Adoption vs Foster Care: Which is Right for You?

Adoption and foster care are similar in that they provide children with stable and loving homes. While both adoptive parents and foster families have the opportunity to nurture a child in a safe environment, several distinct differences should be considered. From overhead financial costs to how long the child is in your care, these details can greatly influence your decision of whether to adopt or foster. So when it comes to choosing between adoption vs foster care, it’s important to understand the differences. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help you learn the differences and determine the best option for you!

Financial Needs and Family Contact Varies

With foster care, there is a much wider age range of children in need of caretakers. While one year old is the most common age of children in foster care based on data from 2020, children and teenagers up to 20 years old can be found in foster care. Fostering a child is free, and you can choose to adopt your foster child if the biological parents do not carry out reunification. Adopting after foster care means that the foster family is responsible for home study costs and applicable agency fees. You may also need to cover the cost of an attorney if you choose to adopt your foster child and require legal assistance. However, some expenses may be eligible for state reimbursement or financial assistance.

With foster care, you may have the opportunity to foster an older child. This differs from private adoption agencies like St. Elizabeth’s in Louisiana that specialize in newborn adoptions. We connect adopting families to birth mothers and parents for open, closed, or semi-closed adoptions. While foster parents stay in contact with the birth families, the level of contact for adoptions can vary. At St. Elizabeth, we let the birth mother set the degree of contact with her baby, unlike foster care where close contact is standard. Our staff helps bridge communication with open and semi-open adoptions. And while adoption is much more expensive than fostering a child, you are welcoming your baby into your home as a new child—not a temporary addition.

If you are deciding between adoption vs foster care, make sure to consider what ages you are willing to take care of. If you are willing to take care of older children, foster care can be a fantastic way to give a child or teenager a loving home. And if you are interested in adopting for permanent placement, give St. Elizabeth Foundation a call today to learn more about our adoption process.

Long Term Adoption vs Short Term Foster Care

There are many factors to consider when researching adoption vs. foster care. One of the biggest differences between adoption and foster care is the duration of the child’s stay. Adoption is a permanent decision. Depending on the openness of the adoption, the birth parents may or may not remain in contact with the child and their adoptive family. The goal of foster care, on the other hand, is to give a child a safe and loving home until they can be reunited with their birth parents. In this environment, the family acts less as parents to the child and more as caretakers during their time together. 

While adoption through foster care, also termed “foster failing,” is possible, this is only possible if the birth family decides not to reunify. But until the foster parents have gained official custody of the child, the legal custody of the child belongs to the state. The child may be reunited with the family or returned to foster care. If you are interested in having the child be a permanent member of your family, adoption should be your first consideration.

Begin Your Adoption Journey With St. Elizabeth’s Foundation

The specialists at St. Elizabeth Foundation would love the opportunity to tell you more about the benefits of adoption. From stepping you through the adoption process to connecting you with birth mothers, we can help you get ready to bring your new baby home. Contact us today by phone at 225-769-8888 or by email with questions or to get started. We’ll help you learn more about our counseling services, schedule your home study, and show you how to prepare your profile book. We can’t wait to guide you through this life-changing journey!

How Does Private Adoption Work in Louisiana?

Adoption can feel like a complicated process, especially when you’re first getting into it. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right professionals, you can find the answers you need to complete your family. But how does private adoption work in Louisiana in the first place? Let’s go through the laws and the different processes to see how the professionals at St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you. 

Louisiana Laws

Adoption laws vary from state to state. In the state of Louisiana, there are a few requirements to meet. To become an adoptive parent in Louisiana, you must be at least 18 years old. You may adopt if you’re a single person, but married couples must petition jointly. You must also be able to prove your citizenship or legal alien status, stable income, sufficient physical and mental health for child care, and completion of adoptive parent training. Additionally, your home must also meet a certain set of requirements. This includes having a working telephone, working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, restricted areas for aggressive animals, and a secure place for hazardous chemicals or weapons. 

In addition to these laws, our agency has its own requirements for adoptive parents. The couple must be married for at least five years to be eligible to adopt through St. Elizabeth Foundation, for example.

It is also important to note that in Louisiana, a birth mother may give her consent to adoption up to three days after the child is born through an agency or five days after the child is born if it’s a private adoption. If all of this is confusing or if you would like to know more, feel free to give us a call. We’re more than happy to explain the process.

Open vs. Semi-Open vs. Closed Adoption

If you’re new to the world of adoption, you may have an idea of what the process looks like already. However, there’s not just one way that adoptions can work. You have open, closed, and semi-open adoptions available to you. Depending on the state, only private adoption agencies can provide open adoptions. Let’s discuss the different types at our Louisiana adoption agency and see which one could work for your family.

Open adoption is the most common type of adoption these days. In this process, the expecting mother and the adopting parents are in close contact and communication with one another throughout the pregnancy and through the child’s life. 

On the other hand, if you aren’t sure how to navigate this process but want to keep in contact, semi-open adoption may be the best option. With this, St. Elizabeth Foundation helps facilitate better communication between the birth parents and adoptive families. Our agency specializes in semi-open adoptions. A majority of our adoptions are semi-open and give people the confidence that we’ll handle everyone’s boundaries professionally. 

Lastly, closed adoptions might be the best choice for those who don’t want any contact between the two parties after placement. For a closed adoption, the birth mother chooses the adoptive family from their family profile book, just as she would with open and semi-open adoptions. The family profile books all have the same limited information. She also can meet the family before the baby is born and communicate with them as much or little as she likes. The main difference in this plan is what happens after the child is born and placement occurs. 

If you still aren’t sure what choice is right for you, feel free to give us a call. We can discuss more about the process and about how private adoption works in Louisiana. 

Considering Private Adoption in Louisiana? Choose St. Elizabeth

When you’re ready to begin the process, you need an agency that’s on your side. Luckily, no matter if you’re expecting or are a family looking to adopt, St. Elizabeth Foundation is on your side. Get in touch with our private adoption agency in Louisiana and trust us to get everything sailing smoothly for you.

If you have a question or are looking to begin the process, reach us by calling 225-769-8888. We would love to answer any questions you have for us to ensure you start your family worry-free.

How to Prepare Your Baton Rouge Home for Adoption

One of the major steps of the adoption process through the St. Elizabeth Foundation is a thorough home study. A social worker will interview the adoptive parents in their home. And, they will inspect the home to ensure that it is appropriate for a new child. How can you make sure that your home is prepared for inspection? Here are some tips from our Baton Rouge adoption agency to help you get ready for your home study.

Make Sure All Alarms Are in Working Order

A representative from our Baton Rouge adoption agency is going to inspect your home for any possible safety hazards. This includes making sure that your fire alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) monitors are functioning! If a fire breaks out in your home, you should have preventative measures and emergency planning in place to keep your family safe. In addition to a working fire alarm, you should also have an extinguisher on hand in case of an emergency. And, have an escape plan that you can tell a social worker should a fire or other disasters strike your home. 

Keep Toxic or Dangerous Products Out of Reach

Children are curious, even in infancy! Whether your baby is crawling or walking, you want to make sure that any harmful items are kept away from searching hands. Store cleaners and chemicals in child-locked cabinets or up on shelves. Make sure that plants within reach are not poisonous and don’t have sharp edges. And, when in doubt, childproof rooms and table edges to ensure that your child stays safe as they roam.

Train or Secure Animals for the Child’s Arrival

Animals must adjust to new family members just as parents and siblings do. If your animals don’t do well around strangers, it’s essential to find ways to slowly and carefully introduce them to your new child. Bring items with the child’s scent on them, like a pair of socks or a blanket, to your pet for an initial introduction. But, don’t use this as your main means of contact. Make sure that your pet is leashed, and keep your baby secure in your arms to protect them from any unexpected aggression. Keep interactions slow and supervised, and use pet gates or crates as safety barriers between the baby and pet as needed.

Check Fences and Window Screens

If you are going to have a child playing in your yard or inside your house, it is important to make sure that all protective barriers are working and in place. Fences and window screens can be utilized to prevent children from getting too close to dangerous areas of the home. This is especially necessary to keep children from accessing stairs, pushing through windows, or wandering near outdoor pools. Check the stability of your current fences and screens, and purchase child gates to segment child-safe areas within your home.

Keep Things Clean!

Before our Baton Rouge adoption agency visits your home to perform your mandatory home study, make sure to clean your house! This may sound self-explanatory, but a neat home speaks volumes to an agency. While a little dust won’t make or break your home study, make sure that trash, safety hazards, and obstacles are thrown out or put away. And, make sure that the room the child will be staying in is clean, organized, and ready for when they arrive.

Begin Your Baton Rouge Adoption Today

Have you been considering adoption? At the St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are passionate about supporting birth mothers and connecting newborns to loving adoptive families. No matter if you are looking for solutions to an unexpected pregnancy or are interested in bringing a child into your home, our experts can help with counseling and thorough preparation. Give us a call at 225-769-8888, or send us a message online! We are excited to share more information with you and help you begin your adoption journey.

Unsure About Adoption in Louisiana? Read These Success Stories

Adoption is a beautiful process, but it also comes with many unknowns. For young women or couples that find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, you may not know where to turn for support. Or for parents who are yearning to grow their own families through adoption, you may be wondering how to get started with the process. Yes, the adoption journey can be stressful, but reaching the end is worth the travel. Let the encouragement of others help you get started on your own path to adoption! Read more about these inspirational success stories from the St. Elizabeth Foundation about adoption in Louisiana.

Advice For Birth Mothers

If you are not ready for parenthood, the news of pregnancy may not be a welcomed announcement. You may be a single mother navigating your options alone, or you and your partner may not be financially able to support a child. At St. Elizabeth’s, we make sure that you know every opportunity available to you. Start by reaching out to us. We educate you on the adoption process in Louisiana and counsel you on how to begin. And, we help build the bridge between you and adopting families so that you can choose the right home for your baby. We make sure that each husband and wife duo can offer a safe and loving home to a newborn. Kristy, one of our birth mothers, says that she found the match for her baby after reading her first profile book.

“​​I didn’t need to look any further. There was something about their book that completely connected with me. The second I read their profile I didn’t need to see any more. I knew. I knew that was the family.”

And remember—just because you choose to place your baby with an adopting family doesn’t mean that you are losing your relationship with them. You have the option for an open, semi-open, or closed adoption type which dictates the amount of contact you maintain with your baby and the adopting family. For birth mother Sherrard, she says that she is grateful her daughter can now experience “double the love” from her birth parents and adoptive parents. And, you have the support of the St. Elizabeth Foundation from start to finish. Rauyshiera opted for adoption after becoming pregnant at 18.

“I love them so much. They supported me 100% throughout the whole thing. Without them, I don’t know what I would have done.”

If you are searching for your best options after an unplanned pregnancy, we are here to help! You can also read more adoption stories from birth mothers to learn more about what you can expect from St. Elizabeth’s.

Advice For Adopting Families

At the St. Elizabeth Foundation, we help parents with hearts for adoption find the newest addition to their family. Some couples may be unable to conceive, and others may want to offer a child a more loving and stable home than they would have received otherwise. Terri LeBlanc, one of our board members and adoptive mothers, decided to adopt after struggles with infertility. 

“I went from thinking I was devastated to not be able to get pregnant and have my own child to, once I laid eyes on my son, that all went out the window. It was no longer important. What was important is that I was a mother.”

No matter how your story begins, St. Elizabeth’s is here with kindness, encouragement, and counseling to help you prepare your hearts and homes for welcoming your child.

With adoption at St. Elizabeth’s, families in Louisiana can connect with birth mothers within the state. Bill Avery and his wife knew that they were passionate about adoption and were ecstatic to be able to adopt close to home.

“We were blessed just to be able to do it here locally. Our oldest was born here in town and we were actually there for the birth. Our youngest was born in Hammond and we didn’t quite make the birth, but we were there 30 minutes later.”

Start your process today by reaching out to us for a formal application. We will follow up with details to begin a home study and visit. And, find more stories from adoptive families on our website.

Start Your Adoption in Louisiana Today

Whether you are a birth mother looking for options for your baby or a family interested in adoption, you can find solutions at the St. Elizabeth Foundation in Louisiana. Get in touch with us today to learn more! Call us at 225-769-8888, or send us a message online. Our helpful staff will be in touch with you shortly to help you determine your next steps.

Interested in a Louisiana Adoption? Start Here

Are you a couple who has considered adoption or may be ready to begin your adoption journey? If you are interested in starting the adoption process in Louisiana, let the St. Elizabeth Foundation help answer any questions you have before you begin. There are many factors to consider when adopting a newborn, but these three questions are fantastic starting points. Your answers can help establish your purpose for adoption and better prepare you before beginning the process.

1. Why Do We Want to Adopt?

This question is the foundation of your decision. What reasons do you have for bringing a new child into your home? You may want to provide a child a healthier, more stable home that they wouldn’t have access to otherwise. In addition to wanting children of your own, you may want to also change the life of the birth mother or parents by extending care and compassion to them. Moreover, if your family cannot have biological children, you may still feel the call to be a parent. However, this question urges you to reflect on your “why.” Your answer will help drive you through the ups and downs of the adoption process and keep you focused on your end goal: to expand your family and welcome a new child into your life.

2. Is Anything Holding Us Back From Adoption?

We want you to be excited about your decision to adopt! You are taking the step in growing your family and providing a home to a new child. But, this also means that you should be fully prepared to welcome the child, both physically and emotionally. At St. Elizabeth’s we’ll work through your qualifications, home study, and education with you. Beginning with a background check, medical history, and emotional counseling, we can see if you’re prepared for adoption. Next, we visit your home for an in-depth review of the environment the child will be entering. And finally, we have parents follow our educational program with other adopting families to learn more about the journey ahead of you. 

This process is meant to highlight any pain points in your process. For example, do you have medical conditions that could affect your parenting? Are you able to financially support a new member of the family? Is your home in the right condition to house a new baby? If you have lost a child or struggled with infertility, have you fully grieved the process so that you can move forward with your new child? St. Elizabeth Foundation knows that this is a vulnerable step of the process. This is where your answer to our last question comes into play. But remember what interested you in adoption in Louisiana in the first place, and focus on why you have decided to pursue adoption. And don’t forget that this step helps you cultivate the best environment for successful adoption! 

3. Are We Prepared to Maintain Contact With the Birth Mother?

At the St. Elizabeth Foundation, we respect our birth mothers for the selfless decision to place their babies for adoption. We offer guidance and care throughout the birth and adoption, but we give her full control in the decision-making process. She has the option to choose an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. At our adoption agency, we specialize in semi-open adoptions. This means that after the baby is born and the adoption is finalized, we mediate communication between the birth mother and your family through cards, phone calls, personal visits, and more. No matter which type of adoption the birth mother decides on, it is important that you are prepared to respect her choice.

If You are Interested in Adoption in Louisiana, Get Started With St. Elizabeth’s

Once you have cemented your answers to these questions, it is time to begin your application process. If you are interested in learning more about the adoption process or our Louisiana agency, we are here to help! Reach out to us at 225-769-8888, or send us a message with your questions. We look forward to helping you find answers and beginning the adoption process.

How to Adopt a Baby in Louisiana

Since 1988, St. Elizabeth Foundation has been opening doors, arms, and hearts to expectant mothers caught in the middle of unplanned pregnancies. We are passionate about breaking stigmas against these mothers and helping them find positive solutions for themselves and their babies. That is exactly how we have been able to bring about over 600 loving adoptions in the state of Louisiana! If you are wondering how to adopt in Louisiana, St. Elizabeth’s can help step you through the process. Here is what to expect when adopting through our trusted agency.

Make Sure You Qualify

The first step to our adoption process is to ensure that you qualify for adoption. St. Elizabeth Foundation requires that all adopting couples have been married for at least five years before adoption. We want all infant adoptions to be introduced to a loving, stable household. This is why it is important to know that the couple is already functioning as a lasting family unit. 

Complete a Formal Application

Once we have made sure that you qualify, it is time to fill out your adoption application. This application will let us know the necessary information needed to continue your adoption process, like your education, employment, family background, and medical history. Our team will thoroughly review your application. Please be aware that this step can take time as we want to make sure every detail in your application is in place. Once reviewed and approved, we can then move on to the home study process. 

Undergo a Home Study Process

The home study portion of your application process is incredibly important. A social worker will visit your home to see that it is fit for housing your new child. They will take note of fire hazards, aggressive animals, and any factors that could be a danger to the baby. You will also go through a detailed emotional evaluation with your social worker. This will cover your relationship with your spouse as well as your parenting plan. It is a highly vulnerable part of the adoption process, but know it is essential to creating a safe, healthy home environment.

Follow Our Education Program

Pre-parenthood adoption classes help to better prepare adoptive parents for what to expect. Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses within your marital relationship as well as what influences your decisions and actions. This can help you to become a stronger family unit before finalizing your adoption. You will also learn the different types of adoption, how to communicate with the birth mother, and connect with other adopting families to create a support system.

Be Chosen By a Birth Mother

Next, the couple will create a family profile book to be viewed by the birth mother. Make sure you put time and dedication into this! Use this space to introduce mothers to your family, goals, personalities, and hobbies. Show them why you can be the right home for their baby. The birth mother or parents will go through these profiles, determine the perfect match for their child, and then connect with you.

Iron Out Legalities

There are three types of adoptions: open, semi-open, and closed adoptions. These determine the amount of communication the birth mother has with her child and the adopting family. At St. Elizabeth’s we leave this decision in the hands of the birth mother. We help to step you through the legal rights available for both parties so that you can better understand your adoption. 

Finalize Your Adoption

Now, you have made it to the last step of the adoption process: finalizing. Once the above steps have been completed and the birth mother has chosen you as the adoptive parents for her baby, St. Elizabeth’s will help you to finish your adoption. This includes navigating court processes. In the case of open adoption, we will also aid in establishing meetings between you and the birth parents. 

Begin the Adoption Process at St. Elizabeth’s

The adoption process can be a long one, but St. Elizabeth Foundation helps to make it as simple as possible. If you are ready for adoption, contact us today! You can call us at 225-769-8888, or send us a message to learn more. We look forward to helping you start your process.

4 Challenges Faced During Adoption

Adoption in New Orleans is a beautiful journey, but there can be hurdles to overcome. From legal and financial obstacles to working through the emotional highs and lows, it is important to enter into your adoption journey anticipating the struggles as well as the successes. St. Elizabeth Foundation is a private Louisiana adoption agency that helps you better understand and navigate every step of the adoption process. Here are the challenges of the adoption process that you can prepare for.

1. Working Through the Adoption Process Itself

As much as we would love for the adoption process to be quick and easy, you should prepare for the possibility of a long, challenging process. As adoptive parents, you must undergo several steps to ensure that you are financially and emotionally qualified to bring a new child into your home. This entails filing a formal application, going through a detailed background check and home study, and following an educational program for adopting families. At St. Elizabeth’s, we require that adopting couples be married for a minimum of five years to qualify. Following your evaluation and education, you then create a family profile book that birth parents will view to choose the right family for their child.

The multi-faceted adoption process can be daunting, but don’t let this steal the joy from your journey. The St. Elizabeth Foundation works hand in hand with both birth mothers and adopting families. We help you understand each part of the adoption process. And, we offer emotional support along the way. No matter the ups or downs, know that you are working towards giving a baby a new, loving home!

2. Acknowledging the Child’s Birth Parents

The adoption process, though beautiful, can stir up a wide range of emotions. Joy and excitement may be accompanied by fear, nervousness, and even insecurity. The latter sensations often sprout from the possible resentment of your new child’s birth parents. You may feel self-conscious about not being your baby’s biological parents. These feelings are natural, but we urge you to take a deep breath and approach your adoption with patience and empathy. 

Be gentle with yourself. Even though you are not the biological parent, this makes you no less of a parent to your baby. And even though their birth mother has chosen the path of adoption, it is important to know her story. Extend kindness, grace, and understanding to her as she goes through her own decisions and struggles. Both accepting and offering compassion to all sides can better prepare you to deliver the same love to your new child.

3. Navigating Legal and Financial Challenges of Adoption in New Orleans

The technicalities of adoption can also extend the process. You should be prepared for adoption fees and ensure that your finances are adequate to support a new addition to your family. This means that you must consider new medical bills, daycare, schooling, groceries, and more. When it comes to legal obstacles, it is essential to fully understand the openness of your adoption. St. Elizabeth Foundation specializes in semi-open adoptions, while open and closed options are available. The birth mother chooses the type of adoption to establish the safest, healthiest option for her and the baby. Be flexible throughout the adoption process, and keep a receptive mind and heart to openness with the birth family.

4. Overcoming Emotional Hurdles

We’ve discussed the emotional ups and downs that can come through communication with the birth mother or parents. But your own parenting journey can affect your feelings, as well. Every set of adopting families comes with its own story. They may have known early on that adoption was at the heart of their household. These parents may already have children of their own and feel overjoyed to bring a new member into their family. Or, a couple may have experienced the heartache of infertility or child loss. 

For those who have gone through this kind of grief, know that adoption is a beautiful, fulfilling endeavor to both grow your household and give love to another child. But, it is important to understand the degrees of emotion that can come with the decision to adopt. You may feel bitterness, anger, and a new surge of grief wrapped in your feelings of happiness and excitement. At St. Elizabeth’s, we make sure that you have access to counseling services and other adoption testimonies. This way, you are surrounded by support to ensure that you are emotionally ready when the time comes to welcome your new child.

Prepare for Adoption in New Orleans With the St. Elizabeth Foundation

Every good thing comes with hard work—and the immense joy of adoption is worth the effort. The staff at St. Elizabeth helps you prepare for the challenges of the adoption process. Our adoption agency works with Louisiana families in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, and beyond to connect them with birth mothers and begin the adoption journey. If you are ready to start or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 225-769-8888. Or, get in touch by sending us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

Is Adoption Right For You?

Our lives are full of twists and turns. But no matter what brought you here, adoption may be the choice for you. Adoption is a beautiful choice that can add to your growing family. Although, the real question is if it’s right for you and your family. Discover what adoption typically entails and see if you can find your next family member with St. Elizabeth Foundation in Lafayette. We look forward to helping you learn more about the adoption process.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Before you make a serious decision, it’s always good to ask yourself if this is the right choice for you and your family. But what should you ask yourself before pursuing adoption? While every experience needs different questions, here are some that may put you on the right path.

  • Am I okay with not being related to the child? While we may believe that blood has little to do with family, not everyone agrees. 
  • Can I afford it? A child is a lot of money. It’s always best to make sure that you have the money to support yourself and a new child comfortably. 
  • Am I doing this because I want to, or because I feel like I have to? There’s a big push in the South regarding the “biological clock.” This presumes that you have to have a child or else your family isn’t complete. But every family is different, and your needs might not be what you think they are. 
  • Am I okay with birth parent contact? Louisiana is a closed-adoption state. But when you go through an agency like ours, semi-open and open adoptions are possible. And this choice is entirely up to the birth parent at St. Elizabeth Foundation.
  • Do I need to go through any grief? If you want to choose adoption due to infertility, it’s very common to feel grief. But adopting won’t remove that grief like you think it might. Perhaps think about going through care in order to better prepare yourself so you can give your possible adoptive child the best outcome.
  • Why do I want to adopt? This question may seem simple. But everyone’s reasoning can come from a different place. Look at your motivations and see if your reasoning is what’s healthy for you and your new possible child.

And, of course, because everyone’s situation and needs are different, there may be questions that don’t apply to you or more that you need to ask yourself. So before you make a decision, ask yourself the important questions. And see if adoption is the right choice for you. 

St. Elizabeth Requirements

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we pride ourselves on finding the right parents for babies who just need a family. Discover more about our adoption process and see if you qualify! Currently, we require couples to be married for a minimum of five years in order to qualify to apply and begin the process.

After you qualify, we begin the home study process. While this does take some time, this is important to ensure your home meets our standards. During this time, families must undergo background checks, visits, emotional and relationship assessments, and parenting philosophy discussions. 

Prospective parents can also look forward to our education program. This helps to inform parents about the unique attributes that adoptive parents face, how to help your children understand adoption, and more. Also, in order for our expectant mothers to get to know you, we also have you create a family profile book. With this, she can choose you to parent her child. 

Finally, we help you finalize your adoption by the court. Depending on the type of adoption, this can go a little differently than others. If you have any questions about this or any other part of the adoption process and how it might look for your family in Lafayette, make sure to give us a call. 

Ready To Choose Adoption For Your Lafayette Family?

Our adoption agency is ready to help your Lafayette family begin the process for your new family member. If you have any questions about our process or want to know more about our organization, feel free to give us a call at 225-769-8888. We’re here to help you make the right decision for your family.

Understanding the Adoption Process at our Baton Rouge Agency

So—you and your spouse have decided that you want to have a baby. And, you decided that you want to adopt that baby. This is a beautiful choice that many parents choose each year as a way to grow their family. However, it can be a little confusing to know where to begin the process. But don’t worry. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help you through the adoption process with our Baton Rouge professionals. Trust us to help you find your baby in a way that makes the situation easier for you and your family.

When You’re an Expectant Mother

Some agencies tend to neglect talking about the mother’s process. However, we like being thorough and want to help everyone involved in the adoption process. And this is especially true for the mother.

Depending on who you are, the first step might be the easiest or the hardest part. This first essential step is simply to reach out to us. Feel free to call, email, text, or even just chat with us. This leads to the next step—counseling. During this part, one of our counselors goes through all of your options and helps you figure out the right choice for you. If you do choose to go with adoption, the next choice is to choose the family. Because we want you to have as much choice as possible, mothers at St. Elizabeth get to choose the family who will be accepting the child. 

Every adopting family at St. Elizabeth meets our standards and regulations and is one of the best choices available in Baton Rouge. As you continue with the pregnancy, our team is here to offer pregnancy assistance in whatever way possible. This could be living, medical, legal, or even counseling costs. After the baby is born, we help you and your chosen family finalize your adoption plan. The process changes from here depending on what type of adoption you choose. And even after everything is said and done, there is still more to do. Because we know that this is an emotional decision and process, we’re still here after the birth to offer post-placement counseling

Adopting As a Couple

Of course, everything is different on the other side. Before you begin the process at St. Elizabeth Foundation, your family must first meet our qualifications. To qualify, prospective adoptive parents must be a married couple who have been married for a minimum of five years. If you meet these qualifications, you can apply to officially begin. After we review this application, we then begin the home study process. Please be aware that this does take some time. While this may be frustrating for some, it is simply so we can confidently provide our expectant mothers with the best possible family for the child. During the home study process, families must undergo background checks, a visit to the physical environment, assessments of emotional and relationship stability, and a parenting philosophy discussion.

We also provide prospective parents with our education program. This program helps by informing parents about the unique attributes of adoptive parents, how to help your child understand adoption, and more. Prospective adoptive parents will also create a family profile book to describe themselves to any mothers looking for adoptive families. Once a birth mother does choose you to parent her child, it’s our job to help your family process and finalize your adoption by the court. Depending on the type of adoption this is, things can progress differently from here. But that’s why we’re here to help. If you have any questions about the adoption process, feel free to get in touch with our Baton Rouge professionals, and we can answer any questions you may have. 

Begin the Adoption Process in Baton Rouge Today

We understand this can be a challenging time. But our professionals are here to assist you throughout the adoption process. So, feel free to get in contact with us today by either giving us a call at 225-769-8888 or sending us an email at info@stelizabethfoundation.o.

Navigating Transracial Adoption in an Unwanted Pregnancy

As your chosen adoption agency, we’re here to help you when you need us. One concern that many parents and mothers face is transracial adoption. Especially now, these can feel like hot topics, causing many to question if it’s a good idea or not. However, as adoption professionals, we’re here to help you understand how these situations work. If you’re going through an unwanted pregnancy or want to adopt, see how our adoption agency can help you.

For Birth Mothers

We can understand if you have any concerns about transracial adoption. Even if this is an unwanted pregnancy, it’s natural to want the best for your child. But, at St. Elizabeth Foundation, we design our adoption process with your interests in mind. 

Louisiana is a closed-adoption state. But with the help of St. Elizabeth, we can also offer open and semi-open adoptions. This is a perfect option for those who are concerned about their child being adopted by someone belonging to another race and want to preserve their heritage. Do yourself a favor and begin the process with St. Elizabeth. We’re more than happy to help you navigate this process and make it easier for you through your pregnancy.

For Adoptive Parents

There are a number of challenges that come with adoption, no matter if you adopt a child who shares your race or is a completely different one. Being a different race just brings up a different set of hurdles. But when you go in eyes open, it’s easier to navigate this life for both you and your child.

One tip we will give is to learn how to care for specific needs that certain races have. A big one is hair. You may be surprised, but people of different races have different types of hair. And every type has its own unique needs. So, for example, if you and your spouse are white and are planning on adopting an African American child, you don’t want their hair to look unkempt and frizzy. It’s best to do your research or even ask professionals to teach you. 

Continuing, it’s also important to not racially isolate your child as they grow. Some individuals who grew up racially isolated felt that they had a fractured identity and had to overcome and learn the background they didn’t know they had. 

Issues like these can be addressed with an open mind and an inclusive attitude. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have before jumping into the adoption process. 

An Unwanted Pregnancy Is a Chance for Adoption

If you’re going through an unwanted pregnancy, there’s always the chance to choose adoption. Begin the process today by getting in touch with us at or by calling 225-769-8888. One of our members of staff will be more than happy to begin the process and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Let’s find the best situation for you and your child.