As you begin researching adoption, there are several adoption myths you may find online. Don’t let these take away from your excitement or discourage you from certain aspects of parenting! At St Elizabeth Foundation, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the adoption process. Let us demystify four of these myths for you.

1. We’re Too Young or Old to Adopt

Are you worried that your age could keep you from adopting? The legal age for adoption varies throughout the United States. In Louisiana, couples must be at least 18 years old to adopt. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we require that a husband and wife have been married for at least five years before applying. As our team conducts a home study and goes over your qualifications, we look for several factors including:

  • Your finances can support an addition to your family.
  • Your home is fit for a new child and offers a safe and loving environment.
  • You complete pre-placement education to help you understand each facet of adoption.

If you have questions about whether or not you are a candidate for adoption, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

2. Transracial Adoption Is Too Challenging

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand that race is a complex topic when it comes to adoption. Transracial adoption comes with its own challenges, including learning about your child’s racial background and needs. It is important to discuss your child’s race with them and instill pride in their background. Encourage them to learn more about their culture. However, transracial adoption may not be the best option for an adopting family if you don’t live in a diverse community or family. Keep this in mind during your adoption journey.

3. I Should Wait to Tell My Child That They’re Adopted

An adoptive parent may worry about the process of explaining adoption to their child for fear of confusion or tension. Don’t let this keep you from being open with your child. Even with young children, communication about their adoption can be important for their development. And, this fosters a healthy relationship with the birth mother, adoptive parents, and child. At St. Elizabeth, we specialize in open adoptions and help build the bridge between birth mothers and adoptive families. Don’t worry about stepping through this process alone. We’re here to help!

4. Open Adoptions Are Too Vulnerable

Open adoption is one in which the birth mother or parents keep close communication with the adoptive family. This may include writing letters or emails to their child, sending texts, making phone calls, or having in-person visits. For the adopting family, this can appear on the surface to be an area of vulnerability. Remember that both the birth parents and adoptive parents can play important roles in the child’s development. And both parties can work together to provide the best, most nurturing upbringing possible for the child. Our caring team at St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you understand and navigate open adoption after your placement finalization.

Brush Off the Adoption Myths & Start Your Adoption Journey

Don’t let these adoption myths keep you from contacting us at St. Elizabeth Foundation! Reach out to us today to learn more about adoption, ask us your questions, and find real answers that can resolve your worries and doubts. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message to get begin. We look forward to dispelling the common myths concerning adoption, empowering you with information, and helping you begin your journey.