What Are My Adoption Options in Louisiana?

Facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. Birth mothers may find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating various options for the future. While parenting their baby or entering foster care are possibilities, adoption is a loving and selfless choice. Birth mothers who consider adoption can provide their children with a stable and loving home and access to opportunities for them to thrive. Learn more about three adoption options available to birth mothers in Louisiana.

Understanding Adoption Options in Louisiana

Birth mothers in Louisiana can choose from three forms of adoption through St. Elizabeth Foundation: open, semi-open, and closed. Each option offers a different level of contact and involvement between the birth mother and the adoptive family, allowing birth mothers to make a choice that aligns with their comfort and preferences.

Open Adoption

Open adoption allows birth mothers and adoptive families to have ongoing contact and communication. In open adoptions, birth mothers can maintain relationships with their child and the adoptive parents. This arrangement can include visits, phone calls, and updates on the child’s life.

Benefits of Open Adoption

  • Maintaining Connection: Birth mothers can continue to be a part of their child’s life, offering love and support as they grow.
  • Peace of Mind: Birth mothers can see firsthand that their child is safe, loved, and thriving in their adoptive family.
  • Reduced Grief: Open adoption can help birth mothers find closure and lessen the grief associated with separation.

Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption strikes a balance between open and closed adoption options in Louisiana. Birth mothers and adoptive families may exchange information through an intermediary from St. Elizabeth Foundation. While direct contact may be limited, updates and letters can still be exchanged.

Benefits of Semi-Open Adoption

  • Privacy: Birth mothers can maintain some level of privacy while still receiving updates about their child’s well-being.
  • Control: Birth mothers can decide how much contact they are comfortable with, allowing them to have a say in their adoption plan.
  • Peace of Mind: Birth mothers can know that their child is thriving without the pressure of constant contact.

Closed Adoption

Closed adoption involves no direct contact or communication between birth mothers and adoptive families. In closed adoptions, the identities of both parties are kept confidential.

Benefits of Closed Adoption

  • Privacy: Birth mothers can maintain complete privacy and anonymity.
  • Emotional Distance: Some birth mothers may find it emotionally easier to move forward without direct contact.
  • Freedom to Pursue Future Goals: Birth mothers can move forward with education, career opportunities, and personal growth while knowing their child is in a loving and stable environment.

St. Elizabeth Foundation: Supporting Birth Mothers in Louisiana

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand that deciding to place your baby for adoption is a deeply personal and challenging choice. We are here to support and empower birth mothers on their adoption journey, providing the resources and guidance needed to make the best decision for both themselves and their babies.

Our dedicated team offers a range of services to assist birth mothers, including:

  • Counseling: We provide emotional support and counseling services to help birth mothers navigate the complexities of adoption.
  • Financial Assistance: St. Elizabeth Foundation offers financial support to alleviate the burden of medical and living expenses during pregnancy.
  • Education: We ensure birth mothers are well-informed about the adoption process and their rights, helping them make informed choices.

We believe every birth mother deserves compassion, respect, and the opportunity to create a loving future for their child through adoption. We are committed to helping birth mothers find adoption options that align with their needs and desires.

Discover Your Adoption Options in Louisiana at St. Elizabeth Foundation

If you are a birth mother facing an unplanned pregnancy and are interested in exploring your adoption options in Louisiana, reach out to the team at St. Elizabeth Foundation. Message us or call 225-769-8888 to learn more about adoption or begin the adoption process. Our team is here to support you on your journey, providing the guidance and assistance you need to make the best choice for you and your baby.

8 Facts About Open Adoption in Louisiana

Are you considering adoption in Louisiana? Open adoption is a wonderful option to explore, especially if you’re a birth mother who wants to maintain contact with your baby following adoption. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are devoted to helping birth mothers in Louisiana make adoption plans for their unplanned pregnancies. Let’s explore eight key facts about open adoption in Louisiana and why it can be an incredible choice for both birth mothers and adoptive families.

First, What Is Open Adoption?

Open adoption is a type of adoption where the birth mother and adoptive family maintain some level of contact and communication after the adoption is finalized. This can range from occasional letters and pictures to in-person visits. Open adoption allows birth mothers to play an active role in their children’s lives, even if they are not the primary caregivers. It can be a heartwarming and fulfilling experience for all parties involved. 

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we specialize in open adoptions, as well as semi-open and closed options. We can help birth mothers develop their adoption plans and help mediate communication after placement and finalization. If you are interested in open adoption, here are eight facts about the process and its emotional benefits.

1. A Birth Mother Can Remain in Her Baby’s Life

One of the most significant advantages of open adoption in Louisiana is that birth mothers can remain a part of their child’s life. This means that you can continue to build a relationship with your child as they grow, providing love and support from a distance.

2. Birth Mothers Get to Know the Adoptive Family Before the Adoption is Finished

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we empower birth mothers in every decision of the adoption process—including choosing the adoptive families they deem best for their babies. In an open adoption, birth mothers have the opportunity to get to know the adoptive family during the adoption process. This can provide peace of mind and reassurance, knowing that your child is going to a loving and caring home.

3. Birth Mothers Can Gain Emotional Closure Through Open Adoption

Grief can accompany the adoption process. While placing your baby for adoption is a brave and selfless decision, it is not a small one. Open adoption can provide birth mothers in Louisiana with emotional closure. In addition, knowing that they can still be a part of their child’s life can help alleviate some of the loss associated with adoption.

4. Children from Open Adoptions Often Experience Emotional Benefits

Children who grow up in open adoptions tend to benefit emotionally. Studies have shown that adopted children aged 18 to 23 were more satisfied knowing their birth parents rather than not being told about their adoption. Additionally, they can form a sense of identity that includes both their birth and adoptive families.

5. Adopted Children Can Normalize Their Adoption Stories

Open adoption allows adopted children to grow up with an understanding of their adoption story. Rather than growing up with questions about their birth families, cultural history, or why they were placed for adoption, their adoption story becomes a normal part of their identity.

6. Open Adoption Can Provide Answers to Medical Questions

In cases where there are medical concerns or hereditary conditions, open adoption can be particularly valuable. Birth families can provide crucial medical information that can benefit the child’s health.

7. Communication Can Evolve Over Time

As a child ages, communication and visits can become even more frequent in open adoptions. This evolution allows for a deeper and more meaningful relationship between birth mothers and their children.

8. Open Adoption is Currently the Most Widely Chosen Option

In recent years, open adoption has become the most widely chosen option by birth mothers and adoptive families. While closed adoptions were more commonly sought in the past, studies estimate that closed adoption only accounts for 5% of modern adoptions. This shift reflects the growing recognition of the emotional and psychological benefits it offers to all involved parties.

Learn More About Open Adoption in Louisiana With St. Elizabeth Foundation

Open adoption in Louisiana offers numerous benefits for birth mothers, adoptive families, and adopted children. If you’re a couple considering adoption or a birth mother looking to place your baby for adoption, we encourage you to reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. Our dedicated team is here to provide support, guidance, and care throughout the adoption process. You can send us a message or call 225-769-8888 to learn more about open adoption or begin your adoption journey. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are committed to helping you make the best choice for your family and your child’s future.

Writing Your Adoption Profile: 6 Tips for Adopting Parents

Are you considering adoption in Baton Rouge? The journey toward expanding your family through adoption is a beautiful and life-changing one. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the importance of creating a compelling adoption profile that truly represents who you are as a family. Your adoption profile is your chance to connect with birth mothers and share your story in a way that resonates with them. Learn six essential tips for crafting an adoption profile that showcases your uniqueness and the love you’re ready to offer to a child.

1. Share Your Relationship and Journey

Every love story is special, and birth mothers want to know about yours. In this section, introduce yourselves as a couple. Share details about your professions, hobbies, and interests. Let your personalities shine through as you describe how your journey has led you to adoption. Whether you met in college or through mutual friends, these personal stories help create a connection between you and the birth mother.

2. Talk About Your Home

Your home is where your family grows and thrives. If you have children, talk about them and their unique personalities. Describe your home environment and how you’ve fostered a safe and nurturing space for your family. Emphasize the importance of safety measures and how you make your home a place of joy and growth for everyone.

3. Discuss Why You’ve Chosen Adoption

Adoption is a deeply personal decision, and birth mothers are eager to understand why you’ve chosen this path. Be open and honest about your motivations. Whether you’ve faced infertility challenges or simply have a strong desire to share your love with another child, express your heartfelt reasons for pursuing adoption in Baton Rouge.

4. Pets, Hobbies, and Travel

A birth mother wants to envision the life her baby will have with you. If you have pets, share endearing stories about them. Discuss hobbies that bring your family closer. Additionally, if you enjoy traveling, explain how you plan to introduce your child to new cultures and experiences. These fun facts and activities allow birth mothers to see the potential for enriching their child’s life.

5. Tell More About Your Extended Family

Family is an integral part of a child’s life, and birth mothers will want to know about your extended family. Describe the role they play in your lives and how they contribute to the loving environment you offer. Whether it’s grandparents, aunts, uncles, or even close family friends, highlight the support system your child will have.

6. Holidays & Family Traditions

Family traditions create lasting memories and connections. Share details about your favorite holidays, customs, and celebrations. A birth mother will appreciate knowing the kind of traditions her baby will grow up with and the special moments they’ll share with your family.

Begin Your Adoption Application in Baton Rouge Today

If you’re excited about adopting and want to start your journey, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you. Building an adoption profile is an essential part of the process, and we can help you create a profile that honestly and authentically represents your family. To begin your adoption process or learn more about adoption in Baton Rouge, feel free to reach out to us. You can send us a message or give us a call at 225-769-8888.

Remember, your adoption profile is a window into your hearts and home. It’s a chance to connect with birth mothers who are seeking the perfect family for their babies. By sharing your journey, values, and dreams, you’re taking a meaningful step toward welcoming a child into your loving family.

A Guide to Newborn Essentials After Your Adoption

Are you considering adoption near Lake Charles? Let St. Elizabeth Foundation be your trusted partner as you prepare for the beautiful and fulfilling adventure of parenthood. With our comprehensive support, including assistance with applications, home studies, and everything in between, we’re here to help as you get ready to bring your new baby home. Once you’ve embarked on the path of adoption and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little one, it’s important to have all the necessary items to make sure they’re comfortable and cared for. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to newborn essentials so you can gather everything you’ll need after your adoption.

A Safe and Cozy Sleep Space

Welcoming a newborn into your home after completing your adoption near Lake Charles requires a safe and comfortable sleep environment. A crib with a waterproof mattress cover and a snug fitted sheet is a priority. The fitted sheet and a bed free of other blankets or toys are crucial to prevent choking or suffocation risks from loose bedding or items. Remember, safety always comes first!

Soothing Pacifiers

Pacifiers can provide comfort for your newborn between feedings, even as they fall asleep. These small wonders can help ease fussiness and create a sense of security. Make sure to choose age-appropriate pacifiers and have a few extra on hand around the house and when you’re on the go.

Feeding Supplies

The right feeding supplies are essential, and bottles and infant formula are at the top of the list. Additionally, bottle sanitizer and bottle brushes are a great addition to this list to make sure your bottles are free of harmful bacteria. Most babies need to be bottle-fed anywhere from eight to 12 times a day—so make sure to have several available if you can’t clean between feedings!

Comfortable Changing Station

A well-stocked diaper changing station is a lifesaver. Diapers, wipes, and rash creams keep your baby comfortable and dry. In addition, you may want to consider a diaper pail to throw away dirty diapers and contain their smell. Regular diaper changes are not only hygienic but also offer a chance for meaningful interaction with your little one.

Invest in a changing table with a soft pad to ensure comfort and convenience during diaper changes. Distraction toys, a nightlight for nighttime changes, and antibacterial wipes for quick station cleanups are also important items to keep on hand.  

Gentle Bath Time Essentials

Your baby’s delicate skin requires special care during bath time. While you only need to use water at first, you can introduce soap after four to six weeks. Opt for baby soap, shampoo, and moisturizer specifically designed for newborns. These products are formulated to be gentle and safe for your baby’s sensitive skin. 

Don’t forget that bath time is a wonderful opportunity for bonding! A baby tub or bath seat ensures a safe, secure, and enjoyable bathing experience for both you and your baby.

Cozy Clothing and Accessories

Your baby’s wardrobe should include soft pajamas, onesies, and socks. Comfort is key during these early months. Make sure to have clothing items that cover your baby’s feet to keep them warm. You may also want to consider clothing that covers your baby’s hands to prevent accidental scratches from their fingernails.

Travel Essentials: A Car Seat, Stroller, and Diaper Bag

After your adoption, a car seat and stroller are indispensable when you’re on the go around Lake Charles. Choose a car seat that meets safety standards and a stroller that’s easy to maneuver. These items will make outings a breeze for you and your little one. A well-packed diaper bag is also a parent’s best friend. Fill it with diapers, wipes, an extra outfit, feeding supplies, and anything else you might need while away from home.

Hands-Free Bonding with a Baby Carrier

A wrap carrier is a fantastic way to keep your baby close while having your hands free. “Baby wearing” promotes bonding and lets you get things done while your baby rests comfortably against you. Whether you’re grocery shopping or walking around the house, keep safety in mind with the T.I.C.K.S baby wearing safety practice:

  • Tight. Make sure that your sling or carrier is tight enough to keep your baby close to you. 
  • In view at all times. Remember to glance down regularly to ensure you can see your baby’s face without having to adjust the fabric of your sling.
  • Close enough to kiss. The sling should keep your baby’s head close to your chin.
  • Keep chin off chest. Make sure that there is at least one finger’s distance between your baby’s chin and chest.
  • Supported back. Adjust your baby within the wrap or carrier so they are not slumped and their back is not curled into a C shape.

With these safety precautions in mind, you can stay connected with your newborn while having the freedom to multitask and navigate your day with ease.

Relaxing Moments with a Glider or Rocking Chair

Lastly, don’t forget to create a serene space for you and your baby to unwind. A glider or rocking chair can be your sanctuary for late-night feedings and soothing moments. Take time to curl up with your baby, a book, or calming music, and enjoy holding your baby as they eat or drift off to sleep.

For Adoption Near Lake Charles, Reach Out to St. Elizabeth Foundation

As you begin your adoption journey near Lake Charles, remember that St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you. Our Louisiana adoption agency is devoted to guiding adopting parents through this incredible process. If you have questions or are ready to get started, call 225-769-8888 today or send us a message. We’re here to help you navigate the path to parenthood and prepare to welcome your new addition with open hearts and open arms.

How the New Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit Benefits Adopting Couples

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are passionate about providing comprehensive support to both birth mothers and adopting couples in Louisiana. One recent development that brings great hope to adopting couples is the passage of House Bill 443 which introduces the Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit. This groundbreaking legislation aims to make the adoption journey more accessible and financially attainable for prospective parents. Learn more about the details of House Bill 443 and how it empowers adopting couples.

Understanding the Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit

House Bill 443, passed in 2023, introduces the Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit, which seeks to support adopting couples by providing a tax credit for qualified adoption expenses. Under this new legislation, adopting couples can claim a one-time $5,000 tax credit per eligible adoption of children under three years old. This credit can help to alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with the adoption process. The credit can be applied towards reasonable and necessary expenses related to the adoption, including: 

  • Adoption Fees
  • Court Costs
  • Attorney Fees
  • And more 

This tax credit marks a significant step forward in supporting adopting couples in their journey to becoming parents. It helps ensure that adoption remains an accessible option for building families across the state.

How House Bill 443 Benefits Adopting Couples

The Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit offers several significant benefits to adopting couples, making the adoption journey more accessible. Let’s explore these advantages in detail.

Inclusivity and Support

By offering a tax credit for qualified adoption expenses, House Bill 443 demonstrates the state’s commitment to inclusivity and supporting all families formed through adoption. Signing this bill into law reflects a commitment to enhancing adoption-related services and reducing potential hurdles, like the financial constraints associated with adoption. This comprehensive approach highlights the state’s determination to create a supportive environment for adoption by helping families find the necessary resources to provide loving homes for children in need.

Empowering Adopting Couples

House Bill 443 serves as a powerful incentive for more families to consider adoption as a loving and meaningful way to grow their family. The Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit highlights Louisiana’s mindfulness of how they can help Louisiana families and our communities grow by offering support. By providing financial assistance and recognition, the legislation encourages couples to choose adoption, fostering a greater sense of hope and enthusiasm for building a family. 

St. Elizabeth Foundation Celebrates the Passage of House Bill 443

On July 13th, St. Elizabeth Foundation joined Representative Rick Edmonds, the Louisiana Right to Life, and other supportive groups at the state capital to celebrate the passage of House Bill 443. This momentous occasion marked a significant milestone in making adoption more accessible and affordable for adopting couples in Louisiana. 

Supporters of all stages of adoption came out to celebrate at the state capitol. The group ranged from birth mothers who had chosen adoption and adopting families to children whose lives were changed through their adoption. Sarah Zagorski says that adoption gives children the stability they need to thrive:

“The permanence adoption provides children is what saves children their futures. It gives them their futures back. It saves them from addiction, relationship issues, and many problems that I saw in my biological family.”

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are proud to be part of this transformative journey. And, we commend the efforts of all those involved in championing this crucial legislation.

Learn How the Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit Can Benefit Your Adoption Through St. Elizabeth Foundation

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we celebrate this landmark legislation and the positive impact it will have on making adoption more obtainable and approachable for families across Louisiana. Are you an adopting couple ready to embrace the joys of parenthood through adoption? We encourage you to take advantage of the new Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit. To learn more about how St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you with adoption, call 225-769-8888 or send us a message. Our team is here to guide and support you throughout the adoption process. We are dedicated to offering compassionate care and professional assistance every step of the way.

How Do I Tell My Loved Ones About My Adoption Plan?

If you find yourself with an unplanned pregnancy, choosing adoption near Lafayette might be the right path for you. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the challenges you’re going through. Our team is here to support and care for you as you navigate your adoption journey. One of the most daunting tasks ahead may be telling your loved ones about your adoption plan. It’s essential to remember that communication is key during this journey. Let us offer guidance and resources to help you navigate this delicate conversation. Consider this advice when sharing the news of your pregnancy and adoption plan with your loved ones.

Trust in the Power of Open Communication

Telling your loved ones about your unplanned pregnancy and adoption decision is a vulnerable process. However, open communication and sharing your story are vital to building a solid support system throughout this journey. 

If it is easier for you, choose a comfortable and private setting to speak with your family and close friends. This environment will help everyone to express their feelings freely and ensure they understand your reasons for choosing adoption near Lafayette. Be honest about your feelings and be prepared for a range of reactions. Some may be surprised or even initially resistant. But, reassure them that you are making the best choice for your and your baby’s futures.

Before starting the conversation, take some time to gather your thoughts and emotions. Remember that you have made this decision thoughtfully and with the best intentions for both yourself and your baby. Choosing adoption is an act of selfless love, as you are placing your child’s needs and well-being at the forefront of your decision-making process. Explain how much you love your child and that this decision is about giving them the best possible life. In addition, letting your loved ones know that you have carefully and thoroughly thought through your options can help them to better understand your reasoning for choosing adoption.

Be Patient and Understanding

Your loved ones may need time to process the news of your pregnancy and adoption plan. Some may not fully understand or support your decision immediately. But, that doesn’t mean they won’t come around eventually. Be patient as they process the information. It is important to give them space to absorb the information and ask any questions they may have.

While it may be challenging to hear conflicting opinions, remember that you are the one who knows what is best for your child and yourself. Their initial reactions do not define the validity of your decision. Stay true to your beliefs, trust your instincts, and seek the support of a counselor if needed.

Lean On Counseling Resources

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are committed to providing free counseling resources to help you process your emotions and thoughts throughout your pregnancy and adoption journey. Our professional counselors are available to support you, and they can also help you prepare for the conversation with your loved ones. Don’t hesitate to reach out and seek guidance whenever you need it.

Begin Planning Your Adoption Near Lafayette With St. Elizabeth Foundation

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are devoted to providing compassionate and comprehensive support to birth mothers in Louisiana facing unplanned pregnancies. Remember that you are not alone on this journey. Our free counseling resources are available to help you navigate the emotional challenges and uncertainties that may arise during this time.

If you are considering adoption near Lafayette, we encourage you to call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message to begin building your adoption plan. Our team is here to listen, guide, and support you, ensuring your adoption journey is as smooth and empowering as possible. You are making a brave and loving choice, and we are here to help you make the best decision for yourself and your precious baby.

How a Local Adoption Agency Puts Monroe Birth Mothers First

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, the path ahead may seem uncertain. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the challenges and emotions that birth mothers can experience. Our local Louisiana adoption agency helps birth mothers in Monroe and beyond determine the right plan for their adoption. We are committed to providing support and care on your journey and making sure your voice is heard. Discover how St. Elizabeth Foundation prioritizes the needs of birth mothers and empowers them to make decisions they are comfortable with.

We Provide a Judgement-Free Space to Plan Your Adoption

After recognizing the stigma birth mothers face and the negative perception around adoption in Louisiana communities, our founders Hays and Gay Town embarked on a mission in 1988. They took the first steps to raise awareness and transform this outlook. Their vision was simple yet impactful—to create a safe and compassionate space where birth mothers could explore their options and find stability after adoption. And since then, St. Elizabeth Foundation has facilitated the adoption of hundreds of babies while providing the utmost care to birth mothers, honoring their journey with compassion and support.

The staff at St. Elizabeth Foundation recognizes the fear, stress, and conflicting emotions that can accompany an unplanned pregnancy. In addition to facilitating adoptions, our local adoption agency provides a nonjudgmental environment. This provides a place where birth mothers can freely express their feelings, concerns, and hopes for the future. Our team consists of experienced professionals who offer counseling services, ensuring that birth mothers have the emotional support they need throughout their adoption journey.

We Offer Free Resources for Birth Mothers

Financial constraints should never stand in the way of birth mothers receiving the support they deserve. That is why St. Elizabeth Foundation offers a comprehensive range of resources in hopes of alleviating the financial burden of unplanned pregnancies. 

Through our local adoption agency, we cover a variety of expenses. This includes prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, and additional out-of-pocket costs that aren’t covered by Medicaid or private insurance. Our goal is to empower birth mothers to make the best decisions for themselves and their babies without the added stress of financial instability.

We Support Birth Mothers in Every Decision

Our local adoption agency near Monroe firmly believes that birth mothers should have control over every decision regarding their adoption plan. We respect and value their independence, and our role is to support and guide them throughout the process. Birth mothers can choose the adoptive family for their child based on their own preferences and desires. We work closely with birth mothers to ensure they are comfortable with their choices while providing comprehensive information about potential adoptive families.

In addition, St. Elizabeth Foundation supports birth mothers in deciding the level of openness they desire in their adoption plan. We recognize that each birth mother’s needs and circumstances are unique. Through counseling and planning, we help mothers decide on an adoption style they prefer, whether closed, semi-open, or open. We respect their choices and work diligently to facilitate the type of adoption relationship they are most comfortable with. 

Kristin Aucoin, a licensed clinical social worker at our local adoption agency, says that by putting birth mothers first, they can have confidence that they are making the right choices for their babies:

“We run our program around our birth mothers, and we want them to be as comfortable as possible and tell us what they want and how they want things to go. It’s all about them—and we want them to be the most comfortable and feel comfortable about their decision.”

Work With a Local Adoption Agency Near Monroe That Puts Your Needs First

St. Elizabeth Foundation is more than just a local adoption agency near Monroe, LA. We are a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about supporting and caring for birth mothers throughout their adoption journeys. By offering free resources, counseling services, and support for birth mothers to make their own choices, we nurture an environment that puts them first. 

If you are a birth mother in Louisiana seeking guidance and support for making an adoption plan, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here for you. Our local adoption agency is dedicated to providing the care, resources, and empowerment you need during this challenging time. We understand that placing your baby for adoption is a deeply personal decision, and we are committed to ensuring that you are in control every step of the way. Send us a message or call 225-769-8888 to speak with one of our caring professionals and take the first step towards a brighter future for you and your baby.

How Can I Find Loving Parents to Adopt My Child?

Welcoming a new life into the world is a remarkable and joyous event. However, for birth mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy, this can also be a time of uncertainty and difficult decisions. Are you wondering, “How can I find loving parents to adopt my child?” St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to provide you with unwavering support and guidance throughout your journey. Our mission is to help birth mothers in Shreveport and throughout Louisiana make adoption plans that ensure their babies find nurturing and loving homes. Learn how we help connect you with adopting couples who are eager to open their hearts and homes to a child in need of love and care. 

We Connect You With Pre-Screened Families

One of the most significant sources of stress for birth mothers is the search for adoptive parents. You may question, “How can I find parents to adopt my child who will give them the love, care, and opportunities they deserve?” St. Elizabeth Foundation takes that burden off your shoulders by offering a comprehensive family selection process.

Through our adoption agency, birth mothers can view family profiles of couples who have undergone a thorough screening process and home study. These profiles provide valuable information about the adopting couples, allowing them to learn about their backgrounds, immediate and extended family, traditions, faith, and more. We believe that finding the right fit for adoption involves aligning your desires for your baby with a family that shares those same values.

Can I Anonymously Find Parents to Adopt My Child?

Sometimes birth mothers ask, “Can I find parents to adopt my child without sharing personal information?” Birth mothers have the option of maintaining complete privacy throughout the adoption process. Through St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can choose from three types of adoption: open, semi-open, and closed

  • Open adoption is the most transparent option, where birth mothers and adopting parents can meet in person and keep in contact throughout the child’s life. 
  • Semi-open adoption shares some information between birth mothers and adoptive couples, but it typically does not include any direct contact. All communication occurs through a mediator.
  • Closed adoption is when birth mothers and adopting parents do not exchange information with each other or meet face-to-face. 

You have the power to choose whichever type of adoption best fits your needs and wishes. In addition, the team at St. Elizabeth Foundation can discuss each option with you as you determine your adoption plan. 

Our Experienced Counselors Offer Guidance and Support

Navigating the adoption process can be emotionally challenging. St. Elizabeth Foundation provides free counseling services to support you on this journey. Our experienced counselors are here to offer emotional and practical support. We will work closely with you to understand your hopes and dreams for your child. This way, we can empower you to make decisions that align with these goals. We are dedicated to delivering compassionate care, personalized attention, and guidance toward finding loving parents who will provide your child with a beautiful future.

Take the First Step to Find Parents to Adopt Your Child Near Shreveport

If you’re a birth mother searching for loving parents to adopt your child near Shreveport, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. You don’t have to face this journey alone! Our dedicated team is ready to listen, provide support, and connect you with adoptive families who are excited to welcome a child into their home. You can send us a message or call us at 225-769-8888. Our caring staff is available to answer your questions and guide you toward making the best decision for you and your child.

Explore Infant Adoption Options Near New Orleans

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, making decisions about the future can be challenging. If you are interested in placing your baby for adoption, make sure you understand all the options available to you! St. Elizabeth Foundation offers guidance to birth mothers throughout Louisiana. From helping you choose your adoption type to connecting you with adopting families, our agency helps you with every step of the adoption process. Learn more about adoption options available near New Orleans, how your decision can impact your baby’s future, and ways our agency can help.

What Are Your Adoption Options Near New Orleans?

When considering adoption, birth mothers have several options available to them. Through St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can place your baby for open, closed, or semi-open adoption. Each provides a different level of contact and communication between the birth mother, adoptive family, and child. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our caring staff helps educate you about these options so that you can make the best choice for you and your baby.

Open Adoption

Open adoption allows for ongoing contact between the birth mother, adoptive family, and child. This correspondence can include organizing visits, sending letters, and having regular phone calls. Open adoption lets you maintain a relationship with your baby while still allowing them to grow up in a stable household. The level of openness can be customized based on your comfort level and the agreement reached with the adoptive family.

Closed Adoption

In a closed adoption, no identifying information is exchanged between the birth mother and adoptive family. A representative from St. Elizabeth Foundation will help mediate between you and the adoptive family throughout the adoption process. This ensures your anonymity is protected and that there is no contact between you and the adoptive family after the adoption is finalized. 

Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption provides a middle ground between open and closed adoption. In a semi-open adoption, you can maintain limited contact and communication with your baby and the adoptive family. This type of adoption allows you to receive updates on your baby’s growth and development while still maintaining a level of privacy.

Why Adoption is a Loving Option for Your Baby

Choosing adoption for your baby provides numerous advantages for their development, such as ensuring they grow up in a stable and nurturing household. St. Elizabeth Foundation connects birth mothers with capable and loving families who have completed extensive training and evaluations. This rigorous preparation ensures the family can offer a safe and secure home for a new baby. Benefits of adoption for babies include:

  • Stability. Adoption allows a child to grow up in a stable, two-parent environment, providing a solid foundation for emotional, social, and educational development.
  • Love and Support. Adoptive families are prepared to provide unconditional love, care, and support to their adopted child. These families are committed to creating nurturing spaces where your baby can thrive.
  • Opportunities. Adoption opens up opportunities for your baby, including access to education, healthcare, and a supportive network of family and friends. Adoptive families help provide your baby with the best possible future.

If you are searching for adoption options near New Orleans that help unlock these benefits for your baby, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help. We can help you find adopting families, counseling services, and financial resources for your adoption.

Discover Your Options at St. Elizabeth Foundation

St. Elizabeth Foundation understands the complexities and emotions involved in adoption, and we are here to help. Our knowledgeable counselors and staff are ready to listen, provide information, and help you develop an adoption plan that reflects your wishes and ensures the best possible future for your child. Start by messaging us or calling 225-769-8888 to learn more about your adoption options near New Orleans. Remember, choosing adoption is a selfless and loving decision—and St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to guide you every step of the way!

Helping Families Grow: How to Find Parents Looking to Adopt in Louisiana

Bringing a child into the world is a significant decision. However,  circumstances may lead expectant mothers to consider adoption as an option. In Louisiana, St. Elizabeth Foundation is a compassionate adoption agency that supports birth mothers throughout their adoption journey. With a specialization in infant adoption, we offer a safe environment where expectant mothers can find parents looking to adopt and make the best choice for their babies. Explore how St. Elizabeth Foundation connects birth mothers with adopting families and how we support you as you develop your personalized adoption plan.

Start by Connecting with Adoptive Families

St. Elizabeth Foundation understands the importance of finding a loving and supportive family for your baby. When you are ready to find parents looking to adopt, we share comprehensive profiles of prospective adopting couples. All adoptive families have gone through an extensive vetting process, including background checks and home studies. This preparation ensures that all families listed can provide a safe, loving home for your baby. You can review family bios and learn more about the potential parents’ lives. By providing this access, our agency empowers expectant mothers to make the right choice for their baby’s future.

We Create a Safe Environment Tailored to Your Chosen Level of Openness

Privacy and security are especially important for expectant mothers considering adoption. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we provide a safe and anonymous environment where birth mothers can explore their options without revealing their identities unless they feel comfortable doing so. This potential anonymity offers a sense of security, enabling birth mothers to review potential adopting families without any pressure or obligation. Our agency facilitates open, semi-open, and closed adoptions to meet your level of comfort. Whether you want to remain fully anonymous or wish to maintain some level of communication with your baby, we can help you develop an adoption plan that meets your needs.

Select the Perfect Family for Your Baby

When evaluating potential adopting families, birth mothers have several factors to consider. St. Elizabeth Foundation encourages birth mothers to think about their own values, family traditions, and hopes for their baby’s future. By reading family bios, you can learn about the potential parents’ backgrounds, lifestyles, and goals for raising a child. Consider the couple’s faith, lifestyle, hobbies, and household. Will your baby have siblings or be raised around animals? Will the adoptive parents’ extended family play a significant role in your baby’s upbringing? St. Elizabeth Foundation will help you explore the importance of factors by offering counseling and support. This information can help you identify families that align with your values. And, this also allows you to create a solid foundation for your baby’s future in a nurturing and inclusive environment.

Seek Support and Assistance

In addition to helping you find parents looking to adopt, St. Elizabeth Foundation also helps develop your adoption plan. Making an adoption plan requires support and guidance. This process includes choosing your adoptive family, the hospital for your birth, and the openness of your adoption. St. Elizabeth Foundation is committed to providing expectant mothers with necessary assistance throughout the process, including counseling and financial resources. Our caring and experienced staff are available to address any questions or concerns while giving you power over each decision.

Find Parents Looking to Adopt at St. Elizabeth Foundation

St. Elizabeth Foundation is dedicated to helping birth mothers with unplanned pregnancies make the best adoption plans for their specific situations. By providing a safe and compassionate setting to discuss your pregnancy, we give you the space and the freedom to make the best choices for your needs. If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, reach out to us for the support you need to make an informed decision about your baby’s future. Contact our agency at 225-769-8888 or message us to find parents looking to adopt and take the first step towards placing your baby into a loving home.