3 Abortion Alternatives Birth Mothers Should Know About

What do you do after the news of an unplanned pregnancy? You may worry that your options are limited. Luckily, you have many possibilities ahead of you aside from abortion. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we empower you to make the best decision for you and your baby, from raising your baby to placing them with loving guardians or adoptive parents. Let us explain three abortion alternatives to help you find the right option for you.

1. Parenting

Choosing to parent your baby is one of several positive abortion alternatives. Depending on your circumstances, you may be the sole caregiver of your baby or you may choose to co-parent with the baby’s father. While the initial news of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, you may be open to the idea of motherhood. With the support of friends, family, and counseling services, choosing the path of single parenthood can become less daunting. And if you choose to co-parent with the baby’s father, you can share the experience of raising your baby together.

Are you unsure if you are ready to take on parenthood? At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer free counseling services for expectant mothers in the midst of unplanned pregnancies. Speak with one of our trained counselors in a safe and loving environment to discuss parenthood and other placement options.

2. Legal Guardianship

If you are not ready to parent your baby but would like to remain in contact with them, you may be able to place your baby into legal guardianship. This role is typically fulfilled by a close friend or family member who agrees to take on legal custody. This guardian raises your child until you are able to regain custody. While they are in the care of this guardian, you have the opportunity to visit and discuss major decisions for your child, like schooling and healthcare.

Many circumstances may keep you from being able to parent your baby after learning of an unplanned pregnancy. Financial issues, health concerns, legal matters, and more may need to be resolved before you can accept full custody of your child. Choosing legal guardianship can bridge the period until you are ready. 

However, legal guardianship may come with its own challenges. This can place strain on your relationship with the chosen guardian. And, you may face opposing views on parenting. In addition to the struggles you may face with legal guardianship, remember that this can greatly impact your child, too. Inconsistent parenting and changes in living arrangements can be traumatic for children, especially during their developmental years. Make sure to choose your baby’s guardian wisely. 

3. Adoption

For some, parenting or legal guardianship may not be possible. Due to financial matters, family relationships, the absence of a spouse or partner, or other conflicts, you may be unable to keep your baby. Or, motherhood may not align with your goals in life. And you may wonder what other abortion alternatives are available. 

With the help of St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can begin the process of placing your baby for adoption. Through adoption, you can provide your baby with a loving home and a safe environment to grow. Like legal guardianship, adoption allows you to stay in contact with your baby, depending on the openness of your adoption. Our adoption agency specializes in open adoption, meaning that once your baby is adopted you can still keep in-person or virtual contact with them.

You have several options within the realm of adoption, as well. If you prefer a confidential adoption, St. Elizabeth Foundation can facilitate a closed adoption. This keeps your identity anonymous to the adopting families throughout the entire process. Once your baby is officially placed, no contact with your baby or the adoptive family is necessary. One of the experienced social workers at our adoption agency can help you understand each type of adoption and determine which is best for you.

Discover Abortion Alternatives With St. Elizabeth Foundation

We understand how overwhelming an unplanned pregnancy can be. Let us make sure you know all possible abortion alternatives. For counseling services and guidance on placing a child for adoption, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. Start by sending us a message or calling us at 225-769-8888. Don’t feel like your options are limited! Find care, support, and solutions through our adoption agency.

6 Ways to Support a Loved One’s Adoption Near Lafayette

Imagine that a friend or family member comes to you with the surprise that they are adopting. What wonderful, exciting news! What can you do to support them as they take their first steps towards adoption near Lafayette? And what can you do to help alleviate stress where you can? At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we know what the adopting family must face on their adoption journey. Let us give you a few tips to help take care of your loved ones, engage with them, and support them through the ups and downs.

1. Ask Questions!

One of the best ways to encourage your friends or family is with questions about their adoption near Lafayette! Show them that you are engaged and interested in the process. But, make sure your questions are balanced. Keep stressful or repeated questions to a minimum, and don’t overload the couple with questions. A few questions we suggest are:

  • What agency are you adopting through, and what is their process?
  • How long can you expect the process to take?
  • What has been the most exciting part of the process so far?
  • How are you feeling?

The adoption process can have many hurdles to overcome, and these may draw out the timeframe of the couple’s adoption. Avoid more negatively driven questions such as “What’s taking so long?” or “What if something goes wrong?” While these are valid questions, they do little to help the adopting couple. Keep your questions on the positive end of the spectrum.

2. Learn About the Chosen Type of Adoption

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer three forms of adoption: open, semi-open, and closed. The type of adoption is chosen by the birth mother and determines how much contact remains after the completion of the adoption. If your loved ones already know the type of their adoption, take time to research it online. Not only does this give you insight into the process, but it also shows your loved one how willing you are to take research into your own hands.

3. Listen, Even During the Tough Stretches

While adoption is a beautiful and exciting journey, it is not without its challenges. This can result in long stretches of waiting, completing home studies and education, and grappling with the wide range of emotions that come with adoption. Be the listening ear your loved ones need. This may mean you allow the couple to vent their frustrations and worries or encourage them to pursue St. Elizabeth’s counseling services. Or, this may be as simple as offering a hug, a shoulder to rest or cry on, or other aid when the couple is too stressed to focus on themselves. Giving your time to listen and support the couple is invaluable as they work their way closer to finalizing their adoption near Lafayette.

4. Offer Encouraging Stories Rather Than Horror Stories

As with any major decision in life, you’ll find many shining success stories—and heart-wrenching horror stories, too. While it is realistic to consider all possibilities that the adopting couple could face, don’t bog them down with the harrowing what-ifs. When you can, replace worry with encouragement. Share exciting stories of adoption, especially if you know of any personal success stories from other friends or family. Remember that hardships are inevitable. However, it is better to focus on the positive adoption aspects to help keep the adopting couple in a strong forward motion.

5. Do Your Research!

Aside from researching the types of adoption available, research the adoption process as a whole! At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our adoption process follows seven main steps: qualifying for adoption, applying, completing a home study, finishing our education program, being chosen by a birth mother, learning your legal rights and responsibilities, and finalizing the adoption. Take time to research each step to discover ways you can help. Consider helping clean the couple’s home and organizing their items before the home study. You can monetarily support the adoption by donating towards the overall cost, purchasing diapers, or buying toys and clothes for when the baby arrives. When you understand the complexities of the adoption process, you can discover better ways to offer assistance.

6. Ask the Best Ways to Help and Support

When in doubt, communicate with the adopting couple. Ask them outright how you can best support them during their adoption. This can be direct assistance including being a good listener or helping with tasks around their home. Or, this could be as simple as inviting the couple over for a home-cooked dinner to talk about their experience. Your willingness to help and listen can do wonders for the couple as they prepare to welcome their new child!

Pursue Adoption Near Lafayette Through St. Elizabeth Foundation

If you or a loved one are interested in adoption near Lafayette, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation to learn more! We would love to share details about the adoption process, the approach our local adoption agency takes, and how you can take your first steps. Give us a call at 225-769-8888 or send us a message. Our staff looks forward to offering support, as well.

How Parents Looking to Adopt in Louisiana Can Get Started

Choosing to adopt a child is a beautiful decision, but taking the first steps can be daunting. Parents looking to adopt in Louisiana can find the connections they need through St. Elizabeth Foundation! Our adoption agency provides the care, guidance, and support you need to work through adoption challenges and bring your new baby home. Here’s how you can begin.

How to Start the Adoption Process

Adopting a child through St. Elizabeth Foundation is a linear, seven-step process. Parents looking to adopt through our Louisiana agency must undergo education, home studies, and counseling in addition to filling out their adoption forms. While this process can feel daunting at the beginning, the journey is worthwhile—no matter how long. Here’s how you can begin the road to adoption.

  • Ensure that you qualify. If you and your spouse have been married for five years or more, you are good to go!
  • Fill out a formal application. This may take some time, but our experts are here to help and encourage you along the way.
  • Complete a home study. This portion of the process ensures that your home is safe and compatible with your new child.
  • Work through our education program. This program, taken with other adopting families, gives you the tools you need to be ready for adoption challenges.
  • Wait to be chosen. Prepare a profile book to allow birth mothers to get to know more about you. If they choose you as a match, you will move forward with your adoption!
  • Understand the legalities of adoption. We make sure you understand your rights and responsibilities in your adoption, as well as how to proceed with the specific openness of your adoption.

If your baby’s birth mother opts for open or semi-open adoption, the team at St. Elizabeths can act as a bridge for communication. From organizing meetings with the birth mother or parents to providing post-placement counseling, we make sure that your adoption is wrapped up smoothly. 

Support for Parents Looking to Adopt in Louisiana

While you work through the technical processes of adoption, you may feel overwhelmed by the details. This is where counseling and finding support from other adoptive families can help! At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer professional counseling services to our parents looking to adopt in Louisiana. From discussing your excitement to your anxiousness, we are here to help you process each emotion throughout your adoption journey. 

In addition to speaking with our professionals, the support of others who can empathize with your experience is invaluable. Connecting with families who have gone through the adoption process can help you navigate the ups and downs you may face along the way. And, you can also reach out to other families who are adopting through St. Elizabeth. Together, you can provide each other encouragement as your approach the time when you can bring your new child home!

Begin Your Adoption Journey with St. Elizabeth Foundation

St. Elizabeth Foundation is ready to help you connect with your future child. Parents looking to adopt through our Louisiana agency can partner with our caring staff members to guide them from start to finish. If you’re ready to begin or want to learn more about our adoption agency, send us a message or give us a call at 225-769-8888. We can’t wait to help you expand your family through adoption!

How to Place Your Baby for Adoption in Louisiana

Are you pregnant and considering adoption? With the help of a caring adoption agency, you can find the best placement options for your baby. These experts can walk you through each decision, offer counseling services, and support you before and after the birth. And once you’ve determined that adoption is the best choice for you, it’s time to find the right agency to help with placement. If you need assistance to place your baby for adoption in Louisiana, here are five ways that St. Elizabeth Foundation can assist.

1. Choose the Right Adoption Agency for Your Baby

The first step of the adoption process is to find an adoption agency. If you want to place your baby for adoption in Louisiana, let St. Elizabeth Foundation be your hub for support. Our adoption agency, founded in 1988, was established to connect women grappling with unplanned pregnancies with a safe haven. From helping expectant mothers begin the adoption process to finding emotional aid through pre and post-placement counseling, we make sure that each mother knows she isn’t alone in her adoption process. 

If you are searching for an adoption agency dedicated to helping you find solutions for an unexpected pregnancy, we would love to talk with you. We empower you to make the best possible decision for you and your baby. And with our guidance, we can connect you to the tools you need to move forward.

2. Determine Your Adoption & Birth Plans

The adoption agency you choose can help you establish your adoption and birth plans. Through St. Elizabeth Foundation, we make sure that you have power over every decision. These include the openness of the adoption, the adoptive family, and which hospital you would want to give birth in. Do you want the adoptive family present for the birth? Do you want to spend time with your baby after giving birth? Or would you rather have our adoption agency intervene? These are all questions to consider and discuss with our counselors. But remember—every decision is yours to make.

3. Browse & Choose Adoptive Family

St. Elizabeth Foundation makes it simple to find adoptive parents for your baby. And when you choose to place your baby for adoption through our Louisiana agency, you gain access to our long list of adopting families. Find families in-state or around the country who are excited to introduce a new baby to their home. Read their profiles, get to know their faces, and then determine which family you deem to be the best fit for your child. You then have the option to correspond with these parents or leave the communication to us if you prefer little to no contact.

4. Find Support Through Post-Placement Counseling

Once your adoption has been completed and your baby has been placed with the adoptive parents, the journey doesn’t end. Our caregivers at St. Elizabeth understand the variety of emotions that come with your pregnancy, birth, and adoption decisions. Even after finalizing the adoption, you may find yourself dealing with complex feelings. This is why we offer post-placement counseling to help you work through the ups and downs as they come. Understand that our adoption agency is dedicated to delivering care, respect, and compassion before, during, and after your adoption.

5. Keep Up With the Adoptive Family (In an Open or Semi-Open Adoption)

If you choose an open or semi-open adoption, this requires some level of communication with the baby and adoptive family. But after you place your baby for adoption, our Louisiana agency can help facilitate communication through phone calls, in-person visits, and letters. From texting to keeping up on social media, you can check in with your baby wherever you are. This, of course, depends on the adoption plan you opt for. If you choose to have a closed adoption, no further correspondence is required with the family.

Looking to Place Your Baby for Adoption in Louisiana? Let St. Elizabeth Foundation Help.

Choosing to place your baby for adoption in Louisiana is not an easy decision. Our team at St. Elizabeth Foundation knows the challenges and struggles you face, and we are ready to provide support along the way. Adoption is a brave and loving choice, and make sure that you have caregivers and counselors available to guide you throughout the journey. If you are ready to learn more about our adoption process, send us a message or call us at 225-769-8888.

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Adoption Agency Near New Orleans

There are many choices to consider throughout your adoption process. Will you adopt internationally or within the states? And do you want to work with a national agency or a local agency? At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we help connect families throughout Louisiana with local adoptions in your home state. By choosing a local adoption agency, you can find invaluable support close to home from our caring staff and other local adopting families. Learn just three of the benefits you can discover by working with a local adoption agency near New Orleans.

1. A Local Adoption Agency Walks with You Through the Entire Process

As you start your adoption journey, the rules, requirements, and complexities of the process may seem insurmountable. This is why partnering with experts in local adoption can help alleviate a large amount of your stress! At St. Elizabeth, we are dedicated to taking a hands-on approach to adoption. For birth mothers, we make sure they understand all available options and help them settle on the right decision. And for adopting families, we help navigate through paperwork, home studies, making online profiles, and any meetings with the birth mother or parents. 

Our agency is passionate about showing love to all involved in the adoption process. And we make sure that you receive the support and guidance you need to see you through to the end of your adoption. If you are searching for a local adoption agency near New Orleans, we would love to speak to you about our process!

2. In an Open Adoption, You May Get to Meet the Birth Mother In-Person and Be Present for the Birth

In an open adoption, adoptive families and their new child can stay in touch with the birth mother or family after finalizing the adoption process. And by choosing a local adoption agency, adopting families in New Orleans likely be located near the birth family. This can be beneficial for pre-placement conversations and staying connected after the child is born. If agreed upon by the birth mother, you may even have the opportunity to be present for the birth, or you may be present to meet your child at the hospital. And with the assistance of St. Elizabeth Foundation, we can help bridge communication between your family and the birth parents at all stages of your adoption.

3. Adopting Parents Can Connect with Other Adopting Families in the Area

There are over two million couples seeking adoption in the United States. For parents eagerly awaiting the completion of their adoption process, it is vital to have a strong support network surrounding them. Through our local adoption agency, couples can connect with other adopting families near New Orleans at various stages of their adoption process! Learn from their experiences, gain insight into hardships, and develop connections with others who can empathize with your journey. These bonds can help you thrive during both the successes and the challenges of your adoption. And, you can become an encouragement to others in the process.

Choose a Local Adoption Agency Near New Orleans

For those looking for a local adoption agency near New Orleans, choose an agency that can support you from start to finish. Whether you are an adoptive couple or a birth mother, our team is ready to help you learn your next steps. Give us a call at 225-769-8888. Or, send us a message for more information. We look forward to providing you with professional support with a personal touch.

How to Cope With an Unwanted Pregnancy in Lake Charles

When you hold a positive pregnancy test in your hands, your first response may not be awe or tears of joy. You may feel isolated, scared, regretful, or lost. Know that even when faced with an unwanted pregnancy, there are several options available to you near Lake Charles. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we provide a safe space for expectant mothers to consider the right way to proceed after an unplanned pregnancy. Here is how we recommend moving forward after your news. 

First—Ground Yourself Mentally

Your first step is to calm the chaos you may be feeling internally. Coming to terms with your pregnancy is the first step toward coping. This may include accepting feelings of anger or fear about how your family or partner will react to the news. Know that your feelings are valid and to be expected. But, allow yourself to feel these emotions, process them, and then gather yourself for the next steps. Through St. Elizabeth’s, you can find judgment-free, professional counseling services to help you cope with the news of your pregnancy. And, we can also help you determine how to move forward. 

Reflect On Your Health

As you work through the emotions that come with an unwanted pregnancy, your next step should be to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider in Lake Charles. Not only can these professionals confirm that you are pregnant, but they can also help you know what care is needed for your pregnancy. If you drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs, your doctor will recommend you abstain for the health of the baby. They will also advise you on prenatal supplements, diet, and exercise to help you and the baby stay as healthy as possible.

Identify Your Support System

Who in your life would be ideal to turn to for safety and encouragement? This may be one or both of your parents, the baby’s father, or close friends or family. Having an established support system is essential after the news of unwanted pregnancy, especially members you can speak to in person near Lake Charles. These loved ones can help you in making decisions, finding resources and medical care for your pregnancy, and making sure that you don’t feel alone in your situation. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our staff is built of kind, loving professionals. From counselors to social workers and case workers, we extend love, understanding, and listening ears during a time of uncertainty.

Consider Each Option Carefully

Finally, it’s time to decide what to do about your pregnancy. Do you parent your baby? Do your place your child into adoption or foster care? Or do you choose to terminate your pregnancy?

It’s okay to be uncertain if you want to parent your baby. For many women, the news of unplanned pregnancy may come at the wrong time. Whether the mother is a high school or college student, a single mother, or a young professional—a pregnancy may conflict with other goals you have for yourself. Even if you are certain that motherhood is not right for you, you have several options to choose from, including adoption and foster care.

Your first thought may be to terminate your pregnancy. However, abortion is not the fast, easy solution that it may seem. Not only is abortion an expensive procedure, but it can also leave you with many emotional effects and even physical side effects. And with the recent conversation about the legality of abortion in Louisiana, it is smart to consider other options.

Through St. Elizabeth’s Foundation, an expectant mother can place her child for adoption under the care of qualified parents. Our agency thoroughly screens every prospective family before clearing them for adoption, ensuring that they are emotionally and financially prepared for a new child. And through our local Louisiana adoption agency, we give full control of the adoption to the birth mother. From choosing the adopting family to the type of adoption and hospital plan, each decision is up to you. Our team is here to support and guide you each step of the way.

Find Support for an Unwanted Pregnancy in Lake Charles

If you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy in Lake Charles, know that love and support from St. Elizabeth’s isn’t far. Please consider reaching out to our adoption agency as soon as possible for counseling and guidance as you decide your next steps. You can reach a member of our team at 225-769-8888, or you can send us a message. We’ll be happy to show you all the ways we can help.

Why Two-Parent Households Are Important for Adoption in New Orleans

Every child deserves a happy, healthy home environment. This is true for families formed through adoption, as well. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we make sure that each of our adopting families can fulfill the roles of a loving mother and father. But what are the benefits of a two-parent household, and how is this important for adoption in New Orleans? Our adoption agency believes in the power of a stable family unit and strives to build families based on these foundational values. From emotional development to financial support, a two-parent household can make a major impact on the life of an adopted child.

Two-Parent Households Can Have Two Channels of Income

Financial hurdles are inevitable when adopting a child. From funding your adoption in New Orleans to saving for expenses after placement, financial stability is of great importance to the health of your family. However, remaining financially secure can be a challenge in single-parent homes. But, the support of a second parent in the family unit can remove a large amount of stress from family finances. This also allows the adopted child to have greater opportunities for schooling, extracurricular activities, and healthcare access. 

Having Two Parents Can Promote a Child’s Behavioral & Academic Education

Carrying out your adoption in New Orleans can give your child a better chance at future success and security. A brief by the Institute for Family Studies found that 21% of young black men completed college when coming from two-parent homes as compared to the 12% success rate of single-parent households. This study also showed that these children were less likely to spend time in jail.

With the example of two strong and driven parents, adopted children are more likely to abstain from crime and focus on their education. Not only are two-parent families more likely to afford undergraduate and college education for their children. But they also provide a more stable household for behavioral development. This structure can greatly impact a child’s social interactions. And it can even decrease their chances of incarceration, using drugs, and engaging in risky behavior.

A Mother and Father Provide Essential Support

Gender roles are an important part of a child’s development. The presence of both male and female examples helps children to develop essential emotional and behavioral standards. From the nurturing care of a mother to the firmness and protection of a father, each parenting role is crucial. Parental relationships teach children how to treat others, respect authority, and develop goals for their future. A mother and father unit can cultivate a safe, stable home environment for children to grow and thrive. And, these children have access to double the love and affection that they would find in a single-parent home.

Start Your Adoption Journey in New Orleans Today

St. Elizabeth Foundation specializes in newborn adoptions in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and throughout the state of Louisiana. We connect birth mothers to two-parent adopting families so that the baby can grow up in a household with both a mother and father. Whether you are a mother placing your baby for adoption or a couple beginning your adoption journey, St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you through each step of the process. Speak with a member of our team by calling 225-769-8888 or sending us a message. We can help you understand your options for adoption!

Are You Financially Ready for Adoption in Lafayette?

If you are considering adoption, it is crucial to be financially prepared. While a certain annual income is not explicitly required to adopt, families must live over the federal poverty level. In addition to income, adopting families should also take additional expenses into account. From adoption fees to post-placement living expenses, the process calls for financial stability. Let St. Elizabeth Foundation help you grasp the necessary costs associated with adoption and give you guidance on how to be financially ready for adoption in Lafayette.

How Can You Be Better Prepared?

On average, domestic adoptions through private agencies in the United States range from $20,000 to $40,000. While this expense may seem like a major hurdle in your adoption journey, there are a few methods you can use to help offset the financial stress. Follow these tips to help prepare your finances for this important investment.

1. Understand Your Full Range of Expenses

There are many costs associated with adoption. These include financing your home study, legal expenses, professional counseling, and education before finalizing your adoption in Lafayette. After your adoption has been completed, you will also have doctor’s visits, newborn care, food, diapers, and more to afford. Your financial obligations may seem overwhelming when looking at your total expense, but prioritize your understanding of each piece of your financial plan. Each cost comes with an essential purpose to ensure that you and your home are in the best possible condition to welcome a new child. 

In some circumstances, government financial aid may be available. For example, children with special needs may be eligible for an adoption subsidy. Consult with the experts at St. Elizabeth Foundation to learn what expenses to expect and which opportunities you may be able to find for financial assistance.

2. Make Sure Your Finances Are in Order

Before beginning your adoption journey in Lafayette, you will want to take a realistic look at your finances. If your money is already in a precarious position, this will not be sustainable after your adoption. It is especially important to restructure your finances before your adoption agency conducts a home study. This will evaluate not only the state of your living arrangements but also your income, debts, and proof of health insurance. It is important to make sure that families are living within their means so that they can adequately support the financial, medical, and educational needs of a new family member. 

3. Start Saving Early

If your family is confident that adoption is right for you, it is best to begin saving as soon as possible. The adoption process itself may take some time to finalize, so take advantage of the period you have to save. Note areas in your budget where you may be overspending, and instead put this extra money aside into your adoption fund. Cut back on travel or eating out and save this money in a secure account. Fundraisers, garage sales, and family donations are also effective ways to help fund your adoption. Make sure to immediately place any earnings from these events directly into your adoption savings. By beginning these healthy saving practices early, you can better offset your adoption costs when you’re ready to begin the process.

Ready for Adoption in Lafayette? Reach Out to St. Elizabeth Foundation

While adoption is a financial commitment, beginning your road to adoption in Lafayette is a beautiful and rewarding journey that is well worth the expense. Interested in the adoption process? Reach out to us today to learn more. Give us a call at 225-769-8888 or send us a message for more information. We look forward to helping you build a happy family.

Louisiana & Roe v. Wade: The Far-Reaching Impact

In 1973, the ruling of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court legalized abortion across the United States. But, in mid-2021 after nearly half a century, this ruling is being challenged. Now that the Supreme Court is revisiting this ruling, the legal rights to protect fetal life are becoming more and more possible. This year, we anticipate a new decision regarding Roe v. Wade. Should this case be overturned, 26 states, including Louisiana, are likely to ban or restrict abortions in the state. How will the post-Roe v. Wade ruling affect the state of Louisiana? What are Louisiana abortion trigger laws? And how could this affect adoption in Louisiana?

First, Let’s Recap the Court Ruling

In 1971, a woman under the pseudonym of Jane Roe opened a class action lawsuit in Texas against district attorney Henry Wade. As a young, single pregnant woman, Roe challenged state laws that prohibited abortion unless approved for medical, life-saving purposes. This attack on the laws was also supported by the Doe family who argued that the Texas abortion laws failed to take women’s medical health or preparedness for parenthood into account. While the Does’ complaint was ruled nonjusticiable, Roe moved forward with a case to sue, stating that these laws were unconstitutional.

In opposition, the court challenged that legalizing abortion in the state was in direct disagreement with the Hippocratic Oath, claiming that prescribing an abortion was equivalent to prescribing deadly medicine. The defense also noted the English statutory law and the Infant Life Preservation Act of 1929. Specifically, 19 & 20 Geo. 5, c. 34 of this act stated that the termination of life capable of being born alive was a willful and intentional offense. Additionally, it was argued that the current laws inhibiting access to abortions not only protected the sanctity of life but the rights of the unborn child, as well.

In 1973, the case of Roe v. Wade concluded, and abortion was legalized with less government restriction than before.

Roe v. Wade: The Aftermath

Since this ruling, many acts and amendments have been passed both in support and opposition to the Roe v. Wade ruling. For instance, in 1992 Planned Parenthood challenged Governor Robert Casey on his abortion statute requiring a woman to provide informed consent from her husband or legal guardians. The Court ruling of Planned Parenthood v. Casey reaffirmed Roe v. Wade, expressing that laws should not pose an “undue burden” against women’s right to abortion.  

But in May of 2021, Texas lawmakers passed legislation reintroducing criminal penalties for abortion under certain circumstances. The Texas Heartbeat Act, which was enacted with the passage of Senate Bill 8, prohibits abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat as early as six weeks after conception. Additionally, it also allows legal action to be taken against abortion providers who violate this law. 

Though legal attempts were made to block this abortion ban, these attempts ended in September 2021. This legal act, along with the Dobbs v. Jackson case in Mississippi to ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, has begun the conversation of overturning or weakening the Roe v. Wade ruling.

On Monday, May 2, 2022, groundbreaking information concerning the future of abortion legality in the United States was leaked from the Supreme Court. A draft opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was released stating that the court holds that both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey must be overturned.

Now, we await the final ruling on whether or not the laws put in place by Roe v. Wade will be reversed. As a leading source for adoption in Louisiana, St. Elizabeth Foundation understands the importance of this decision and wants to help you understand the impact of state trigger laws and how this could affect adoption in our state.

Understanding Louisiana Abortion Trigger Laws

“Trigger laws” are laws that are made immediately enforceable once a separate law is passed or overturned. Post-Roe v. Wade, several states, including Louisiana, have put laws in place to “trigger” as soon as the ruling is reversed. For Louisiana in particular, these trigger laws include bans, near-total bans, six-week bans, and legislation barring the protection of abortion. Let’s break these down further:

  • Trigger bans on abortion take effect as soon as Roe v. Wade is dissolved.
  • Near-total bans prohibit abortion with limited exceptions depending on the circumstances.
  • Six-week bans prohibit abortions later than six weeks of pregnancy.
  • State constitution bars protection asserts that the Louisiana Constitution be amended to block abortion rights.

Currently, abortion is legal in Louisiana throughout the first 22 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, if Roe v. Wade is not overturned, abortion will remain accessible to the general public or teens with legal permission from their parent or legal guardian. But, in the case of a reversed ruling, these Louisiana abortion trigger laws are prepared for immediate effect.

How Roe v. Wade Affects Louisiana Adoption

It’s no surprise that legalized abortion has greatly impacted adoption in our country. Access to abortion has reduced adoption rates nationwide. States with abortion bans lifted by Roe v. Wade saw a significant 34 to 37% decrease. It has negatively impacted many others, including families seeking adoption. 

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the abortion rate would fall by an estimated 34.3% in Louisiana alone. For this reason, we will likely see an increase in numbers within adoption agencies. St. Elizabeth Foundation understands the responsibility of caring for these expectant mothers and their children by helping to connect the children with loving, lasting homes. 

By prohibiting access to abortions, many children will be able to receive opportunities for life, love, education, and more that would have not been an option otherwise. At the same time, potential parents who are struggling with infertility or simply wish to expand their family through adoption can connect with these children through the safe environment our adoption agency has created. 

In some circumstances, mothers who carry their children to term decide to parent them. However, if birth mothers choose openness in adoption, they have the chance to watch their child grow and thrive without sacrificing the goals they have for their own future.

Abortion Alternatives at St. Elizabeth Foundation

Many women have chosen abortion over adoption due to the fear of shame, financial burden, and a lack of support throughout their pregnancy. While abortion may seem like a fast and easy decision, it can also leave the mother with deep feelings of guilt and even adverse health effects. But during a worrisome and unsteady circumstance such as an unplanned pregnancy, knowing each option available to you may be difficult.

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand these fears and help women facing unintended pregnancies find solutions that benefit both the mother and the baby. If a mother feels unprepared for parenthood, overwhelmed by finances, or simply is not ready to alter her aspirations in order to take on motherhood, adoption can be a healthy alternative. At St. Elizabeth’s, birth mothers receive counseling, financial support, and empowerment from our caring team. Every decision from where to have her baby to the openness of the adoption is placed in her hands. And after the birth and finalization of the adoption, our support does not end. We remain available for post-placement counseling.

We also understand that our birth mothers aren’t alone in adoption-related worries. Adopting families can face challenges including financial commitment, legal hurdles, and emotional struggles. However, just as St. Elizabeth supports birth mothers, we also ensure adopting couples have every possible resource available to them, from counseling and education to a loving support system from our staff and other adopting families.

Adoption is a beautiful solution filled with opportunities for birth mothers, children, and adopting families alike. Let St Elizabeth Foundation show you how to begin your own adoption journey.

Choosing Adoption in Louisiana

No matter how the Dobbs v. Jackson case resolves, St. Elizabeth Foundation remains dedicated to changing lives through adoption. We seek to provide deep, loving care for birth mothers as they navigate the choices ahead of them. For couples looking to grow their own families through the loving decision to adopt, we help you connect with birth mothers to begin the journey to finding your child. And, we work diligently to protect budding new life and provide opportunities for the child and all involved.

If you are pregnant or would like to become an adopting family, we want to share more information, answers to your questions, or support as you pursue adoption. Give us a call today at 225-769-8888, or send us a message. We look forward to extending love, education, and encouragement every step of the way.

Adoption vs Abortion: What You Should Know

You’ve learned that you’re pregnant. For some, this may be a happy discovery. But for others, it may be quite the opposite. For women who are not ready to begin families, do not have the support of a partner, or simply do not want children, an unplanned pregnancy may be an earth-shattering realization. With simple research, you’ll find two options ahead of you: adoption vs abortion. When making the decision that’s best for you, it is important to have all the facts. Let St. Elizabeth Foundation help you understand both options and discover solutions during a time of confusion.

What Comes After Abortion?

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, abortion may seem like a fast solution. In 2021, there were 7,444 abortions in Louisiana alone. This expensive procedure ranges anywhere from $400 during the first trimester to several thousand later on. But what happens after going through with the procedure? For many who choose abortion to end an unintended pregnancy, they may be faced with a need for physical and emotional recovery. If you are wondering whether adoption vs abortion is right for you and are considering terminating your pregnancy, make sure to plan for what could come after your procedure.

Emotional Processing

Before making your decision, consider the effect of having an abortion on your psychological health. One of the longest-lasting consequences of termination is your emotional response to the procedure. Not all patients feel relief after recovery. Others may go through waves of guilt, emptiness, or remorse. Seeking counseling before your decision can help you to better understand what options are available to you and prevent you from making a choice you may ultimately regret.

Possible Side Effects

While side effects are not common, a medical abortion may still carry the possibility of immediate or long-term physical risks. This is especially true the further you progress in your pregnancy. Cervical piercing or tearing, blood clots in the uterus, or hemorrhaging may occur. Some patients may experience a pelvic infection due to bacteria that enter the uterus during operation. And if any fetal tissue is left over in the uterus, this can also lead to infection, bleeding, or needing another medical procedure. If a patient suffers complications with their abortion, this may also lead to difficulties with childbearing in the future.

What is the Adoption Process at St. Elizabeth?

Adoption is an alternative to abortion. Choosing an open, semi-open, or closed adoption vs the permanent decision of abortion can not only help you avoid emotional and physical woes, but it can also give your child the opportunity to grow up in a loving, stable household. With the emotional and financial support of the St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can determine the right adoption plan for you and your baby. Here’s an overview of the adoption process in our Louisiana agency.

1. Reach Out to Us

First, send us a message or give us a call. If you’re feeling scared or overwhelmed by an unexpected pregnancy, know that you have kind, understanding counselors ready to listen on the other end of the phone. We’ll set up a time for us to meet in person that works for you. If you are wondering whether adoption vs abortion is right for you or if you aren’t sure what options are available to you, we make sure you have every possible resource to help with your decision. Together, we’ll step you through each option, and we’ll coach you through our adoption process.

2. Get the Support You Need

Every birth mother’s circumstances are different. You may have a supportive partner or family to walk through your adoption decisions with. Or, you may be facing the journey alone. At St. Elizabeth, we make sure that you are surrounded by love and care no matter what. We also offer counseling services before your adoption and after its completion to help you navigate every positive and negative emotion you experience.

3. Choose the Adoptive Family

The St. Elizabeth Foundation lets you, the birth mother, remain in control of each decision throughout the adoption process. We confidentially connect you with adopting families to determine which family is right for your baby. Each of our adoptive parents consists of a married couple of at least five years. These parents have undergone necessary education and home studies to ensure that your baby will be well cared for in a safe environment. Browse our family profile books to find the right match, and then we can move forward with the birth plan and finalization.

4. Finalize Your Birth Plan

We want you to choose the labor and delivery plan that will be the most comfortable for you. Our team is there to support you leading up to the birth, during delivery, and afterward. Depending on the type of adoption you choose, we will then help you finalize the adoption process and make sure that your baby is placed safely with the adoptive family you have chosen. And your care doesn’t stop there. We continue with post-placement counseling to help you navigate any feelings that come after your adoption process is complete.

What Are the Benefits of Adoption?

We know that deciding what to do after an unplanned pregnancy is no easy task. And when choosing to place your child for adoption, there are many fears and anxieties that you may face. But when you choose to place your child for adoption, you can discover a wide range of benefits for both you and your baby. Since 1988, the St. Elizabeth Foundation has provided birth mothers with a caring, judgment-free environment to process the unknowns of unintended pregnancy. Let us empower you to be in control of your decisions and find the right options for you and your child.

Adoption Can Remain Confidential

While abortion may seem like your only option for remaining confidential after an unplanned pregnancy, this isn’t true! Adoption through St. Elizabeth’s can be carried out confidentially. Your family, friends, and other relationships will not be contacted during your adoption journey. And depending on the adoption plan you choose, you can even remain anonymous when it comes to your baby and adopting parents. Our staff takes your concerns into account and handles your adoption with the greatest sensitivity.

Your Relationship With the Adoptive Family and Baby Can Be Open or Closed

When it comes to an adoption plan, three options are typically available: open, semi-open, and closed. This determines how much contact a birth mother keeps with her baby and their adopted family following the adoption’s finalization. Choosing an open adoption can mean keeping regular contact with the child and their adoptive parents. Semi-open adoptions also allow birth mothers to stay in touch but with more limited parameters. But, if you would prefer to have no relations with the baby or the adoptive family, closed and confidential adoptions are also an option.

Adoption Provides Brighter Futures for All Involved

The news of unplanned pregnancy may feel like an “end”—but with adoption, you can discover a new beginning. By placing your baby for adoption with our Louisiana agency, you can create opportunities not only for yourself but for your baby and their adoptive family. Your child will be able to enter a loving, supportive home where they can grow up in a safe environment. Many of our adoptive families have also struggled with infertility, and your decision to adopt can help a family welcome the child they’ve longed for. And with adoption, you don’t have to put your goals aside. You can move forward after your adoption without sacrificing your future.

Adoption vs Abortion: Finding Support at St. Elizabeth Foundation

Deciding between adoption vs abortion is no easy task. From emotional and social woes to financial commitments, we understand that your decision carries a great deal of weight. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can find a loving support system in your time of confusion. If you would like to discuss your options or begin the adoption process, we would love for you to reach out to us. Give us a call at 225-769-8888, or send us a message. Adoption is available to you at any stage of your pregnancy, and so are we.