Why You Should Contact Our Adoption Agency Near Lafayette

If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you can choose to keep your child, terminate your pregnancy, or place them for adoption. Both parenting your child and opting for abortion are permanent decisions that come with great emotional and financial consideration. With adoption through an established agency near Lafayette, you can instead connect your child to a home where they can receive the support they need. Don’t face the ups and downs of an unplanned pregnancy alone. Find help, care, and support from St. Elizabeth Foundation adoption agency near Lafayette! Are you wondering if placing your baby for adoption is the right choice for you? Here are five common reasons why birth mothers choose adoption for their children.

1. You Are Not Financially Ready for a Family

Having a baby and starting a family is expensive. In fact, raising a child to the age of 18 can cost over $230,000. While parenthood is a beautiful endeavor, it can be a large stressor if it comes when you aren’t financially ready. How can you offer your baby the best life possible? Adoption can give your child the opportunity to grow up in a household with the financial support, medical and educational access, and stability they need.  

2. You Are Too Young to Be a Mom

You may find that you are not yet ready to be a mom, especially at a young age. You may not have the time, means, or desire to take on the full-time responsibility of parenthood. Adoption can help you pursue the best outcomes for you and your baby! With our adoption agency near Lafayette, you can find a judgment-free zone for planning your adoption process and meeting prospective adoptive parents. If you opt for open or semi-open adoption, you can keep in contact with your baby and their adoptive parents while still being able to focus on your own growth.

3. You Don’t Want to Choose Abortion

It’s understandable to consider all of your options when determining what to do after an unplanned pregnancy. At St. Elizabeth’s, we make sure you know what options are available to you. Instead of jumping into a permanent decision, we urge you to consider the benefits of open, semi-open, or closed adoption types. Get in touch with us for free counseling services to understand each possibility ahead of you to find the right choice for you and your baby.

4. You Have Different Goals for Your Future

Your goals matter, and having a child may not be a part of your plan. You should be able to continue taking the steps towards reaching your goals. And at our adoption agency near Lafayette, we can help you move forward without sacrificing the well-being of your baby. Start by considering where you see your life in two years, five years, and ten years. If you do not see raising a child as a part of these objectives, let our caring workers at St. Elizabeth’s help you learn what adoption possibilities you can find.

5. You Want Your Child to Grow Up in a Two-Parent Household

As a single mother, you may wish for your child to grow up in a home with two present and supportive parents. If you face raising your child alone, choosing adoption can give your baby a future in a complete household. At St. Elizabeth’s, our adopting families consist of a mother and father who have been married for at least five years. These families are excited to introduce a baby into their homes and provide them with love, support, and care. We can help you find the right family for your child!

Work With Our Adoption Agency in Lafayette

If you would like more information on our adoption services or would like to speak with a member of our team, we would love for you to reach out to us at the St. Elizabeth Foundation. Our adoption agency is located near Lafayette in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Give us a call at 225-769-8888, or send us a message through our website. We look forward to giving you the guidance and support you need!

Unsure About Adoption in Louisiana? Read These Success Stories

Adoption is a beautiful process, but it also comes with many unknowns. For young women or couples that find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, you may not know where to turn for support. Or for parents who are yearning to grow their own families through adoption, you may be wondering how to get started with the process. Yes, the adoption journey can be stressful, but reaching the end is worth the travel. Let the encouragement of others help you get started on your own path to adoption! Read more about these inspirational success stories from the St. Elizabeth Foundation about adoption in Louisiana.

Advice For Birth Mothers

If you are not ready for parenthood, the news of pregnancy may not be a welcomed announcement. You may be a single mother navigating your options alone, or you and your partner may not be financially able to support a child. At St. Elizabeth’s, we make sure that you know every opportunity available to you. Start by reaching out to us. We educate you on the adoption process in Louisiana and counsel you on how to begin. And, we help build the bridge between you and adopting families so that you can choose the right home for your baby. We make sure that each husband and wife duo can offer a safe and loving home to a newborn. Kristy, one of our birth mothers, says that she found the match for her baby after reading her first profile book.

“​​I didn’t need to look any further. There was something about their book that completely connected with me. The second I read their profile I didn’t need to see any more. I knew. I knew that was the family.”

And remember—just because you choose to place your baby with an adopting family doesn’t mean that you are losing your relationship with them. You have the option for an open, semi-open, or closed adoption type which dictates the amount of contact you maintain with your baby and the adopting family. For birth mother Sherrard, she says that she is grateful her daughter can now experience “double the love” from her birth parents and adoptive parents. And, you have the support of the St. Elizabeth Foundation from start to finish. Rauyshiera opted for adoption after becoming pregnant at 18.

“I love them so much. They supported me 100% throughout the whole thing. Without them, I don’t know what I would have done.”

If you are searching for your best options after an unplanned pregnancy, we are here to help! You can also read more adoption stories from birth mothers to learn more about what you can expect from St. Elizabeth’s.

Advice For Adopting Families

At the St. Elizabeth Foundation, we help parents with hearts for adoption find the newest addition to their family. Some couples may be unable to conceive, and others may want to offer a child a more loving and stable home than they would have received otherwise. Terri LeBlanc, one of our board members and adoptive mothers, decided to adopt after struggles with infertility. 

“I went from thinking I was devastated to not be able to get pregnant and have my own child to, once I laid eyes on my son, that all went out the window. It was no longer important. What was important is that I was a mother.”

No matter how your story begins, St. Elizabeth’s is here with kindness, encouragement, and counseling to help you prepare your hearts and homes for welcoming your child.

With adoption at St. Elizabeth’s, families in Louisiana can connect with birth mothers within the state. Bill Avery and his wife knew that they were passionate about adoption and were ecstatic to be able to adopt close to home.

“We were blessed just to be able to do it here locally. Our oldest was born here in town and we were actually there for the birth. Our youngest was born in Hammond and we didn’t quite make the birth, but we were there 30 minutes later.”

Start your process today by reaching out to us for a formal application. We will follow up with details to begin a home study and visit. And, find more stories from adoptive families on our website.

Start Your Adoption in Louisiana Today

Whether you are a birth mother looking for options for your baby or a family interested in adoption, you can find solutions at the St. Elizabeth Foundation in Louisiana. Get in touch with us today to learn more! Call us at 225-769-8888, or send us a message online. Our helpful staff will be in touch with you shortly to help you determine your next steps.

Find Parents to Adopt Your Child Near New Orleans

Are you an expectant mother in New Orleans trying to find parents to adopt your child? Figuring out your options while juggling the news of an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming. Find help and adoptive parents at the St. Elizabeth Foundation! We’ll help you understand every option ahead of you and offer free counseling to determine the best choice for you and your baby. While we know that adoption can be a tough decision, our agency is dedicated to making the process as stress-free as possible. Let us connect you with adopting parents to find the right home for your child!

How St. Elizabeth’s Helps You Find Parents Near New Orleans to Adopt Your Child

Adoption is not always easy. Many emotions can tangle into the process, like fear, anger, and guilt. You may worry that choosing adoption could strain your future relationship with your child. Maybe you feel angry about your pregnancy or guilty for wanting to “give up” your child. When you add the challenge of finding a safe, healthy family to adopt your baby, you may feel like the weight of the decision is too much to carry. At the St. Elizabeth Foundation, we make sure that you are supported and cared for every step of the way. And, we help to take the weight off your shoulders. This is why we want you to remember this: You have options ahead of you. You are in control of your decisions and your adoption. And finally, you are so much stronger than you may currently believe.

It all starts with reaching out. Get in touch with us at St. Elizabeth’s and connect with one of our counselors. They can help guide you through making an adoption plan. Next, it’s time to choose a family. Don’t worry—you don’t have to find parents to adopt your child on your own. We have a library of adoptive families who are eager to bring a newborn into their home. Read their adoption profiles, get to know their faces, and determine who you deem right for your baby. You can also decide if you want an open, closed, or semi-open adoption to determine how much contact you keep with your baby and the adoptive parents following the birth. 

You Are in Control

You are also in control of your pregnancy and delivery, with St. Elizabeth’s available to help along the way with finances. After your baby is born, it’s time to finalize the adoption. If you choose an open adoption, we can help moderate meetings for you, your child, and the adoptive family. Once the adoption process is complete, we are still available for post-placement counseling to help navigate the complex feelings that come with each stage of your adoption. In a city as large as New Orleans, it can be difficult to find the right parents to adopt your child—but not with the help of St. Elizabeth’s. We can help you work through the adoption process and find the perfect placement for your baby!

Find Options for Adoption at the St. Elizabeth Foundation

Don’t face the adoption process alone. Find compassionate care at the St. Elizabeth Foundation! Whether you are an expectant mother searching for parents to adopt your child or you are a couple looking to adopt, St. Elizabeth’s is ready to help you make the connections you need. Give us a call today at 225-769-8888, or send us a message to learn more about our agency and the assistance we can provide. Birth mothers are our priority, and we look forward to helping you however we can.

Abortion Alternatives: Find Adoptive Parents in Louisiana

Pregnancy can be an exciting experience—but this isn’t always the case. When unplanned and unintended, it can have the opposite effect. You may feel scared, confused, and alone. You may not know how to move forward. But not all is lost. St. Elizabeth Foundation gives you a resting place when life feels as though it has been turned upside down. Our Louisiana adoption agency offers you abortion alternatives through adoption. Let us help you determine the right plan of action for you and your baby. 

What Are Your Alternatives For Abortion In Louisiana?

Figuring out the next steps of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming. While abortion is often seen as the fastest “fix,” there are alternatives available to you. Adoption offers a fresh start for your child in the care of a loving, nurturing home. With an open adoption, you can remain involved in your child’s life even after the adoption process. You can stay in contact with the family and organize visits with your baby. On the other hand, if you decide that a closed adoption is better suited for you and your baby’s needs, your contact with the adoptive family will be minimal or fully confidential. The choice is yours, and St. Elizabeth is here to help you make the choice that is best for you.

Whatever you decide, we know that the process can be wrought with questions. Our counselors at St. Elizabeth’s offer free services to help you understand your choices. We provide a listening ear and compassionate advice so that you can find the answers you need.

Finding Caring Parents Through St. Elizabeth

If you have opted for adoption, choosing the best family for your baby can still be challenging. This can be a vulnerable process as you determine who will give your baby a safe, promising future. At St. Elizabeth, we have helped connect over 600 babies to adoptive parents. View our family profiles of eager, caring parents. Each of our adopting couples is made up of loving fathers and mothers who are ready to introduce a child into their loving home. From beginning to end, you are in control of the adoption process. Choose an open or closed adoption. Handpick the family that you deem right for your baby. Establish your hospital and delivery plan. 

We know that many factors go into this process. St. Elizabeth’s trained counselors are here to provide emotional support and financial guidance. We can help you figure out the healthiest steps for you and your baby. Our birth mothers come first, and we make sure that you know every option available to you. Our caring, judgment-free staff is here to make you feel comfortable, hear your worries and concerns, and walk with you through every step of your adoption journey. 

St. Elizabeth Foundation: Your Free Resource

If you find yourself in an unintended pregnancy, you may not know where to turn. St. Elizabeth Foundation supports you with free resources to help with counseling, medical costs, and connecting you with adoptive parents. We can supply you with abortion alternatives in Louisiana and support you throughout the process. Talk with our experienced counselors. Meet adoptive parents, and choose the right match for your baby. Find continued emotional support after birth and adoption with post-placement counseling. 
At St. Elizabeth, we give you a hand to hold as you navigate these new and uncertain waters. Our trusted, non-profit agency has offered care and solutions for unplanned pregnancy and adoption since 1988. We are ready to help you find adoptive parents for your child. Contact us today at 225-769-8888, or message us online. We are ready to help you make the decision that is right for you.

3 Reasons to Choose Adoption

If you’ve recently learned that you are pregnant and the pregnancy wasn’t planned, it can be a challenging experience. You may be thinking about your own future as well as the future of your unborn child. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face these challenges alone. There are several choices available to you, even if it can seem difficult to decide the best way forward. St. Elizabeth Foundation has helped hundreds of mothers find loving families for their children. So, if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, it may be a good idea to consider some of the reasons why adoption could be the best choice. Learn more about the adoption process and discover how St. Elizabeth Foundation continues to help mothers just like you. 

3 Advantages of Choosing Adoption

Again, if you’ve learned that you are pregnant and the pregnancy was unplanned, it can be wise to take some time to weigh your options before deciding what to do next. If you choose adoption through St. Elizabeth Foundation, there are several advantages that can come with it. Learn more about these benefits to see if adoption could be the right choice for you.


One of the biggest and most immediate benefits of choosing an adoption plan with St. Elizabeth Foundation is the invaluable support it can provide for birth mothers. In addition to offering emotional support from caring and experienced counselors, we can also provide monetary assistance with living, medical, and legal costs. So, from the start of your pregnancy to the completion of your adoption plan, we are with you.

Choosing Your Child’s Family

When you choose an adoption plan with St. Elizabeth Foundation, you also have the option to choose your child’s family. Each family is carefully screened to give birth mothers added peace of mind before making a decision. Once a birth mother is ready to begin the process, she can explore individual profiles of families who would like to adopt. These profiles contain important information about each family, including a biography and photographs as well as their plans and hopes for the future. In addition, you can also meet with a family before making your decision to help you feel more secure in your choice. Ultimately, you have the final say when it comes to the family that will raise your child.

Potentially Greater Opportunities

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and are considering adoption, the choice may not be simple. However, if you are concerned with the child’s best interests and would feel better knowing that a loving family is ready to welcome them, it can be a relief. However, it’s also helpful to know that adoption can also be beneficial for the birth mother as well. Instead of giving up on dreams or career goals to care for a child, it’s possible to continue pursuing both. Did you know that women who place a baby for adoption in Louisiana tend to: 

  • Have better-paying jobs.
  • Finish high school more often.
  • Get more job training and education.

So, it’s worth considering the potential positive impact on both yourself and your child when it comes to adoption.

If You’re Struggling With an Unplanned Pregnancy, Explore Adoption

If you aren’t sure what to do next, it could help to speak with a St. Elizabeth Foundation counselor. This conversation is judgment-free and confidential with the goal of helping you find the choice that’s right for you, even if it isn’t adoption. To get in touch with us, call 225-769-8888 or contact us online. When you feel like there’s no one out there who you can talk to, we’re here for you.

Unplanned Pregnancy: How Adoption Can Be the Best Choice

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you have the power to choose what happens next for yourself and your unborn child. Sometimes the choice can seem overwhelming. And, it isn’t always clear which path will be the best one. For over 30 years, St. Elizabeth has helped women navigate these decisions. These women have spoken with our counselors, discussed their concerns, and gained the insight needed to take the next steps, regardless of whether it was adoption or not. But, those who choose adoption through St. Elizabeth gain vital support during this challenging time. And that can provide a huge benefit for expectant mothers who may feel alone. Have you recently learned that you are pregnant and don’t know what to do? Discover the advantages of speaking with St. Elizabeth Foundation, an adoption agency serving New Orleans. And, learn about the support that St. Elizabeth could provide for you. 

Where to Start

Before you choose what to do next, it can be a huge help to evaluate your situation, your goals, and whether you are ready to handle the responsibilities of becoming a mother. If you are thinking of raising the child, it’s important to consider whether you can afford to care for a baby and if you will have the time and support to do so. However, if you are considering adoption, you need to ask yourself if you will be able to part with the child. For many, this can be a very difficult question, but it’s also an incredibly important one. But, one of the benefits of choosing St. Elizabeth Foundation is that you have the opportunity to select the family that will care for your child. 

There are many loving, excellent families who would love to care for a child but may not be able to have one on their own. Our adoption agency has helped more than 600 children find caring homes where they can be loved. And, if you choose St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can explore several potential families to choose the one that you believe would be best for your child. This can give you additional peace of mind, getting to know and understand the family who will welcome your child into their home.

How St. Elizabeth Foundation Helps During and After Your Pregnancy

If you decide that adoption would be best for you, we are with you through the process and beyond. We can provide assistance to help with your living, medical, legal, and counseling costs. And, even after the adoption process is finalized, we continue to support mothers with counseling services if and when they need them. Because, even when you know you’ve made the right choice, it isn’t always an easy one. But knowing you can speak with someone who understands your situation can be so much better than trying to handle it on your own. 

Are You Seeking an Adoption Agency Serving New Orleans?

If you’ve recently learned you are pregnant and aren’t sure what to do next, St. Elizabeth can help. We offer no-pressure, no-judgment, fully confidential counseling to help you make the choice that would be best for you, even if it isn’t adoption. Call us at 225-769-8888 or contact us online to speak with a member of our staff. We will listen and work with you to help you understand your options and make the decision that’s right for you.

Unwanted Pregnancy: The Choice Is Yours

Unwanted pregnancies can happen at any time. And usually when it’s a super difficult time for you too. But when are unplanned pregnancies ever easy? That being said, it can be super easy to panic in a time like this. And that’s okay! Take your moment. But after your moment, it’s time to make a decision. Discover what choices lie before you with your unwanted pregnancy from our Baton Rouge adoption agency.

Your Choices

Many expectant mothers feel as if they have no other choice. But that’s not the case. Don’t let anyone else make you feel like the choice is not yours. You have the bodily autonomy to make that decision for yourself, and we are here to help you make whatever decision is best for you. Take a look at some of the decisions you can make and consider some of the questions you need to ask yourself.


Ask yourself—can you afford this child right now? Are you in the right emotional state to take on another person? If you are unable to care for a child right now, could you handle them possibly being taken away to foster care? Do you have a support system? These are all hard questions that you need to ask yourself because sometimes parenting can be a hard choice.


Do you have an emotional support system available? Do your religious or spiritual beliefs make you question this possibility? Would you possibly regret this decision later? Is it possible to make this decision in my area? Are there current laws making this difficult? As a hot topic right now, it might be difficult to achieve this if it is what you choose. It may be beneficial to research the laws in your area and seek out emotional support.


While it may seem like the easiest choice to some, there are still some questions you should ask yourself. For example—can you part with this child? Will you be able to choose the child’s family? Will you be able to receive support emotionally, financially, and medically? What about the child’s new family? Are they someone that you can trust to raise a well-adjusted child? These are all important questions. And we’re sure you have more. Thankfully, if you have an unwanted pregnancy, our Baton Rouge adoption agency is here to help you. 

Choosing Adoption

If you choose adoption, St. Elizabeth Foundation is able to help you. All you have to do is begin our process for expectant mothers.

After you reach out to us, one of our counselors will meet with you to discuss your options. And, if you choose adoption, we can begin making an adoption plan! This also means that you get to choose the family for your child. Because we use a thorough screening process, we can provide a variety of safe and secure options for you to choose from. 

But that’s not the only choice you make. We want you to be in control every step of the way. And we’ll be there to support you every step of the way as well. Our team is here to provide pregnancy assistance to help with your living, medical, legal, and counseling needs. 

Speaking of choice, you can also make the decisions you feel comfortable with when it comes to planning the birth of your baby. No matter if you choose an open, closed, or semi-open adoption—we’re here after the fact. That’s also why we offer post-placement counseling to ensure that you’re okay emotionally. If you have more questions about what we can do for you, feel free to give us a call.

Have an Unwanted Pregnancy? Contact Our Baton Rouge Agency

Ready to begin with St. Elizabeth Foundation? If you’re going through an unwanted pregnancy, our Baton Rouge agency is here to help. Just get in contact with us by calling 225-769-8888 or emailing info@stelizabethfoundation.or. We look forward to helping you make the best decision for you.

Understanding the Adoption Process at our Baton Rouge Agency

So—you and your spouse have decided that you want to have a baby. And, you decided that you want to adopt that baby. This is a beautiful choice that many parents choose each year as a way to grow their family. However, it can be a little confusing to know where to begin the process. But don’t worry. St. Elizabeth Foundation is here to help you through the adoption process with our Baton Rouge professionals. Trust us to help you find your baby in a way that makes the situation easier for you and your family.

When You’re an Expectant Mother

Some agencies tend to neglect talking about the mother’s process. However, we like being thorough and want to help everyone involved in the adoption process. And this is especially true for the mother.

Depending on who you are, the first step might be the easiest or the hardest part. This first essential step is simply to reach out to us. Feel free to call, email, text, or even just chat with us. This leads to the next step—counseling. During this part, one of our counselors goes through all of your options and helps you figure out the right choice for you. If you do choose to go with adoption, the next choice is to choose the family. Because we want you to have as much choice as possible, mothers at St. Elizabeth get to choose the family who will be accepting the child. 

Every adopting family at St. Elizabeth meets our standards and regulations and is one of the best choices available in Baton Rouge. As you continue with the pregnancy, our team is here to offer pregnancy assistance in whatever way possible. This could be living, medical, legal, or even counseling costs. After the baby is born, we help you and your chosen family finalize your adoption plan. The process changes from here depending on what type of adoption you choose. And even after everything is said and done, there is still more to do. Because we know that this is an emotional decision and process, we’re still here after the birth to offer post-placement counseling

Adopting As a Couple

Of course, everything is different on the other side. Before you begin the process at St. Elizabeth Foundation, your family must first meet our qualifications. To qualify, prospective adoptive parents must be a married couple who have been married for a minimum of five years. If you meet these qualifications, you can apply to officially begin. After we review this application, we then begin the home study process. Please be aware that this does take some time. While this may be frustrating for some, it is simply so we can confidently provide our expectant mothers with the best possible family for the child. During the home study process, families must undergo background checks, a visit to the physical environment, assessments of emotional and relationship stability, and a parenting philosophy discussion.

We also provide prospective parents with our education program. This program helps by informing parents about the unique attributes of adoptive parents, how to help your child understand adoption, and more. Prospective adoptive parents will also create a family profile book to describe themselves to any mothers looking for adoptive families. Once a birth mother does choose you to parent her child, it’s our job to help your family process and finalize your adoption by the court. Depending on the type of adoption this is, things can progress differently from here. But that’s why we’re here to help. If you have any questions about the adoption process, feel free to get in touch with our Baton Rouge professionals, and we can answer any questions you may have. 

Begin the Adoption Process in Baton Rouge Today

We understand this can be a challenging time. But our professionals are here to assist you throughout the adoption process. So, feel free to get in contact with us today by either giving us a call at 225-769-8888 or sending us an email at info@stelizabethfoundation.o.

How to Prepare for Explaining Your Adoption Plan to Friends and Family

Deciding to place a baby for adoption is a very big decision. For some women, adoption makes the most sense, and it can benefit both the birth mother and the child. And when you’ve made that choice, one of the next steps to take is explaining your decision to others. This isn’t always easy, but once you do, it can take some of the anxiety off your shoulders. And when you place your baby for adoption in Louisiana with St. Elizabeth Foundation, we support you through it all. We understand the challenges you are facing. And we want to help you meet those challenges and find a brighter future for you and the child. Learn how you can prepare before telling friends and family about your adoption plan. And see how St. Elizabeth can provide you with extra support.

Preparing to Tell Others About Your Adoption Plan

Before telling others about your plan, be ready for the possibility that they may not take it well initially. Even when you know you’re making the right decision, others still may not understand. Especially when it comes to a decision as personal as adoption. 

Be prepared for a conversation that could become emotional. They may express surprise and confusion similar to how you felt when you first learned you were pregnant. So it’s essential to try to remain patient because they may react out of surprise. 

Also, it’s important to understand that you can’t control how other people will react. They may say things to try to change your mind. But remember that the only person who can make this choice is you. And you need to make the decision that you think will be best for yourself and the child. So listen to what others have to say and do your best to stay positive. And understand that this may be a lot for them to take in.

Also, it can help to make a list of the why reasons adoption makes the most sense for you. Women who place a child for adoption tend to have higher-paying jobs, for example. And they may be more likely to finish high school. Also, they may receive more job training and education after high school. Note your reasons for choosing adoption so you can keep them in mind when you need to.

Getting Support From St. Elizabeth Foundation

Something to remember is that no matter how others react, we’re ready to provide you with support. St. Elizabeth helps with caring counselors who listen. They can also offer guidance when you need it most. And this includes before and after you’ve decided to tell friends and family about your adoption plan. Also, our counseling services continue even after the child is born. So, if you want someone to talk to, we’re here when you need us.

When You Decide to Place a Baby for Adoption in Louisiana, St. Elizabeth Foundation Is There for You

Making the decision to place a baby for adoption can be difficult. But when you make that choice with St. Elizabeth Foundation, we work with you each step of the way. We have assisted many other women in navigating their unplanned pregnancies. And we have also helped many children find loving homes and welcoming families. If you’ve decided that adoption would be the best choice for you, get in touch with us. Call St. Elizabeth at 225-769-8888 or contact us online. We’re always ready to talk about your unique situation and help you find the support you need.

How Adoption Can Make the Most Sense

When you first find out that you’re pregnant, it can create a flood of different emotions. Sometimes this includes joy and excitement about becoming a mother. But when the pregnancy isn’t planned, it can also create feelings of fear and anxiety. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we understand this can be a difficult time, especially when your pregnancy is unexpected. But, when you choose to place your child for adoption in Louisiana, it can help you take charge of your life again. Learn how St. Elizabeth can provide crucial support for pregnant women to help them feel empowered during a difficult time.

What to Expect

When you learn that you’re pregnant, it’s important to understand that you have options. This is why St. Elizabeth provides caring counselors who can help you better understand those options to make the decision that’s best for you. They won’t judge you. However, what they will do is provide you with information and guidance that helps you navigate these tough choices. 

And, if you choose to place your child for adoption in Louisiana—we are ready to support you from day one. You can choose the type of adoption plan and hospital plan you want. And you will ultimately decide who will be your child’s adoptive family. And there are many caring families who would love to welcome a child into their loving home.

You don’t have to worry about making these decisions alone, because we’re here for you. We ultimately want this process to make things better for everyone involved. And this includes you, the baby, and the baby’s adoptive family. So you can expect support from us from beginning to end—and even after that! Because we also provide counseling after the birth for as long as you need it.

Potential Advantages You May Not Have Expected

After placing a child for adoption, many women can feel an increased sense of empowerment and confidence. And that can translate into a brighter future. For instance, did you know that many pregnant women who place a child for adoption in Louisiana tend to have higher-paying jobs? And they may also be more likely to finish high school. In addition, they may receive more job training and education after high school. 

Also, when you choose adoption through St. Elizabeth Foundation, we’re with you all the way. We can offer assistance to help you with many of the fees associated with your pregnancy. And this includes your living, legal, medical, and counseling costs. So you won’t have to worry about facing these challenges by yourself.

Wondering If It’s the Right Choice to Place Your Child for Adoption in Louisiana? We Can Help

If you’re thinking of placing your child for adoption in Louisiana, it’s time to speak with a trusted adoption agency. St. Elizabeth Foundation is a licensed non-profit organization that has been dedicated to improving lives through adoption since 1988. And we want to help you find the best way forward. Please give us a call at 225-769-8888 or contact us online. When you’re ready to explore your options, we’re here for you.