Why Are Women Choosing Adoption vs Abortion?

After learning of an unplanned pregnancy, birth mothers have several opportunities available, ranging from keeping their baby to choosing a new home for the child. You may know immediately that parenting your baby is not the right decision for you. For many women, this decision then comes down to two options: adoption vs abortion. How do you determine which of these is the right choice? Discover just a few of the reasons why birth mothers are choosing adoption over abortion.

1. You Aren’t Ready to Be a Parent

You may not be ready to be a parent for many reasons. And you shouldn’t feel guilty about this! In many circumstances, age can play a major role in this decision. Young birth mothers may not be ready to take on motherhood or may not have the resources needed to raise their babies. Even for older mothers, an unplanned pregnancy may not come at the right time. No matter your reasoning, you should never feel pressured into your decision. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer professional counseling to help you work through the complex emotions and decisions that come with an unplanned pregnancy. And we empower you to make the decision that is right for you.

If you do not feel confident that parenthood is the right choice for you, you may be considering the benefits of adoption vs abortion. Abortion is a very permanent decision—one that can leave you with regret and countless what-ifs. Not only does adoption take the responsibility and stress of parenthood off your shoulders, but it also places your baby in a safe and loving household. This gives you the freedom to move forward knowing that both you and your baby have abundant opportunities ahead.

2. You Aren’t Financially Able

The USDA found that on average, the cost of raising two children in a two-parent, middle-income household is over $233,000. This already challenging expense can be even more difficult for a single parent. While having a child can be a wonderful experience, this may not be financially plausible. And for this reason, many women may pursue other options when faced with an unexpected pregnancy.

Abortion is no small cost, ranging from hundreds of dollars to over $1000. Since abortion procedures are illegal in many states, the price of travel to a practicing state, room and board, and time lost at work can stack on top of an already expensive procedure. 

However, the costs of adoption vs abortion can be as drastically different as night and day. Adoption can remove the financial burden placed on mothers by eliminating out-of-pocket expenses. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we even provide financial aid for living, medical, and legal expenses during your pregnancy. If you are interested in learning more about the financial assistance you can receive during your adoption process, speak with a member of our team today.

3. Parenting Doesn’t Align With Your Future Goals

What is your vision for your future? It is perfectly fine if parenthood is not one of the stepping stones in the goals you have set for yourself. But what happens if you experience an unplanned pregnancy along the way? This may lead you to choose between adoption vs abortion. Just as you have planned for your long-term achievements, we encourage you to consider the success your baby could achieve as well. 

By placing your child for adoption, not only do you have the opportunity to continue pursuing your goals, but your baby can also grow and thrive with their adoptive family. Adoption gives you the power to pursue your professional and educational dreams. And it also gives your child the chance to do the same. If you opt for open adoption, you can watch your child grow up in a happy, healthy environment and encourage them to pursue their goals, too.

4. You Want To Give Your Baby Better Opportunities

The choice of adoption vs abortion can be a difficult decision. An expectant mother may not have the means to financially support a child. Or, they may not be able to provide them with the stability they need. Choosing adoption may require sacrificing your desire to raise your child in order to selflessly provide them with better opportunities. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we know how big this decision is, and we are here to support you as you pursue a loving future for your baby. Know that choosing adoption does not take away your place in your child’s future!

Our adoption agency specializes in open adoptions which allow birth mothers to remain in open communication with their baby and the adoptive family. Not only do we support you as you find the right home to place your bay, but we also help form the bridge between you and your child’s new home. With this decision, your baby can experience both your love and that of their adoptive parents. If you would like to discuss open adoption, our experts can help you understand the details and begin the adoption process.

Considering Adoption vs Abortion? Discover Your Options Through St. Elizabeth Foundation

If are deciding between adoption vs abortion, St. Elizabeth Foundation can offer a listening ear as you explore your options. Our kind and compassionate counselors make sure you have all the knowledge and resources you need to make the right decision for you and your baby. And if you choose to place your baby for adoption, we can help you determine your birth plan and connect you with adopting families nationwide. Simply get in touch with us at 225-769-8888 or send us a message for more information. 

3 Abortion Alternatives Birth Mothers Should Know About

What do you do after the news of an unplanned pregnancy? You may worry that your options are limited. Luckily, you have many possibilities ahead of you aside from abortion. At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we empower you to make the best decision for you and your baby, from raising your baby to placing them with loving guardians or adoptive parents. Let us explain three abortion alternatives to help you find the right option for you.

1. Parenting

Choosing to parent your baby is one of several positive abortion alternatives. Depending on your circumstances, you may be the sole caregiver of your baby or you may choose to co-parent with the baby’s father. While the initial news of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, you may be open to the idea of motherhood. With the support of friends, family, and counseling services, choosing the path of single parenthood can become less daunting. And if you choose to co-parent with the baby’s father, you can share the experience of raising your baby together.

Are you unsure if you are ready to take on parenthood? At St. Elizabeth Foundation, we offer free counseling services for expectant mothers in the midst of unplanned pregnancies. Speak with one of our trained counselors in a safe and loving environment to discuss parenthood and other placement options.

2. Legal Guardianship

If you are not ready to parent your baby but would like to remain in contact with them, you may be able to place your baby into legal guardianship. This role is typically fulfilled by a close friend or family member who agrees to take on legal custody. This guardian raises your child until you are able to regain custody. While they are in the care of this guardian, you have the opportunity to visit and discuss major decisions for your child, like schooling and healthcare.

Many circumstances may keep you from being able to parent your baby after learning of an unplanned pregnancy. Financial issues, health concerns, legal matters, and more may need to be resolved before you can accept full custody of your child. Choosing legal guardianship can bridge the period until you are ready. 

However, legal guardianship may come with its own challenges. This can place strain on your relationship with the chosen guardian. And, you may face opposing views on parenting. In addition to the struggles you may face with legal guardianship, remember that this can greatly impact your child, too. Inconsistent parenting and changes in living arrangements can be traumatic for children, especially during their developmental years. Make sure to choose your baby’s guardian wisely. 

3. Adoption

For some, parenting or legal guardianship may not be possible. Due to financial matters, family relationships, the absence of a spouse or partner, or other conflicts, you may be unable to keep your baby. Or, motherhood may not align with your goals in life. And you may wonder what other abortion alternatives are available. 

With the help of St. Elizabeth Foundation, you can begin the process of placing your baby for adoption. Through adoption, you can provide your baby with a loving home and a safe environment to grow. Like legal guardianship, adoption allows you to stay in contact with your baby, depending on the openness of your adoption. Our adoption agency specializes in open adoption, meaning that once your baby is adopted you can still keep in-person or virtual contact with them.

You have several options within the realm of adoption, as well. If you prefer a confidential adoption, St. Elizabeth Foundation can facilitate a closed adoption. This keeps your identity anonymous to the adopting families throughout the entire process. Once your baby is officially placed, no contact with your baby or the adoptive family is necessary. One of the experienced social workers at our adoption agency can help you understand each type of adoption and determine which is best for you.

Discover Abortion Alternatives With St. Elizabeth Foundation

We understand how overwhelming an unplanned pregnancy can be. Let us make sure you know all possible abortion alternatives. For counseling services and guidance on placing a child for adoption, reach out to St. Elizabeth Foundation. Start by sending us a message or calling us at 225-769-8888. Don’t feel like your options are limited! Find care, support, and solutions through our adoption agency.