversations about ethnicity can also make your child feel racially isolated, creating identity issues. Open discussions can help ease this feeling and make them feel more comfortable with themselves. 

No matter the situation, every adoption has challenges. But with assistance from our agency, we can help you find the right path for you and your family. Don’t let unnecessary adoption myths ruin your mindset.

Brush Off the Adoption Myths & Start Your Journey

Don’t let these adoption myths stop you from exploring the beautiful path of adoption. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are here to provide you with accurate information and support every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about adoption, ask your questions, and find real answers to ease your worries. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message to begin your adoption journey today.

Is It Hard to Find Supportive Adoptive Parents?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, the thoughts and decisions about the future can feel overwhelming. If you’re considering adoption, you may wonder about the process of finding a family for your child. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand these concerns and are here to guide you on how to find supportive adoptive parents in Lake Charles.

Understanding Your Adoption Options

St. Elizabeth Foundation offers different types of adoptions, including open, semi-open, and closed adoptions. Each provides various levels of communication and interaction with the adoptive family. This flexibility ensures you can choose the type of relationship you feel most comfortable with.

  • Open Adoption: Allows for direct contact with the adoptive family, including in-person visits, if agreed to by all parties. 
  • Semi-Open Adoption: Facilitates communication through letters, phone calls, and emails, helping maintain privacy while allowing for a connection.
  • Closed Adoption: Offers complete confidentiality with no contact post-adoption, though medical history can be shared.

The Process of Finding a Family

St. Elizabeth’s has placed many babies into loving homes. Our experienced staff assists you every step of the way, ensuring your wishes and needs are respected. Our counselors provide information and support from your first contact with us, helping you explore your options without pressure or unnecessary stress about how you can find the right adoptive parents. 

You have the opportunity to choose the adoptive family based on your preferences as we present you with family profiles created by prospective adoptive parents detailing their lives and their longing to adopt. 

Depending on the type of adoption you choose, St. Elizabeth Foundation can also help facilitate initial meetings and ongoing communication with the adoptive family, creating a supportive environment for everyone involved.

What Birth Mothers Should Look for in Adoptive Parents’ Profiles

Choosing the right adoptive family for your child is a deeply personal and significant decision. If you are wondering how to pick the right profile of potential adoptive parents, here are some aspects to consider when reviewing their profiles:

  • Values and Beliefs: Look for families whose values resonate with your own. How do the values of the adoptive parents match your own? This includes their approach to parenting, religious beliefs, and general outlook on life. Understanding a family’s core principles can give you peace of mind about your child’s upbringing.
  • Family Dynamics: Consider the family structure and relationships. Do they have other children, and how might siblings play a role in your child’s life?
  • Lifestyle and Interests: Reflect on the daily life and hobbies of the adoptive parents. Families who enjoy activities you value may offer the lifestyle you envision for your child. Whether outdoor adventures, educational pursuits, or cultural activities, these interests could significantly shape your child’s experiences.
  • Support System: Assess the extended family and community support available to the adoptive parents. A strong support network can provide additional love and stability for your child, enriching their life with various positive influences.
  • Commitment to Openness: If you prefer an open or semi-open adoption, look for families eager to maintain communication and build relationships with you. Understanding their willingness and enthusiasm for openness can ensure a healthier and more connected adoption experience for all parties.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can feel confident in making an informed choice that aligns with your hopes and dreams for your child’s future. Remember, our team at St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you every step of the way, providing the guidance and reassurance needed during this journey.

Real Stories From Birth Mothers

Ashley, a birth mother who found adoptive parents through St. Elizabeth Foundation, shares her story: “When I got Tina and Ryan’s profile… it just clicked. I knew they were the right people to raise my son.”

Still Have Concerns About How to Find the Perfect Adoptive Parents?

If you’re considering adoption and looking to find adoptive parents in Lake Charles, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you. We invite you to contact us by calling 225-769-8888 or sending us a message online. Our team is ready to assist you with compassion, respect, and confidentiality. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be happy to help however possible on your adoption journey.

Transitioning Into Parenthood: Advice for People Looking to Adopt

The path to adopted parenthood is marked by patience, understanding, and the commitment to nurture a baby into a loving family. For people looking to adopt near New Orleans, the road from deciding to adopt to bringing a little one home is rich with emotions and experiences that require care and support. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are here to provide guidance throughout your adoption journey. Whether you’re beginning your adoption application or eagerly preparing for that life-changing day when your family expands, these tips can smooth your transition into adoptive parenthood. 

Tips for During the Adoption Process

1. Be Patient With the Process

Our first advice when starting the adoption process is to be patient. The adoption process can take some time to complete. Legalities, paperwork, and finding the right connection with a child for adoption can take time.

However, persistence plays a role in the process, too. Keep communication open with your agency and continue preparing for your baby’s arrival. Remember—every challenge you overcome is a step closer to holding your little one in your arms.

For people looking to adopt in New Orleans, these guides can help you through the planning and preparation stages of the adoption process:

2. Understand Your Baby’s Background

An essential aspect of the adoption process is learning about the baby you are welcoming into your life. Should their birth mother decide on an open adoption, it’s a chance to respectfully engage with her and learn about her desires for the child’s future. This knowledge aids in creating an environment that honors the baby’s background and the connection they maintain with their birth family. 

3. Build a Strong Support System

Adoption isn’t something parents have to go through alone. Put together a support network of family and friends who can offer guidance, share in the joys, and provide a safety net as you transition into parenthood. These individuals can offer strength and understanding during the adoption process and in the years to come as you raise your child.

Tips for After the Adoption

1. Plan for a Calm First Day at Home

The first day your new family member arrives is joyful and exciting. However, keeping the environment as calm as possible for your new baby is also essential. Limit the crowd and allow your child to adjust to their new surroundings at their own pace. This also lets you treasure every moment spent with your new baby.

2. Remember That Bonding Time is Precious

Every moment you spend bonding with your baby is important. For example, skin-to-skin contact has a variety of health benefits. Not only is it a chance to bond in a heartfelt way with your baby, but it can also lead to:

  • Healthier heart rates
  • Improved mental development
  • Better sleep
  • And more 

Whether it’s through physical contact, lullabies, or gazing into each other’s eyes, this shared time creates the foundation of a deep and lasting connection.

3. Gently Acclimate Your Immediate Family

If you have other children, preparing them for the adoption of their new sibling is crucial. Ensure they also get the chance to bond with their new brother or sister and make them feel included in the process. Don’t forget to have dedicated one-on-one time with your children after bringing home your new baby to help them feel safe, cared for, and free to ask questions.

4. Be Kind to Yourself As You Adjust

Adoption is an adjustment for first-time and seasoned parents alike. This new season can come with a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. Be kind to yourself as you adapt to your new roles and cherish every milestone, no matter how small. Remember—the beginning is a time of growth and learning for you and for your baby.

People Looking to Adopt in New Orleans Can Start the Journey at St. Elizabeth Foundation

Choosing adoption is a big step, but you’re not alone. Building a loving home takes time and patience, but every smile and hug from your child makes it worth it. People looking to adopt in New Orleans can take the next step by contacting St. Elizabeth Foundation. Give us a call at 225-769-8888 or message us online. Our team is ready to answer any questions, help you begin your application, and offer guidance during your transition. 

How People Looking to Adopt Connect with Birth Mothers

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the complexity and emotions involved in the decision of placing a child for adoption. Our mission is to help birth mothers find people looking to adopt in Shreveport, providing a supportive environment throughout the process. Learn more about the adoption process, what choices are available to you, and how our team at St. Elizabeth Foundation can help.

Understanding the Adoption Process

Adoption is a journey of love and selflessness. It involves making decisions for the betterment of your child’s life. When you’re ready to begin this journey, we are here to guide you through the process. 

Your Choices Matter

Each adoption story is unique and deeply personal. Therefore, we offer multiple adoption options to cater to your needs and comfort. The choice is yours, from open adoptions that foster direct communication with the adoptive family to closed adoptions that preserve complete privacy.

  • Open Adoption: A method where you maintain direct contact with the adoptive family, fostering a deeper connection with your child.
  • Semi-Open Adoption: This option allows limited, mediated contact with the adoptive family, balancing connectivity and privacy.
  • Closed Adoption: In this pathway, there’s no contact post-adoption, which some birth mothers may prefer.

There’s no universal right choice. We encourage birth mothers to select the option best for them and their children. 

How To Find the Right People Looking To Adopt in Shreveport

Birth mothers have the power to choose the family that will provide the best future for their children. The preferences of birth mothers vary significantly, and so do the profiles of potential adoptive families. 

With St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can explore a range of family profiles to find people looking to adopt in Shreveport that align with your preferences. In their profiles, you can learn about how the couple met, their lifestyles, family life, and other essential details that can help you envision this future for your child. 

While choosing the right potential adoptive parents, remember you’re not alone. We’re here, ready to guide you through each profile, helping you understand the nuances and aligning them with your hopes for your child’s future. Your choice matters, and we’re committed to ensuring it’s informed.

Creating Your Personalized Adoption Plan

Every birth mother has a unique story, and every adoption journey is different. We work closely with you to create a personalized adoption plan. This includes planning for the labor and delivery experience you want to have and providing free counseling services throughout the entire process—even after placement.

Why Choose St. Elizabeth Foundation?

Choosing St. Elizabeth Foundation means opting for compassion, respect, and a commitment to creating loving families through adoption. We are a trusted partner in your adoption journey, with a placement rate almost double the average for other Louisiana adoption agencies. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized support every step of the way.

Take Your Next Steps With Us

For over 30 years, St. Elizabeth Foundation has devoted our lives to creating families through adoption. We embrace every birth mother seeking to find people looking to adopt in Shreveport, offering a caring and supportive environment. We are here for you, to support you, and to help you find the perfect family for your child. 

Are you ready to explore adoption with the St. Elizabeth Foundation? We invite you to reach out to our compassionate team. You can contact us by calling 225-769-8888 or send us a message online. Let’s walk this journey together.

3 Easy Ways to Support Your Loved One’s Infant Adoption in New Orleans

Bringing a child into the world is a journey of love, hope, and commitment. When someone close to you decides to grow their family through adoption, showing support is crucial. Navigating the complexities of infant adoption in New Orleans can be overwhelming, but with your encouragement, your loved ones can find comfort and strength.

St. Elizabeth Foundation aims to serve birth mothers and adopting families, including their community members, who may be seeking resources on how they can support their loved ones throughout the adoption process. Explore three easy ways to support your friend or family member through their infant adoption journey in New Orleans.

1. Educate Yourself About Adoption

Understanding the intricacies of infant adoption in New Orleans is the first step in providing meaningful support. Take the initiative to educate yourself about the legal processes, emotional challenges, and the rights of birth parents and adoptive families in New Orleans. By gaining knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to answer questions, offer guidance, and ease any concerns your loved ones may have.

Emphasize the importance of open communication in adoption, as it fosters trust among all parties involved. Knowing the local adoption laws and resources will empower you to be a valuable source of information, making the entire experience more manageable for your loved ones.

2. Offer Emotional Support

Infant adoption in New Orleans can be an emotional process, and your loved ones will undoubtedly face moments of joy, uncertainty, and stress. Be a pillar of strength by providing unwavering emotional support throughout their journey. Listen actively, offer a shoulder to lean on, and reassure them that their feelings are valid.

Organize gatherings or activities that allow your loved ones to relax and enjoy the support of their community. From baby showers for the adopting couple to casual get-togethers, creating a positive and loving environment will make a significant impact on their adoption experience. Remember, a strong support system is invaluable during the highs and lows of the adoption process.

3. Assist With Practical Matters

Navigating the adoption journey is a deeply personal and transformative experience. Amidst the flurry of paperwork, home studies, and logistical elements, your loved ones may find themselves in need of practical assistance.

Consider the family eagerly anticipating the arrival of their adopted child. They’ve poured over documents, navigated complex legal processes, and now face a new set of tasks. Preparing the nursery, assembling baby furniture, stocking up on essentials—it can all seem overwhelming.

This is where you can step in. Offering a helping hand in setting up the nursery isn’t just about painting walls or putting together a crib. It’s about creating a space of love and comfort for the baby and sharing in the adopting family’s process of building a home for their child.

Similarly, organizing a meal train for the first few weeks post-arrival can provide immense relief to the new parents. Amidst the joy and exhaustion, a warm, home-cooked meal can provide not just nourishment, but also a reminder of the support system they have.

Are You Interested in Learning More About Infant Adoption in New Orleans? Contact Us!

Your support for loved ones navigating the infant adoption process in New Orleans is priceless. By extending your understanding, empathy, and tangible assistance, you are making a difference in their lives. Remember—every kind word, gesture of love, and moment of emotional support adds to their strength and resolve. 

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are always here to help you better understand and navigate this journey alongside them. Reach out to us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message for more information.

6 Winter Care Tips for Your Baby After Adoption in Louisiana

Becoming a parent through adoption is an unforgettable journey filled with love, joy, and countless precious moments. Embracing the role of a parent for a baby through adoption in Louisiana can be both an overwhelming and heartwarming experience. However, as winter arrives, it introduces a unique set of challenges when caring for your newly adopted bundle of joy. Learn about six tips to help ensure your family has a beautiful first winter together with St. Elizabeth Foundation

1. Dress Them With Enough Layers, But Don’t Overdo It

With baby adoption in Louisiana, it’s important to understand that your little one can’t regulate their body temperature as efficiently as adults. Dressing your baby in light, multiple layers can keep them cozy without causing overheating. A simple rule of thumb? Dress your baby in one more layer than what you’re comfortably wearing, not including their diaper. 

2. Protect Their Delicate Skin

Harsh winter weather can be tough on a newborn baby’s sensitive skin as it is thinner and weaker than older children. Regularly applying a mild, unscented moisturizer can help prevent dryness and chapping. Also, remember to change their diapers frequently to avoid diaper rash, which can worsen due to dry winter air.

3. Take Off Their Jacket in the Car

As a loving parent, you want to ensure your baby stays warm during car rides. However, putting your little one in their car seat with a coat on can put them at risk in an accident. The layer of the coat between your baby and the car seat straps can shrink under pressure, potentially leaving your baby insecure in their seat.

We understand the concern about cold weather, but there’s a simple solution. Instead of using a coat, you can place a blanket over your baby’s lap to keep them warm without compromising car seat security. Just keep a close eye on your baby to ensure their face doesn’t become covered by the blanket. By following this advice, you can keep your little one snug and secure during car rides.

4. Prioritize Safe Sleep Habits

Ensuring your baby’s safety and well-being is paramount. Practicing safe sleep habits is crucial. Remember, a clutter-free crib is a safe crib. Avoid heavy blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals that could pose a suffocation risk. And if you’re concerned about your baby getting cold, a onesie, sleep sack, or fleece-footed pajamas are great options for warmth.

5. Schedule Regular Health Check-ups

After your baby adoption in Louisiana, regular health check-ups are vital. These visits allow your pediatrician to track your baby’s growth and development and address any concerns promptly. This can be especially important in the winter and other times when seasonal illnesses are a risk to your baby’s health.

When in doubt, follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’s recommended checkup schedule. Schedule a visit at birth, three to five days later, and then at one, two, four, six, nine, 12, 15, 18, and 24 months.

6. Shower Them With Love and Affection

Above all, shower your little one with abundant love, care, and affection. This strengthens your emotional bond and significantly contributes to their overall well-being. Cherish every moment of these first winter memories with your newest family member.

St. Elizabeth Foundation Is Here to Support You and Your Baby After Adoption in Louisiana

Becoming a parent through adoption is a beautiful journey filled with warmth and joy, but it can also come with new challenges. However, with the proper guidance and resources, you can ensure your baby’s first winter is as cozy as can be. 

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we’re dedicated to helping adopting couples provide the best home for their little ones. If you’re considering expanding your family through adoption, call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message to start building your adoption plan. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

What Is the Private Adoption Process in Louisiana?

November is National Adoption Month! This is the perfect time to learn more about the adoption process or finalize your own adoption plan, whether you are a birth mother giving the gift of adoption or a family ready to embrace parenthood through private adoption. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, it is our mission to provide unwavering support to birth mothers while guiding prospective adoptive parents through the private adoption process in Louisiana. Explore what private adoption in Louisiana entails and how our agency plays a pivotal role in this remarkable journey.

The Private Adoption Process in Louisiana

Private adoption, often referred to as domestic adoption, is carried out through a private adoption agency. Choosing a private adoption is a profound and compassionate way for birth mothers to provide loving families for their babies when they feel they are unable to do so themselves. 

According to research from the ​​National Council For Adoption, there were 39,601 U.S. adoptions in 2020. In Louisiana, private adoption is a process filled with care, guidance, and support from experienced professionals like the team at St. Elizabeth Foundation. Learn more about the steps birth mothers and adopting couples can take to begin their adoption journey. 

1. Choose Adoption

The decision to pursue private adoption is a deeply personal one. Birth mothers and adoptive families alike should take the time to consider their options and determine if this path aligns with their desires and circumstances. It’s a step toward a brighter future for both birth mothers and prospective parents. 

2. Partner With an Adoption Agency

Choosing the right adoption agency is crucial, and this is where St. Elizabeth Foundation comes into play. Our team provides comprehensive information throughout the private adoption process in Louisiana. Whether you’re a birth mother in need of support or a couple eager to welcome a child into your home, we are here to guide you through the process.

St. Elizabeth Foundation offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Birth mother counseling and support
  • Home study services
  • Assistance with legal matters
  • Matching services to connect birth mothers with loving families

By partnering with an adoption agency like St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of professionals who genuinely care about your well-being and the well-being of the child at the center of it all.

3. Establish Your Match

One of the most remarkable aspects of private adoption in Louisiana is the way birth mothers play an active role in selecting the family they believe will provide the best future for their child. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we facilitate this process, ensuring that birth mothers have the information and support they need to make this challenging decision.

When a birth mother chooses an adoptive family, it’s a beautiful moment of connection and trust. The match between the birth mother and the adoptive family is a pivotal step in the private adoption process, where the foundation’s expertise is invaluable.

4. Build the Birth Plan

With the guidance of St. Elizabeth Foundation, birth mothers have the opportunity to create a birth plan. This plan outlines their preferences for the birthing experience, including whether they want adoptive parents present at the birth, the level of contact they desire after the adoption, and more. Birth plans are personalized to each birth mother’s unique situation.

5. Finalize the Adoption

The final step in the private adoption process involves legal procedures to officially transfer custody of the child to the adoptive parents. St. Elizabeth Foundation ensures that all necessary legal documents are prepared and processed to finalize the adoption.

Take the First Step With St. Elizabeth Foundation

If you are considering private adoption in Louisiana during National Adoption Month or beyond, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to offer unwavering support, guidance, and care. To learn more about the private adoption process, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation today. 

Whether you are a birth mother interested in placement or an adoptive couple ready to file your application, you can send a message online or call 225-769-8888 to take the first step. Your journey to parenthood or your journey as a birth mother begins here, with St. Elizabeth Foundation by your side.

How to Adopt a Baby in Louisiana: A 7-Step Guide for Adopting Parents

Are you considering adopting a baby in Louisiana and are curious about the adoption process? Let St. Elizabeth Foundation help you through the journey of adopting a child, providing support and care every step of the way. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to adopt a baby in Louisiana through our local adoption agency in seven essential steps. From understanding the application and home study process to guiding you through finalization, our experienced team can help ensure a smooth and stress-free adoption process. We are committed to making your dream of building a family a reality.

Step 1: Qualify for Adoption

Before embarking on the adoption journey, it’s crucial to understand the qualifications set by St. Elizabeth Foundation. Our organization requires adopting couples to be married for at least five years, ensuring stability and a strong foundation for your new family.

Step 2: Apply for Adoption Through St. Elizabeth Foundation

Once you meet the qualification criteria, the next step is to submit an adoption application to our infant adoption agency. This application initiates the process. It’s essential to be patient as the review may take some time. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that potential adopting couples meet all requirements and can provide the safest and most loving home possible.

Step 3: Complete a Home Study

The home study is one of the most critical steps in the adoption process. It’s crucial to maintain a clean, loving, and child-friendly space for your future baby. A social worker will visit your home to assess the environment and ensure it’s safe and suitable for a child. While this may seem daunting, don’t worry. We have prepared some useful tips that can help you prepare your home for the inspection. 

Step 4: Finish the Adoption Education Program

If you’re thinking about how to adopt a baby in Louisiana, you may also be wondering about the specific challenges of raising an adopted child. St. Elizabeth Foundation understands that knowledge is power when providing a safe and loving home for your new child. This is why adoptive parents are required to complete an adoption education program. The program imparts important information about parenting, attachment, bonding, and openness in adoption. This education program equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to provide the best possible care for your baby.

Step 5: Match With a Birth Mother

Building a connection with a birth mother is integral to the adoption process. St. Elizabeth Foundation will assist you in creating an adoption profile, which will be shared with birth mothers. This profile allows you to share information about your family, traditions, and why you’ve chosen adoption. It’s a way for birth mothers to learn about potential adoptive parents, fostering a sense of trust and connection during this life-changing decision.

Step 6: Understand Your Legal Responsibilities

Adoption comes with various legal responsibilities for adopting parents and birth mothers, and it’s essential to be informed about your legal rights. The type of adoption can directly influence this. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer three types of adoption:

  • In a closed adoption, no contact is maintained between the birth mother and the adoptive family.
  • In a semi-open adoption, limited information and communication may be shared.
  • In an open adoption, the birth mother and adoptive family maintain an ongoing relationship. 

St. Elizabeth Foundation empowers birth mothers to choose the type of adoption that best suits their needs and the well-being of their babies. No matter the openness or confidentiality of the adoption, we will help you understand your rights in the process.

Step 7: Finalize Your Adoption

Once the adoption process reaches its final stage, St. Elizabeth Foundation will help you navigate the legalities and court proceedings necessary to finalize the adoption. In open adoptions, you may also be introduced to the birth mother, allowing you to establish a connection and build a unique and beautiful extended family.

Wondering How to Adopt a Baby in Louisiana? St. Elizabeth Foundation Can Help.

Adopting a baby is a remarkable journey, and St. Elizabeth Foundation is committed to providing unwavering support and guidance. If you have more questions about how to adopt a baby in Louisiana, don’t hesitate to contact St. Elizabeth Foundation for more information about the process or to begin your application. You can send a message or call 225-769-8888. Your dream of expanding your family and providing a loving home to a child is within reach with St. Elizabeth Foundation by your side.