Birth Mother
They asked me, “What do you want in a family? What’s important to you?” I had very specific things that I wanted: religion, background, things they did as a family. The first profile book I opened was the family I chose. I didn’t need to look any further. There was something about their book that completely connected with me. The second I read their profile I didn’t need to see any more. I knew. ... I knew that that was the family.

Birth Mother
They were very supportive of all my decisions. They worked with all my requests towards my open adoption. ... They always made sure that my wishes were complied by. I would recommend them to anybody because they were really good.

Sherrard and Kevin
Birth Mother
I’ve never once questioned the decision, just because I get to see how happy Emma is and how happy Lori and Andrew are. Sometimes I wish I had that every day with her. But then I think, she wouldn’t have been this happy, joyful baby. She would’ve had plenty of love, but now she has double the love ... because we get to be a part of her life and we don’t inhibit any of the joy.