Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy in New Orleans? You may feel unprepared to be a parent, and you may not know who to confide in for support. Don’t be overwhelmed—St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help you understand and work through your possibilities! Looking at your impending decisions can freeze you in your tracks. That’s where these five tips can help. Follow these helpful pointers to calm your mind and then make your plan for moving forward.

Here Are Five Helpful Tips

In the wake of an unplanned pregnancy, your thoughts and judgment can feel jumbled. Do you parent your child, or do you choose an alternative? How do you deal with the financial and emotional facets of the news? Where do you turn for support? Here are five tips to help you cope with an unintended pregnancy and determine what to do next:

1. Breathe!

Many emotions come with the knowledge of an unplanned pregnancy. Some may feel excited about the news once the initial surprise settles. For many others, they are left feeling scared, confused, and embarrassed. You may feel like you have to decide on the spot about how to go forward with your pregnancy. But our first tip for you is this—take a moment to breathe. Allow yourself time to catch your breath and ground yourself. Make space to cope with your current situation. Then, you will be more able to make a well-informed decision that is best for you and your baby.

2. Consult With Your Doctor

First, your doctor will both confirm your pregnancy and evaluate your health. During a prenatal appointment, your physician will assess your physical health and lifestyle habits. They will give you advice and instructions to take the best care of your body and your baby. Even if you decide against parenting your baby, it is important to stay as healthy as possible to avoid complications. Stop using cigarettes or drinking alcohol, and consult with your doctor about any medications you are taking. Begin the stages of focusing on your physical health for your safety and your baby’s, even if you are still coming to your final decision.

3. Cement Your Support System

We know that an unintended pregnancy can leave you feeling isolated, but we want you to know that you aren’t alone. Find support with your partner, your family, or your friends. Sadly, there is the chance that not everyone will be supportive of your news or your decisions. Just remember—your choices are yours to make, and you decide who is allowed to be near you throughout the process. If you need extra support from an unbiased source, St. Elizabeth’s also offers free counseling services to give you another listening ear as you navigate these new waters. Our staff is dedicated to helping you find answers, solutions, and support.

4. Know Your Options

First, know that you have options! You are not pigeon-holed into one solution. Consider which of three options are best for you and your child: adoption, abortion, or parenting your baby. Visualize yourself in each of these positions. How would you feel after making your decision? Can you picture yourself as a mother? Are you financially able to support a child yourself? These are all valid questions to consider to help you reach your final decision. This is another way that our counseling services can help you process your unplanned pregnancy.

5. Create Your Plan

Once you have settled on your decision, it is time to make your actionable plan. Consult with necessary doctors and professionals who can help you through your next steps. At St. Elizabeth’s, we connect expectant mothers with adoptive parents. We also help you with financial burdens and birth planning. If you choose adoption or find after birth that you are not able to parent your child, we can help you find a loving home for your baby in open, semi-closed, or closed adoptions!

Find Solutions To Your Unplanned Pregnancy In New Orleans

If you are determining your next steps for an unplanned pregnancy in or near New Orleans, St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help. St. Elizabeth’s is your safe haven for judgment-free care and counseling. We make sure that you know every option that is available to you and help you settle on the best decision for you and your baby. If you decide that adoption is right for you, we are prepared to help you find safe, loving homes for your child. Call us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message. We are here to support you with education and free resources during this time of uncertainty so that you can find your resolution.