Teri Casso
Community Member
The process of making an adoption plan is very much for a birthmom like the process of infertility treatments for an adoptive couple. They have a lot in common. They have ridden the same rollercoaster of emotion. They know grief. They know disappointment. And the miracle of it is when a couple who has known the grief of infertility comes in contact with and is blessed with a child of a woman who’s known the grief of poverty or lack of ability at the time to parent a child. So, it’s kind of a miraculous meeting of two people from different worlds who need each other.

Kristin Aucoin
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
You can expect that we will always be there for you. We are always available, 24/7. Whenever you need to call us, whenever you need to contact us, we are always there for you -- to answer your questions, to give you support, to help you go through this process.

Carolyn Morris
Administrative Assistant
As they go through the process, they go through all the stages of grief, and it is absolutely amazing to see them come out the other side -- stronger, more sure of themselves, relaxed, and at peace with their decision. And it's sometimes just absolutely phenomenal to see what they do with their lives -- which the really couldn't have done, had they kept that child and had to deal with that child on a day-to-day basis.

Emily Distefano
Board Member
The defining moment was when they placed Christina [our daughter] in our arms. And you just know that this baby was meant for you. And it’s just divine intervention that this is how your family is going to be made, with this baby that you’ve just held for the first time that was born just hours before.

Lillie Petit Gallagher
Director Emerita
It's very difficult sometimes for couples who are unable to conceive a child biologically to come to the decision that adoption is a way to build a family. And a lot of couples will say "Am I going to be able to love this child?" Well, any couple that you talk to that has built a family through adoption, the minute they see that baby they wondered "Why was I so foolish to ask that?"