Is Adoption Right For You?

Our lives are full of twists and turns. But no matter what brought you here, adoption may be the choice for you. Adoption is a beautiful choice that can add to your growing family. Although, the real question is if it’s right for you and your family. Discover what adoption typically entails and see if you can find your next family member with St. Elizabeth Foundation in Lafayette. We look forward to helping you learn more about the adoption process.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Before you make a serious decision, it’s always good to ask yourself if this is the right choice for you and your family. But what should you ask yourself before pursuing adoption? While every experience needs different questions, here are some that may put you on the right path.

  • Am I okay with not being related to the child? While we may believe that blood has little to do with family, not everyone agrees. 
  • Can I afford it? A child is a lot of money. It’s always best to make sure that you have the money to support yourself and a new child comfortably. 
  • Am I doing this because I want to, or because I feel like I have to? There’s a big push in the South regarding the “biological clock.” This presumes that you have to have a child or else your family isn’t complete. But every family is different, and your needs might not be what you think they are. 
  • Am I okay with birth parent contact? Louisiana is a closed-adoption state. But when you go through an agency like ours, semi-open and open adoptions are possible. And this choice is entirely up to the birth parent at St. Elizabeth Foundation.
  • Do I need to go through any grief? If you want to choose adoption due to infertility, it’s very common to feel grief. But adopting won’t remove that grief like you think it might. Perhaps think about going through care in order to better prepare yourself so you can give your possible adoptive child the best outcome.
  • Why do I want to adopt? This question may seem simple. But everyone’s reasoning can come from a different place. Look at your motivations and see if your reasoning is what’s healthy for you and your new possible child.

And, of course, because everyone’s situation and needs are different, there may be questions that don’t apply to you or more that you need to ask yourself. So before you make a decision, ask yourself the important questions. And see if adoption is the right choice for you. 

St. Elizabeth Requirements

At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we pride ourselves on finding the right parents for babies who just need a family. Discover more about our adoption process and see if you qualify! Currently, we require couples to be married for a minimum of five years in order to qualify to apply and begin the process.

After you qualify, we begin the home study process. While this does take some time, this is important to ensure your home meets our standards. During this time, families must undergo background checks, visits, emotional and relationship assessments, and parenting philosophy discussions. 

Prospective parents can also look forward to our education program. This helps to inform parents about the unique attributes that adoptive parents face, how to help your children understand adoption, and more. Also, in order for our expectant mothers to get to know you, we also have you create a family profile book. With this, she can choose you to parent her child. 

Finally, we help you finalize your adoption by the court. Depending on the type of adoption, this can go a little differently than others. If you have any questions about this or any other part of the adoption process and how it might look for your family in Lafayette, make sure to give us a call. 

Ready To Choose Adoption For Your Lafayette Family?

Our adoption agency is ready to help your Lafayette family begin the process for your new family member. If you have any questions about our process or want to know more about our organization, feel free to give us a call at 225-769-8888. We’re here to help you make the right decision for your family.

Understanding the Adoption Process at our Baton Rouge Agency

So—you and your spouse have decided that you want to have a baby. And, you decided that you want to adopt that baby. This is a beautiful choice that many parents choose each year as a way to grow their family. However, it can be a little confusing to know where to begin the process. But don’t worry. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help you through the adoption process with our Baton Rouge professionals. Trust us to help you find your baby in a way that makes the situation easier for you and your family.

When You’re an Expectant Mother

Some agencies tend to neglect talking about the mother’s process. However, we like being thorough and want to help everyone involved in the adoption process. And this is especially true for the mother.

Depending on who you are, the first step might be the easiest or the hardest part. This first essential step is simply to reach out to us. Feel free to call, email, text, or even just chat with us. This leads to the next step—counseling. During this part, one of our counselors goes through all of your options and helps you figure out the right choice for you. If you do choose to go with adoption, the next choice is to choose the family. Because we want you to have as much choice as possible, mothers at St. Elizabeth get to choose the family who will be accepting the child. 

Every adopting family at St. Elizabeth meets our standards and regulations and is one of the best choices available in Baton Rouge. As you continue with the pregnancy, our team is here to offer pregnancy assistance in whatever way possible. This could be living, medical, legal, or even counseling costs. After the baby is born, we help you and your chosen family finalize your adoption plan. The process changes from here depending on what type of adoption you choose. And even after everything is said and done, there is still more to do. Because we know that this is an emotional decision and process, we’re still here after the birth to offer post-placement counseling

Adopting As a Couple

Of course, everything is different on the other side. Before you begin the process at St. Elizabeth Foundation, your family must first meet our qualifications. To qualify, prospective adoptive parents must be a married couple who have been married for a minimum of five years. If you meet these qualifications, you can apply to officially begin. After we review this application, we then begin the home study process. Please be aware that this does take some time. While this may be frustrating for some, it is simply so we can confidently provide our expectant mothers with the best possible family for the child. During the home study process, families must undergo background checks, a visit to the physical environment, assessments of emotional and relationship stability, and a parenting philosophy discussion.

We also provide prospective parents with our education program. This program helps by informing parents about the unique attributes of adoptive parents, how to help your child understand adoption, and more. Prospective adoptive parents will also create a family profile book to describe themselves to any mothers looking for adoptive families. Once a birth mother does choose you to parent her child, it’s our job to help your family process and finalize your adoption by the court. Depending on the type of adoption this is, things can progress differently from here. But that’s why we’re here to help. If you have any questions about the adoption process, feel free to get in touch with our Baton Rouge professionals, and we can answer any questions you may have. 

Begin the Adoption Process in Baton Rouge Today

We understand this can be a challenging time. But our professionals are here to assist you throughout the adoption process. So, feel free to get in contact with us today by either giving us a call at 225-769-8888 or sending us an email at info@stelizabethfoundation.o.

Are You Wondering How to Adopt a Baby in Louisiana?

Parents come in all shapes and sizes. We know that well in St. Elizabeth Foundation. But not everybody qualifies to be an adoptive parent. Discover more and find out how to adopt a baby in Louisiana from the professionals at St Elizabeth. 

Requirements to Adopt

As with many things in life, there are certain requirements you have to fulfill to take part in them. The same thing goes for adoption. In the state of Louisiana, potential adoptive parents must meet the following requirements:

  • Potential adoptive parents must have enough bedroom space for an incoming child. Of course, there are some loopholes to this. For example, a child may share a bedroom with another child of the same sex. However, they cannot share with anyone over the age of 18.
  • Potential parents must also have enough income to meet their family’s needs. Some people may see this as discriminatory, but trust us when we say that it isn’t. It is to ensure that the family can afford to raise a new child and that they have the best quality of life possible.
  • In the state of Louisiana, adoptive parents can be single, married, divorced, or widowed. However, at St. Elizabeth, we choose couples who have been married for at least five years. Like with everything else, we do this because we want children to have their best shot at life. 
  • Did you know that foster/adoptive parents cannot have more than five children under the age of 18? And this includes foster children and their own children. While it may seem odd at first, it ensures the children have the best quality of life.
  • Has someone residing in your home been convicted of certain criminal offenses? If so, you may not be able to adopt.
  • Adoptive parents must also be healthy and mentally stable. Every adult in the home has to provide a medical statement completed by a physician. This statement should indicate they are free of communicable diseases such as tuberculosis. If you or someone else in the home does have a communicable disease, don’t worry—it’s not the end. All you need is a note from a physician saying that you are compliant with your treatment.

If you have any questions about the requirements to become an adoptive parent in Louisiana, don’t be afraid to get in contact with us. We’re more than happy to help you, especially if you’re looking for a new bundle of joy in your life.

St. Elizabeth Process

Want to see if you qualify for St. Elizabeth? All you have to do is go through our simple process. After filling out a formal application, we review it and begin a home study. If you pass our home study, we move you to our education program. This program helps you learn more about adoption and how to become the best adoptive parent you can be. After all, adoption isn’t only about your interests—it’s also about the child. After, we go through any legal necessities and help the birth mother choose the right family for her. At this stage, she is shown a family profile book and can choose the perfect family. 

Simple, right? Of course, every adoption situation is different, so your experience may have differences from others. But that’s why we’re here every step of the way.

Getting In Contact With St. Elizabeth

There are several ways to go about adoption in the state of Louisiana. If you choose us, we’re more than happy to help you with every step in your adoption journey. So, why wait? Begin the process today, and get in touch with one of our representatives.

Find Out More About The Adoption Process

We understand that the adoption process can seem overwhelming. There are so many steps, a lot of paperwork, and of course, many emotions. So if you’re considering making an adoption plan, you need someone who knows all about it to help guide you through it. Learn more about the adoption process in Baton Rouge with St. Elizabeth Foundation

As A Birth Mother, You’re The One In Control 

Do you have an unplanned pregnancy? Then you need to know that you have options. Adoption is one of those options. It’s a loving, unselfish, and empowering choice. While making your decision, St. Elizabeth’s caring staff is here to listen. And, if you do choose to make an adoption plan, we can help you through your pregnancy, birth, and afterwards. And remember, all of our services are completely free.

Choosing Adoption 

Though we’re here to help you through the adoption process, every choice is still yours to make. As the birth mother, you’re the one in control of every decision—no matter how big or small. We’ll help you with educational, financial, and emotional support at every step. We’re here to hold your hand as you make the best choice for you and your baby’s future. YOU are the one in charge. 

You choose the family that will parent your baby. 

St. Elizabeth Foundation screens all prospective adopting parents. We make sure every single couple can provide your baby with a safe and loving home. All of our couples have been married for at least five years. That means your baby will have two parents—a caring mother AND a present father. All of these parents fill out a formal application for our staff to review. Then, they go through a lengthy home study process and background checks. Additionally, we make sure they’re emotionally stable and have a strong relationship. We also discuss their parenting philosophy. 

You choose the type of adoption.

Once you select a family, the next step in the adoption process is choosing the type of adoption. St. Elizabeth works with attorneys. They help determine and finalize your rights and the birth parents’ rights. There are three types of adoptions in Louisiana: open, semi-open, and closed. The state of Louisiana is a closed adoption state. They only recognize the adoption as “closed”. The agency is the one that makes it semi-open or open.

  • Open adoptions mean birth parents and adoptive families communicate directly with each other. These can be scheduled meetings, phone calls, or letters. Open adoptions are the most common and regarded as being the most beneficial. 
  • Semi-open adoptions mean an adoption agency facilitates communication. Through the agency, birth parents and adoptive families share information and arrange meetings. 
  • Closed adoptions mean the adoptive family and the birth parents do not communicate at all. Their identities are sealed in court records. 

While St. Elizabeth Foundation specializes in open adoptions, we can help you, whatever your preference. Because remember, YOU are the one in charge.  

Do You Have Questions About The Adoption Process in Baton Rouge?

Whatever your decision, we want you to feel good about it. Part of feeling good about your decision is getting all of your questions answered. Get in touch with us by calling 225-769-8888 or contacting us online. We’re here for you. 

Closed And Open Adoptions In Louisiana

Do you have an unplanned pregnancy? Choosing adoption is a loving and unselfish choice. As a birth mother, you’ll get to make all the decisions about your adoption plan. One of these choices is whether to have a closed or open adoption in Louisiana. Birth mothers considering adoption often have questions. What’s the difference between closed and open adoptions? How do I know what kind of adoption is best for my baby? Who can help me? 

Differences Between Closed And Open Adoptions In Louisiana

Adoption is always a loving choice. But birth parents can choose to arrange their adoption plan in many different ways. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, our experienced and caring staff can provide resources and answer questions. We’re here to help birth parents decide which situation is best—for them and their babies.  

Open And Semi-Open Adoptions

Birth and adoptive families exchange information with each other in open adoptions. This way, birth parents can maintain a connection with the child. The exact terms of each open adoption can differ for each situation. Because everyone’s situation is unique, there are many different options and arrangements. In open adoptions, birth parents and adoptive families communicate directly with each other. With a semi-open adoption, the agency facilitates communication. 

In fact, open adoption is the most common type of adoption in the United States. Many studies and experts agree it’s the most beneficial. St. Elizabeth Foundation can help birth mothers through every step of an open adoption. We can even offer a place for adopting families and birth parents to meet. 

Closed Adoptions

In closed adoptions, the identities of a baby’s birth parents are sealed in agency and court records. Therefore, the adopting family and the birth parents do not interact or communicate. Physical characteristics and medical history of the parents may be provided, however. St. Elizabeth Foundation specializes in open adoptions. But we understand a closed adoption is sometimes the best situation. 

Adoption Is NOT Foster Care

Some birth mothers are concerned that choosing adoption means their baby will be in foster care. This is not the case. Making an adoption plan means a loving family will parent your baby and provide them with the best possible care. In fact, adoption can be the best way to help children avoid the foster care system. Foster care children often come from birth parents who weren’t ready or able to parent them. However, St. Elizabeth’s adopting families all go through an extensive process. Each couple has to demonstrate they can provide a safe and loving home. 

Why Choose St. Elizabeth Foundation?

Over the past 32 years, we’ve placed more than 600 babies with caring and supportive families. We not only can help birth mothers through their medical and legal needs, but also their emotional ones. What’s more, we can offer support to the birth fathers as well. To get more information and ask us questions, contact us online or call 225-769-8888. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to see more of our stories. We’re here for you, how ever you need us.

Should I Use An Adoption Attorney Or An Adoption Agency?

For both birth parents and adopting families, the adoption process can seem overwhelming. Not only is it emotional, but the legal and medical needs can be confusing.  There are so many necessary steps to take, and big decisions to make. They need supportive, understanding, and knowledgeable people to help guide them. After making the loving choice of adoption, they need to decide whether to use an adoption attorney or an adoption agency in Louisiana. 

Why Choose Adoption? 

Families choose to adopt a baby for many different reasons, but infertility is a very common one. These couples are looking for a baby to love and parent. Therefore, a birth mother choosing adoption is an incredibly loving choice. It can be a difficult decision, but birth moms who choose adoption do love their children. These mothers want to give their baby the best possible care to have the best possible life. Every woman has her own reasons to consider adoption. But here are some of the most common situations birth mothers are in: 

  • She isn’t ready to be a mom.
  • She can’t afford to take care of a child.
  • She doesn’t have the support of her family.
  • She doesn’t have a good relationship with her baby’s father.
  • She wants to finish her education. 
  • She wants to go further in her job. 

Choosing adoption is a decision only a birth mother can make for herself and her baby. Similarly, she gets to make every following decision—including which loving family will get to parent their baby. Another one of these decisions is whether to use an adoption agency or an adoption attorney. 

Adoption Attorney Vs. Adoption Agencies 

In Louisiana, adoption is defined as “a legal arrangement in which a new set of parents raise the child.” State law allows adoptive parents to pay the medical costs of prenatal care and childbirth. Adoption attorneys can match adopting families with birth mothers. They also help oversee the required paperwork and finances and define the terms of the adoption, such as whether it’s open or closed. 

An adoption agency such as St. Elizabeth Foundation provides all this necessary legal assistance. But it also offers many more resources and much more support.  In addition to the legal and medical needs, an agency can help birth mothers with living and counseling expenses. Caring counselors give birth mothers emotional support before and after the birth. What’s more, all this help is confidential and free of charge.

Contact An Adoption Agency With Absolutely No Pressure 

If you’re pregnant, we understand how hard and scary it can be. But remember—you have options, you’re in control, and you’re stronger than you think. 
We know you probably have a lot more questions. That’s why St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help. We’ve placed more than 600 babies in loving homes. We’re here to hold your hand and help you make the best choice for you and your baby. You can get in touch with us to get more information and answers. And remember—just because you call us doesn’t mean you have to choose adoption. All our conversations are private. You can call us at 225-769-8888 or contact us online