The Open Adoption Agency New Orleans Trusts

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we specialize in open adoptions involving infants. However, we know that no two adoptions are alike, as they each bring unique circumstances. Each one of our adoptions represents a new birth mother and a new family dynamic. Our team provides support to help birth mothers decide what will be best for their babies and themselves. Our team is here to facilitate the conversation, ensure the legal steps are followed correctly, and shepherd all the participants through the process as an open adoption agency serving New Orleans and beyond. 

However possible, St. Elizabeth is here to help birth mothers feel confident in their adoption process and connect with potential adopting families. From attending to legal paperwork and fielding calls to acting as confidants and advisors, we take our responsibility as a trusted advisor and support system with the utmost dedication and compassion. 

What Is Open Adoption?

Open adoption allows birth parents to have ongoing contact with the adoptive family. This can range from letters and phone calls to in-person visits. Typically, this looks like an annual or a bi-annual visit.

Benefits of Open Adoption

Choosing open adoption comes with several advantages:

  • Ongoing Connection: Maintain a relationship with your child and their adoptive family.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that your child is loved and well-cared for.
  • Flexibility: Customize the level of contact that works best for everyone involved.

Are There Open Adoptions in Louisiana? 

Rules for adoption differ from state to state. Even though Louisiana is a closed adoption state, we have the ability to set up an open adoption plan for you as an agency

Even if you choose to have an open adoption, there are still more decisions to be made. Every single adoption looks a little different, but all open adoptions with us fall into two main categories – semi-open or open. In both cases, these adoptions have guidelines that all parties must adhere to. 

Semi-Open Adoptions

In semi-open adoptions, our agency facilitates all communications. This means you can stay in touch through us without sharing personal information directly. Here’s how it works:

  • Communication through letters and emails.
  • Occasional updates and photos.

Open Adoptions 

Open adoptions offer more direct contact between birth parents and adoptive families. This can include:

  • Scheduled phone calls or video chats.
  • Annual visits.
  • Sharing milestones and meaningful moments.

Does St. Elizabeth Offer Closed Adoptions?

Closed adoptions mean no contact between the birth parents and adoptive family after placement. Of course, this is still an option because St. Elizabeth Foundation wants what is best for your unique situation. Sometimes, this is the best choice. 

Which Kind of Adoption Is Right for You?

As we said earlier, no two adoptions are the same. Every birth mother has her reasons for choosing adoption. Because our birth mothers are making such an incredibly loving choice, they determine the type of adoption they want for their baby. 

For most families, open adoptions are the most successful and rewarding. Many people find that open adoption results in more people loving their baby. Everyone wants the same thing: the best possible life for their baby. 

How To Get Started With Our Open Adoption Agency in New Orleans

  • Contact Us: Reach out through our website or call us at 225-769-8888. We’re here to answer your questions.
  • Meet with a Counselor: Discuss your options and create a personalized adoption plan.
  • Choose the Adoptive Family: Review profiles of prospective families and select the one that feels right for you.
  • Finalize the Plan: Work with us to finalize the adoption process legally and emotionally.

Support for Birth Mothers

We understand that this decision is incredibly personal and emotional. St. Elizabeth Foundation offers:

  • Counseling Services: Emotional support throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
  • Legal Assistance: Help with all legal paperwork to ensure everything is done correctly.
  • Financial Aid: Assistance with living, medical, and legal expenses.

Real Stories From Our Community

A Journey of Love — Michelle’s Story

“Upon entering the building, they were very understanding. There was no judgment. They were there to help… I just wanted to hang out there all day because there was a comfort about it that I knew these folks knew what they were doing, and like I said, there was never any judgment. So I felt safe.” Michelle, Birth Mother 

Building Families- Tiffany’s Experience

“Thank you, St. Elizabeth, for truly guiding us through this somewhat stressful process but making it the least stressful possible for us… You listened to us, waited for us, and fully supported us through the process.” Tiffany, Adoptive Mother  

Contact Your Open Adoption Agency in New Orleans Today

For over 30 years, St. Elizabeth Foundation has helped place more than 600 babies with loving families. Our open adoption agency in New Orleans also supported hundreds of pregnant women through their unique journeys. Whether you’re certain about adoption or just exploring, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more by calling 225-769-8888 or sending us a message online

What A Baby Adoption Agency Can Do for YOU

How Do Adoptions Work? 

Choosing to place your baby for adoption is a brave and selfless decision. Finding the right adoption agency near New Orleans can help take stress off your shoulders throughout the process. With comprehensive support and guidance, St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you navigate each decision and detail. Let’s dive deeper into adoption, our agency’s step-by-step process, and what birth mothers should know.

What Birth Mothers Need To Know

If you have an unexpected pregnancy, you might be considering adoption. Adoption is the legal process of placing a child with non-biological parents, providing the child with a loving and stable home. This can be performed by an adoption agency or an adoption attorney. However, choosing an adoption agency can give you the help and support you might not even know you need.

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our adoption agency serves New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the rest of the state. We connect birth mothers with couples ready to open their hearts and homes to a new baby. From counseling, and planning to financial aid, we make sure that birth mothers have the support they need during their pregnancies and beyond.

The Adoption Process

While every birth mother’s journey is unique, St. Elizabeth Foundation provides a seven-step adoption process to help make the process easier. However, when you partner with our adoption agency near New Orleans, you are the one in charge. From start to finish, we empower you to make the decisions that are best for you and your baby.

The Seven Steps of Our Adoption Process

1. You Contact St. Elizabeth Foundation

Even if you’re still unsure if you want to choose adoption, you can still contact us. There’s no pressure from our agency to make a decision. We’re here to help you determine what’s best for you and your baby.

2. You Meet With One of Our Counselors

We understand how challenging this decision is. Whether you are surrounded by friends and family or are searching for a listening ear, our team provides the compassion and support you deserve. 

3. You Explore Family Profiles and Choose an Adoptive Family

We have many caring families ready to parent your child. It’s our job to make sure each of these adoptive families can provide your baby with a safe and loving home. That’s why every family goes through a long and detailed screening process.  

4. You Get the Pregnancy Assistance You Need

Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring you receive the help you need during your adoption. St. Elizabeth Foundation can help provide financial assistance with living, medical, legal, and counseling costs.

5. You Deliver Your Baby

You will have power over every decision for your birth plan and at the hospital. We want you to feel confident and comfortable with the process. 

6. We Help Finalize Your Adoption Plan

You choose whether you want an open adoption, semi-open, or closed adoption. Whatever your decision, we help you and your chosen family finalize your adoption plan. 

7. You Meet for Post-Placement Counseling

We understand that a birth mother’s journey doesn’t stop after the baby is born. That’s why we’re here for continued counseling and emotional support.  

Searching for an Adoption Agency Near New Orleans? We’re Here to Help

As an adoption agency, our main priority is taking care of our birth mothers. Get in touch with us to see how we can help you. Remember, there is absolutely no pressure to make up your mind immediately. We’re just here to help you decide what’s best for you and your baby. Additionally, every conversation we have is completely confidential. Let us answer all of your questions, explain the adoption process, and encourage you. Overall, we want you to know that you’re in control, you have options, and you’re stronger than you think.

Call us at 225-769-8888 or message us with any questions. While we are based in Baton Rouge, our adoption agency helps women in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana with their adoption journey. When you’re ready, we are here for you.

Demystifying 4 Adoption Myths for Adopting Parents

As you begin researching adoption, there are several adoption myths you may find online. Don’t let these take away from your excitement or discourage you from certain aspects of parenting! At St Elizabeth Foundation, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the adoption process. Let us demystify some of these adoption myths for you.

Myth 1: Most Adoptions Are Closed

Contrary to popular belief, most adoptions are not closed. Due to media portrayals, many people think that closed adoptions are the norm. However, closed adoptions only account for 5% of modern adoptions. The majority are either open or semi-open.

In an open adoption, birth parents can have direct contact with the adoptive family through letters, phone calls, emails, or in-person visits. Semi-open adoptions involve mediated communication facilitated by agencies like St. Elizabeth Foundation.

If you prefer a closed adoption, that’s entirely your choice. We strongly encourage open adoptions when it is in the best interest of all members of the adoption triad. Our counselors can provide detailed insights into each option, helping you decide what’s best for you and your child.

Myth 2: Open Adoptions Are Too Vulnerable

Open adoption is one in which the birth mother or parents keep close communication with the adoptive family. This may include writing letters or emails to their child, sending texts, making phone calls, or having in-person visits. 

For the adopting family, this can appear on the surface to be an area of vulnerability. Remember that both the birth parents and adoptive parents can play essential roles in the child’s development. 

Both parties can work together to provide the child with the best, most nurturing upbringing possible. Our caring team at St. Elizabeth Foundation can help you understand and navigate open adoption after your placement finalization.

Myth 3: I Should Wait to Tell My Child They’re Adopted

Many adoptive parents worry about when and how to tell their child about their adoption, fearing it might cause confusion or tension. However, being open from the start can benefit the child’s development. Sharing this information early on often fosters a healthy relationship between the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents. 

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we specialize in open adoptions and can help build strong connections between birth mothers and adoptive families. Don’t worry about stepping through this process alone. We’re here to help!

Myth 4: Transracial Adoptions Are Too Complicated

Some parents are concerned about adopting outside of their race. However, transracial adoptions can be successful when the needs of the children are being met. It’s all about openly discussing and ensuring your child doesn’t feel isolated or uncared for. Avoiding race altogether can create several problems. 

Examples of this include health and care needs. Take hair, for example. The care that needs to go into your child’s hair may differ exponentially from your own if they are of a different race, as there are differences in texture, moisture retention, and even color since some hair colors have their own needs. However, these needs can be met with proper dedication, which means learning how to care for your child properly. 

Avoiding conversations about ethnicity can also make your child feel racially isolated, creating identity issues. Open discussions can help ease this feeling and make them feel more comfortable with themselves. 

No matter the situation, every adoption has challenges. But with assistance from our agency, we can help you find the right path for you and your family. Don’t let unnecessary adoption myths ruin your mindset.

Brush Off the Adoption Myths & Start Your Journey

Don’t let these adoption myths stop you from exploring the beautiful path of adoption. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are here to provide you with accurate information and support every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about adoption, ask your questions, and find real answers to ease your worries. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message to begin your adoption journey today.

What To Do After a Testing Positive for an Unplanned Pregnancy

A positive pregnancy test can be an emotional experience, especially if your pregnancy is unplanned. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and uncertainty. If you have recently found yourself in an unplanned pregnancy in New Orleans, know that you are not alone. Our Louisiana adoption agency is here to help.

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the complexities of an unplanned pregnancy and are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re considering parenting or placing your baby for adoption, we’re here to provide a safe and understanding space to help you make the best decision for you and your baby. Here are eight steps to take after your positive pregnancy test.

Step 1: Stay Calm

First things first — take a few deep breaths. Finding out you are pregnant can be a shock, and it’s essential to give yourself enough time to process the news. Acknowledge your feelings, whatever they may be, and remember that it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions.

Step 2: Reach Out for Emotional Support

You don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor for emotional support. Sometimes, just talking about your feelings can provide immense relief. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer free counseling services to help you understand your unplanned pregnancy and explore your options in New Orleans moving forward.

Step 3: Schedule an Appointment With a Healthcare Provider

The next practical step is to contact a healthcare provider to confirm the pregnancy and schedule your first prenatal visit. Taking care of your health is crucial for both you and your baby. Your healthcare provider can offer guidance on nutrition, supplements, and what to expect during pregnancy and can help determine your due date.

Step 4: Research Adoption Agencies and Support Organizations in Louisiana

If you’re considering adoption, it’s essential to understand your options and rights. Research adoption agencies and support organizations to get a comprehensive view of the adoption process. For example, our Louisiana adoption agency has helped place over 600 babies in loving homes through adoption. We can help you explore your options and provide the support you need to make an informed decision.

Step 5: Consider Your Long-Term Goals

Take some time to reflect on your long-term goals and how they align with your current situation. Ask yourself:

  • Can I see myself parenting my baby?
  • Do I feel financially stable enough to support myself and a new child?
  • Do I have professional or personal goals that I will have to put on hold to be a mother?

These questions can help you determine whether parenting or placing your baby for adoption is the right choice for you.

Step 6: Build a Support Network

Start building a support network of people who can help you through your unplanned pregnancy in New Orleans. Whether it’s friends, family, or support groups, having a network of people around you can make a significant difference.

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer a range of support services tailored to the needs of birth mothers. This includes confidential counseling and financial assistance for pregnancy-related expenses. Our compassionate team is dedicated to ensuring you have the resources and emotional support necessary to make the best decision for you and your baby.

Step 7: Take Care of Yourself Physically and Emotionally

Your well-being is essential. Focus on a healthy lifestyle and positive self-care practices. This includes eating well, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, taking care of yourself also means taking care of your baby.

Step 8: Determine Your Adoption Plan With St. Elizabeth Foundation

If you decide that adoption is the best option for you and your baby, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help with every detail. From setting up an open, semi-open, or closed adoption to assisting with financial challenges and helping you determine your hospital plan, we provide comprehensive support.

Searching for Help With Your Unplanned Pregnancy in New Orleans? Call St. Elizabeth Foundation Today

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be daunting, but you don’t have to go through it alone. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the resources and care you need to make the best decision for you and your baby. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message online to get started. We’re here for you.

Is It Hard to Find Supportive Adoptive Parents?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, the thoughts and decisions about the future can feel overwhelming. If you’re considering adoption, you may wonder about the process of finding a family for your child. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand these concerns and are here to guide you on how to find supportive adoptive parents in Lake Charles.

Understanding Your Adoption Options

St. Elizabeth Foundation offers different types of adoptions, including open, semi-open, and closed adoptions. Each provides various levels of communication and interaction with the adoptive family. This flexibility ensures you can choose the type of relationship you feel most comfortable with.

  • Open Adoption: Allows for direct contact with the adoptive family, including in-person visits, if agreed to by all parties. 
  • Semi-Open Adoption: Facilitates communication through letters, phone calls, and emails, helping maintain privacy while allowing for a connection.
  • Closed Adoption: Offers complete confidentiality with no contact post-adoption, though medical history can be shared.

The Process of Finding a Family

St. Elizabeth’s has placed many babies into loving homes. Our experienced staff assists you every step of the way, ensuring your wishes and needs are respected. Our counselors provide information and support from your first contact with us, helping you explore your options without pressure or unnecessary stress about how you can find the right adoptive parents. 

You have the opportunity to choose the adoptive family based on your preferences as we present you with family profiles created by prospective adoptive parents detailing their lives and their longing to adopt. 

Depending on the type of adoption you choose, St. Elizabeth Foundation can also help facilitate initial meetings and ongoing communication with the adoptive family, creating a supportive environment for everyone involved.

What Birth Mothers Should Look for in Adoptive Parents’ Profiles

Choosing the right adoptive family for your child is a deeply personal and significant decision. If you are wondering how to pick the right profile of potential adoptive parents, here are some aspects to consider when reviewing their profiles:

  • Values and Beliefs: Look for families whose values resonate with your own. How do the values of the adoptive parents match your own? This includes their approach to parenting, religious beliefs, and general outlook on life. Understanding a family’s core principles can give you peace of mind about your child’s upbringing.
  • Family Dynamics: Consider the family structure and relationships. Do they have other children, and how might siblings play a role in your child’s life?
  • Lifestyle and Interests: Reflect on the daily life and hobbies of the adoptive parents. Families who enjoy activities you value may offer the lifestyle you envision for your child. Whether outdoor adventures, educational pursuits, or cultural activities, these interests could significantly shape your child’s experiences.
  • Support System: Assess the extended family and community support available to the adoptive parents. A strong support network can provide additional love and stability for your child, enriching their life with various positive influences.
  • Commitment to Openness: If you prefer an open or semi-open adoption, look for families eager to maintain communication and build relationships with you. Understanding their willingness and enthusiasm for openness can ensure a healthier and more connected adoption experience for all parties.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can feel confident in making an informed choice that aligns with your hopes and dreams for your child’s future. Remember, our team at St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you every step of the way, providing the guidance and reassurance needed during this journey.

Real Stories From Birth Mothers

Ashley, a birth mother who found adoptive parents through St. Elizabeth Foundation, shares her story: “When I got Tina and Ryan’s profile… it just clicked. I knew they were the right people to raise my son.”

Still Have Concerns About How to Find the Perfect Adoptive Parents?

If you’re considering adoption and looking to find adoptive parents in Lake Charles, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support you. We invite you to contact us by calling 225-769-8888 or sending us a message online. Our team is ready to assist you with compassion, respect, and confidentiality. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be happy to help however possible on your adoption journey.

Understanding Adoption: How Children Feel

​​Adoption can be a deeply positive experience for children, offering them a chance to grow up in a nurturing and supportive environment. Many adopted children thrive in their new families, developing a strong sense of belonging and identity. For birth mothers, understanding how adoption can positively impact their child’s life is crucial in making the best possible decisions.

With guidance and constant support from St. Elizabeth Foundation, we can help birth mothers navigate the adoption journey. If you are a birth mother considering adoption, learn more about the benefits this decision can have on your child.

How Do Children Feel About Being Adopted?

For many children, learning about their adoption brings a mix of emotions, such as curiosity, pride, and respect. In some instances, it can foster a deep appreciation for the decision made by their birth mothers. Here are just a few positive benefits adoption can have for your baby.

They Feel a Sense of Belonging

Many adoptees feel a strong sense of belonging within their adoptive families. This sense of security is crucial for their emotional well-being, helping them to thrive and develop strong, healthy relationships. Additionally, studies have shown that 86% of adoptees who had open contact with their birth parents feel highly satisfied about that openness.

They Have Gratitude for Their Birth Mothers

In open or semi-open adoptions, adoptive parents and adoptees may share direct communication with birth mothers. Not only can this help an adoptee develop a better understanding of adoption, but it can also form a positive understanding of how and why their mother came to her decision. With this knowledge, adoptees often express gratitude towards their birth mothers, recognizing the selfless decision of adoption. This act of love and sacrifice is deeply appreciated.

They Understand Their Identity Better

Learning about their biological background is crucial for adopted children. It provides them with a deeper understanding of their family history. This information is also valuable for addressing medical needs, helping adoptees and their adoptive families anticipate potential health issues or genetic conditions. This knowledge of their family and medical background can help adoptees better grasp their own identity.

Clare’s Story: Understanding Adoption From the View of an Adoptee

Clare’s adoption story with St. Elizabeth Foundation shows the beauty of growing up in a family formed by open adoption. Through prayer and selflessness, her mother, Michelle, decided to place her for adoption in the loving home of Susan and Paul.

Here’s what Clare has to say about her experience.

“When I’m getting to know someone, that’s actually something that I say about myself. I’m adopted and it’s not a secret,” Clare shares. She goes on to say that her gratitude towards her birth mother, Michelle, is evident: “I’m thankful for the life that Michelle gave me.”

Clare’s adoptive parents were open in sharing photos and stories of her birth mother. When Clare met Michelle in person when she turned 18, it was a profound experience.

“That was amazing. We talked for about two hours, really just getting to know each other.” This meeting answered many questions Clare had growing up and strengthened her understanding of her identity.

Michelle, Clare’s birth mother, also shares her perspective.

“I’m very fortunate that she allows me to be a part of her life.” Michelle speaks fondly of the time spent with Clare post-birth, knowing she made the right decision. “I would just sit there and hold her and kiss her and tell her how much I loved her, and I told her this is for the best — that they’re going to love you and you’re going to have such a great life.”

Clare, now a college graduate, has a loving relationship with both her adoptive parents and her birth mother. And, she is proud to share her inspirational adoption story with others.

Read and watch more stories of adoption from birth mothers, adoptees, and adoptive parents from St. Elizabeth Foundation.

Explore Your Options With St. Elizabeth Foundation

Choosing adoption is a loving and selfless decision that can lead to a positive future for your child. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we are here to support and encourage you every step of this journey. If you’re considering adoption, reach out to us for more information. Send us a message or call 225-769-8888 today. From understanding adoption to finding a helping hand to guide you through the adoption process, our team is ready to provide the care you need.

How a Local Adoption Agency Supports Birth Mothers

Deciding to place a baby for adoption is an act of profound love and courage. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand this choice’s emotional and social weight. Our local adoption agency aims to support Lake Charles birth mothers through every step of their adoption journey, providing a network of care, understanding, and respect. Explore how we help birth mothers

Empowerment Through Choice

St. Elizabeth Foundation stands out as a compassionate guide in the adoption process. We firmly believe that you’re in control. From choosing the adoptive family to deciding the type of adoption and the birth plan, you are the decision-maker during the adoption process. This empowering approach ensures you feel confident and content with your decision, contributing positively to your mental and emotional well-being.

A Path to a Stronger Future

Our support continues after the adoption process. St. Elizabeth Foundation aims to help birth mothers build a brighter future. In fact, we’ve witnessed countless women who, after placing their baby for adoption, have achieved significant personal growth. They advance their careers, complete their education, and gain more job training. This positive outcome is a testament to the strength and resilience of women who choose adoption.

Beyond Financial Aid

For birth mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy, we offer comprehensive assistance that covers living, medical, legal, and counseling costs. Our support is tailored to ensure that you do not feel alone at any point. From the first conversation to counseling services and support groups, we’re here not just as an agency but as a family you can count on.

Our Local Adoption Agency’s Success Stories That Inspire

One touching testimonial comes from a mother who placed her son for adoption 13 years ago with our local adoption agency. She reflects on the unwavering support from St. Elizabeth Foundation, highlighting that it extended far beyond the adoption itself. In fact, she still receives support 13 years later. This enduring connection and continual support have helped her face life with confidence and gratitude.

Before connecting with St. Elizabeth Foundation, she was feeling the confusion and uncertainty a birth mother often feels, which was quickly alleviated after speaking with a counselor from our team. Feeling immediate warmth and acceptance, she knew she was making the right decision — a belief that had only grown stronger over time.

A Community That Cares

At the core of St. Elizabeth’s philosophy is the principle of creating a loving family for every child and a supportive community for every birth mother. The adoptive families working with us are thoroughly assessed to ensure they can provide a loving home and a future filled with opportunities for your child. We specialize in semi-open adoptions but are flexible to organize meetings with birth parents, ensuring open communication lines that are comfortable for everyone involved.

Choosing our local adoption agency near Lake Charles means joining a compassionate community dedicated to creating positive outcomes for all — especially for you, the birth mother. With us, you’ll find a team that’s easygoing, honest, and always available when you need us.

Having a local adoption agency by your side can make all the difference in a world filled with challenging decisions. If you’re considering adoption, know that the St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to support, inform, and guide you toward a future filled with hope and possibilities.

Have Questions? Our Team Is Here to Help.

For more information, contact us at St. Elizabeth Foundation. Your story is important, and we’re here to listen. Call 225-769-8888 now or message us online to learn how we can support your adoption decision and help you prepare for a bright future.

3 Benefits of Working With a Local Adoption Agency

Choosing an adoption agency is similar to laying the foundation of a home. It is essential for the support and structure that follows. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the depth of this choice. And as a local adoption agency near Monroe, we are committed to guiding you with expertise and care every step of the way. Explore the benefits of partnering with a local agency like ours and how we care for birth mothers and adopting families on their journey.

1. Local Agencies Have In-depth Knowledge of Local Laws and Processes

Understanding the intricacies of Louisiana’s adoption laws can be overwhelming, but we’re here to make it simpler for you. By choosing a local agency, you gain:

Local agencies have the specific knowledge needed to turn any confusion regarding the adoption process into a clear path forward.

“Thank you [St. Elizabeth Foundation] for truly guiding us through this somewhat stressful process but making it the least stressful as possible.”

Tiffany, an adoptive mother

2. Local Agencies Help You Find Supportive Communities

Our local adoption agency doesn’t just provide emotional and financial aid. We help you find care and support within your personal community. Here are a few ways we extend our care:

  • We help birth mothers learn ways to share their adoption plans with their friends and families.
  • With helpful tips, we educate the families of adoptive parents on ways to support their adoption.
  • We empower birth mothers to share their experiences with others, from speaking with our counselors to visiting local support groups.

Whether you have a few loved ones behind you or a village of care, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to provide support throughout your adoption journey.

3. Local Agencies Offer Personalized Support That Continues After Adoption

Adjusting to new roles as parents or navigating life after placing your baby for adoption can be challenging, but St. Elizabeth Foundation ensures you have the support you need, including:

  • Tailored guidance throughout each unique adoption scenario.
  • Assistance for birth mothers in developing a birth plan.
  • Counseling services before and well after the adoption takes place.
  • A commitment to standing by you, rain or shine, in your adoption journey.

Every mother’s and family’s story is special. Our local adoption agency is dedicated to providing support that speaks directly to your experiences and needs.

“[St. Elizabeth’s Foundation] supported me from day one, from therapies and everybody being involved and engaged and really taking account of what I felt, what I was feeling, what I wanted. From the moment I walked into the door, I was a part of the family.”

Ashley, a birth mother

Start Your Journey With Our Local Adoption Agency Today

The relationship formed with an adoption agency doesn’t end when the adoption is finalized. It is a lifelong bond. If you’re considering adoption in Monroe or even from afar, our local Louisiana agency is here to help. When you’re ready, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation at 225-769-8888 or send us a message through our contact form. Let us answer your questions and help guide you through the adoption process.

Why Might Louisiana Mothers Place Their Children for Adoption?

Making the decision to place your baby for adoption is deeply significant. It’s a path chosen with love, thoughtfulness, and consideration for the child’s future. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we stand beside expectant mothers with open hearts, ready to support and guide them through every step of this courageous process. Our compassionate approach ensures that every mother feels respected, understood, and empowered. If you are considering adoption in Louisiana, here are eight reasons why mothers might choose to place their children for adoption.

1. She Isn’t Ready To Be a Mother

Becoming a mother is life-changing. Sometimes, a woman may feel she isn’t ready for the responsibilities and commitment of motherhood. This realization shows immense strength and forward thinking to ensure the well-being of her child.

2. She Wants Her Baby to Grow Up With Two Loving Parents

Many women dream of their child being raised in a household with two loving parents. However, circumstances may prevent this ideal scenario. Placing children for adoption allows for the possibility of making this dream a reality for their baby.

3. She Is Too Young to Be a Mother

Facing an unexpected pregnancy, particularly at a young age, can be incredibly overwhelming. When young women choose to place their children for adoption through our Louisiana agency, they can help their babies find loving homes while also having the opportunity to pursue their own dreams and aspirations.

4. She Has Personal or Financial Challenges

Life’s unpredictability can present many obstacles, including personal or financial struggles. For a woman facing these challenges, especially when they impact her ability to provide for a child, adoption can become a consideration. It offers a pathway to ensure her child receives the care, love, and stability she might currently be unable to provide, turning a difficult decision into a hopeful future for her child.

5. She Wants Her Baby to Have the Best Possible Opportunities

Every mother wants her child to succeed and have access to educational, extracurricular, and career opportunities that she might not be able to provide on her own. This desire for their child’s future can lead some women to consider adoption in Louisiana. It’s a sacrifice made out of love, hoping to give their child a life full of potential and success.

6. She Wants to Pursue Personal Opportunities in Her Future

Women may have dreams for their futures, from professional goals to travel and marriage. Unplanned pregnancies may put these ambitions on hold. Adoption can offer a hopeful path forward, providing children with loving homes while allowing birth mothers to pursue their own dreams and goals.

7. She Wants to Help Someone Else Grow Their Family

The desire to bring joy to others cannot be understated. Some mothers find peace and purpose in knowing their decision to place their children for adoption will help another family experience the joy of parenting. This selfless act creates a ripple effect of happiness and fulfillment across multiple lives.

8. She Knows Her Baby Will Be Deeply Loved

At the heart of every adoption is love. Mothers considering placing their children for adoption do so with the belief and understanding that their children will be cherished and deeply loved by their new family.

Discover Why So Many Louisiana Mothers Place Their Children for Adoption Through St. Elizabeth

Choosing adoption is a decision fueled by love and hope for a child’s future. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to provide compassionate care and support for mothers on this path. We understand the weight of this decision and are dedicated to helping carry out the process with respect, dignity, and love.

If you or someone you know is considering placing children for adoption in Louisiana, please reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. We are here to listen, support, and guide you through this journey with empathy and understanding. You can send a message online or call us at 225-769-8888 for more information. Your brave choice could open the door to a world of opportunity and love for your child.

What Can I Do to Find the Right Parents to Adopt My Child?

Making the decision to place your baby for adoption is one of the most selfless acts of love. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand the journey you’re on is one filled with a mix of emotions, uncertainties, and love for your child. You may wonder, “How can I find parents to adopt my child?” We are here to offer guidance and reassurance on your path to finding the perfect adoptive family for your little one. Our goal is to walk you through each stage with empathy and support, helping you have peace and confidence in your choices.

Understanding Your Adoption Preferences and Goals

“When I find parents to adopt my child, how much contact is necessary, if any at all?”

Every birth mother’s vision for her child’s future is unique. Determining the level of contact you wish to have with your child and their adoptive family is a deeply personal choice — and as a birth mother, you have the power to decide.

Do you want an open adoption where you can maintain contact and receive updates? Or do you prefer a closed adoption for complete privacy? Or maybe something in between with a semi-open adoption? Whatever type of adoption you choose, our counselors at St. Elizabeth Foundation are here to discuss your preferences and help design an adoption plan that fits with your personal goals.

Researching and Choosing a Trustworthy Adoption Agency

Choosing the right adoption agency is crucial. You want a team that will listen to your questions and concerns and stand by your side from start to finish. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our dedicated staff provides honest, easygoing support, ensuring you have all the resources you need at your fingertips.

Creating an Adoption Plan Based On Your Needs

Every birth mother has unique needs and circumstances. We’re committed to helping you create both an adoption and birth plan that’s as individual as you are. Our process is flexible, allowing you to take the lead in choices about your and your baby’s future.

Free Counseling and Support Throughout the Adoption Process

We believe in supporting you not just during the adoption process but also beyond it. St. Elizabeth Foundation offers free counseling before and after placement, ensuring you have a safe space to explore your feelings and options — because your well-being is just as important as finding a loving home for your child.

Viewing Adoption Profiles and Choosing the Right Adoptive Parents

When the time comes to “find parents to adopt my child,” you will have access to profiles created by potential adoptive families. These profiles will provide insight into their lives, values, homes, and reasons for adopting. You can choose a family that aligns with your desires for your child’s life.

Keep these points in mind as you view these adoption profiles:

  • Look for compatibility with your values and lifestyle
  • Consider the kind of upbringing you want for your baby and if these families align with your vision
  • Pay attention to how they connect and communicate through their profile

Find more tips on choosing an adoptive family in this helpful blog.

Tips for Feeling Confident in Your Decision

Trust your gut feelings, and remember — you are in control. Giving yourself permission to ask questions, express your needs, and take the time you need to feel sure about your decision is key.

These are just a few ways you can help nurture confidence in your adoption choices:

  • Tip #1: Reflect on the stability and love each adopting family could offer
  • Tip #2: Imagine the future opportunities your child can have with them
  • Tip #3: Seek counseling and advice whenever you need reassurance

Deciding to place your child for adoption is incredibly brave and caring. We respect that this may be one of the most complex decisions you’ve ever faced. Here at St. Elizabeth Foundation, we see the strength in every birth mother who chooses this path, and we are here to encourage and support you.

I’m Ready to Find Parents to Adopt My Child in Louisiana

If you are working to “find parents to adopt my child” in Louisiana, we are here for you. Lean on us during this time. For compassionate care and help taking the first step towards placing your baby for adoption, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message online. Your story, your decision, your baby’s future — we honor it all.